Chapter 8: It's Been A While

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Godzilla grimaced silently as he now sat across the table from his father. They had decided to go back up to his and Mothra's room to discuss things before they left. Mothra, also silent, poured them each a cup of tea before taking a seat at the table as well. She looked from Godzilla, who was silently seething with rage, to Gojira, who was calmly and awkwardly looking at his teacup as he tapped it with his finger. Mothra decided she should be the one to break the silence. She drew a deep breath and turned to Gojira.
"So... how did you find out Godzilla and I were here?" She asked. She was trying to sound as polite as possible.
"Your buddies at Monster Island told me." Gojira explained, picking up his cup. "I was hoping to catch you there, but I figured I'd meet you here instead."
Mothra nodded, trying to appear interested, and turned to Godzilla, who still said nothing. He just stared, eyes narrowed and arms crossed. He hadn't even touched his tea. Gojira noticed this as well, and exhaled deeply. He decided he should be the one to speak next.
"Anyway, so you two got hitched. Guess I should say congratulations, huh?" He chuckled.
"Yes, Godzilla proposed about 9 months ago." Mothra smiled, showing off the ring proudly.
"Huh... that ring looks kinda familiar." Gojira raised an eyebrow. He recognized the ring as the one he had proposed to Gojirin with. He looked at Godzilla now, more aggitated than he was before. "That's your mom's ring. Where'd you find that?"
"Why do you care?" Godzilla snapped. Mothra glared at him.
"Godzilla, take it easy." She said.
"Hey, if he's got something to say, let him say it." Gojira said, crossing his arms.
"Oh, I have something to say alright." Godzilla muttered, narrowing his eyes. "How about you explain to me how you faked your death? And then maybe you'd like to explain why you did it."
"That first one's easy." Gojirin said, taking another drink from his teacup. "I didn't fake anything. I thought I was gonna die after that fight with Kaiser, and I was fully prepared for it too. But to my surprise, I didn't. Or at least if I did, something brought me back. I still have no idea what it was, but it felt like something was... protecting me."
"Well, the energy you released when you shot into the sky was what brought me back to life." Mothra reminded. "So maybe it was what brought you back too."
Godzilla understood what they were talking about somewhat, but he was still angry. "So you didn't think to come back to Monster Island? You didn't think that maybe I'd like to know that my father was still alive?"
"Look, something may have brought me back, but I was still way too weak to do anything." Gojira explained. He was starting to get angry now too. "I had to take some time to regain my strength. Then I had to get Stenz and his gang off my ass, since they want to make me their little puppet again."
Godzilla's eyes narrowed. This made sense too, since he knew the American government was planning on restarting their cyborg program after the resurrection of Admiral Stenz. He remembered that Gojira was part of the program after his first death, against his will of course. Back then, he was known as Kiryu. He had been combined with mechanical parts that made him a cyborg under the governments control. What nobody knew was that Gojira retained some of his memories, and didn't much like being told what to do.
"I have connections with the government, I could have helped." Godzilla responded. Gojira scoffed at this remark.
"Since when the hell are you tied up in human bullshit?" He snapped.
"Since when did you start caring?!" Godzilla shouted, standing up suddenly. Gojira stood up as well, bumping the table in the process, nearly spilling the tea. Mothra managed to catch her cup before it fell over.
"Okay, both of you need to calm down." She asserted. Both men ignored her.
"You think I didn't want to tell you sooner?" Gojira said. "You really think I didn't enjoy the fact that I was alive again? I wanted nothing more than to tell you!"
"Oh yeah? I have a hard time believing that." Godzilla growled, approaching him closer. "I've learned a lot about our family since you've been gone. I've learned a lot about the things you've kept from me!"
"Oh boy..." Mothra muttered to herself, nervously tapping her foot. She knew whatever Godzilla was about to bring up, it would only result in more shouting.
"...What are you talking about?" Gojira demanded.
"How about the fact that I have a sister?" Godzilla spat. Gojira seemed to be taken aback by this.
"She's... alive?" He asked. His defences dropped, but he wasn't about to let Godzilla back him into a corner.
"Yeah, and she was living with us for years before I found out who she was!" He said. "Why did you never tell me about her?"
"Because I wanted to protect you!" Gojira shouted. "The more you knew about her, and what happened to her and your mother, the more you'd be in danger!"
"That's a lie, and you know it." Godzilla growled. "The reason you never told me anything about them is because you're nothing but a coward!"
Now Gojira had heard enough. If there was one thing he hated in the world, it was being called a coward. Without another word, he pulled one of his swords from its sheath on his back and rushed at Godzilla. Godzilla himself barely had time to summon his mana blade and brace for impact before Gojira reached him. The force of the impact propelled both through the sliding glass doors on the balcony with a loud crash. Soon, the two were tumbling down towards the ground below, where a groundskeeping crew was just cleaning the mess from the MechaGodzilla attack. Luckily, the two landed in the pool rather than on the ground. Mothra gasped and ran to the balcony. Once she saw the two were safe, she went from being concerned to annoyed. She rolled her eyes and groaned in frustration.
"Ugh, men." She muttered. She hopped over the balcony and floated to the ground, just in time to see Godzilla gasp for air as he surfaced. He was met by a fist narrowly missing his face. Gojira had surfaced as well, and clearly he still wanted to fight. Before he could land a second hit, Godzilla splashed water in his face, and in the confusion, landed a hit of his own. Mothra watched the aquatic tussle for a few moments before she decided she'd had enough. She flew over the pool and grabbed Godzilla and Gojira by their collars, lifting them out of the water and tossing them onto the ground. They both landed on their backsides, while Mothra landed in front of them, hands placed on her hips.
"You two are ridiculous." She said, shaking her head. "Listen, I know you two have have your problems. But can we please put that aside and focus on the fact that an army of robots is going to attack us soon?"
"She's right." Godzilla agreed, standing up. "We've got bigger things to worry about."
"Oh, so you're gonna back down, just like that?" Gojira chuckled, standing up as well. "Who's the real coward here?"
"Shut up, old man." Godzilla snapped. Gojira was about to retaliate but both stopped when they heard the sound of a body falling. They looked over to see that Mothra had collapsed on the ground. Godzilla gasped and ran over to her.
"Mothra!" He called out to her. He lifted her off the ground and into his arms. Her eyes were closed and her limbs hung limply. She was knocked out cold. Gojira also made his way towards them.
"... Does she normally konk out like that for no reason?" Gojira asked. Godzilla shot him a glare.
"What do you think?" He snapped sarcastically.
"Well is she alright?" Gojira asked.
"Yeah... but her heartbeat is going crazy." Godzilla replied, feeling her pulse. He placed an ear to her chest. He could hear her breaths were quick and shallow as well. Not only that, but she was breaking out into cold sweats. Suddenly, she shot up and gasped, her eyes opening wide. She grasped onto Godzilla tightly. She was panicking.
"Mothra, it's okay, I'm here." Godzilla assured. He grasped her hand tightly. "What happened?"
Mothra suddenly froze before turning to face Godzilla. Her eyes were darting back and forth quickly, as if she was still in a dream.
"He's back..." She said. She was shaking. "I... I-I don't know how but he's back. He's alive, and he's coming for me. I can sense him... I can feel him..."
"Mothra slow down." Godzilla said, holding her tighter. "What are you talking about? Who's back?"
"The man who killed my parents... and me." Mothra whispered. "Desghidorah..."
On the last word, Mothra passed out again. Godzilla and Gojira looked at each other. Gojira recognized Desghidorah's name. He was Kiryu when it happened, but he was there during Desghidorah and X's attack too. He knew what he meant to Mothra.
"How is that possible?" Gojira asked. "You killed him yourself, right?"
"Yeah... but he's not the first person I've seen come back from the dead." Godzilla said glancing up at his father. Gojira nodded understandingly.
"In that case, maybe we can kick each other's asses later." He said, standing up. Godzilla scooped Mothra's unconscious form into his arms and stood up as well. While neither were sure how exactly she knew Desghidorah was back, Godzilla also knew she was rarely wrong about things like this. And if he was alive, that gave Godzilla even more fear about what or who Ghidorah may have in store for them.

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