Chapter 1: Resurection and Revelations

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A Spaceship, millions of lightyears from Earth

Gigan woke with a start. The first thing he remembered was being killed by Rodan. But...he wasn't dead. At least, he thought he wasn't. He tried to raise a hand, but found he was strapped down. He instead looked over at his hand, inspecting it. Still made of metal, but something was different. The metal seemed...duller. It wasn't as reflective as his previous hand. He checked the other hand, and sure enough, it was exactly the same. He looked up, and surveyed the room as much as he could. He was in some sort of laboratory. The walls were a deep blue, with control panels and monitors placed on a few tables here and there.
"So, you're finally awake." A voice said. Gigan couldn't tell where it came from. A figure stepped in front of him. He recognized the face.
"Godzilla?" He muttered. The figure laughed.
"Not quite." The figure said, in a noticeably deeper voice than Godzilla. Gigan recognized who he was now. This was definitely not Godzilla. Godzilla didn't wear blue and red armour with massive white crystals on the shoulders and back. And he definitely did not had glowing red eyes. Gigan knew exactly who it was.
"SpaceGodzilla." Gigan said.
"That's right." SpaceGodzilla said. "You're probably wondering how you're alive."
"Actually, yeah." Gigan responded. "I'm also wondering why I'm strapped down."
SpaceGodzilla turned and pressed a button on a control panel. Gigan was released from his bindings. He could now look around. The room was massive, with large white crystals jutting out from the floor and a large monitor on the wall, showing a model of Earth.
"After you perished, I managed to download your last minutes of consciousness and upload it into an new body." SpaceGodzilla explained. "You are a cyborg, after all. I based your new body using a few of your old ones, plus my own designs."
"Interesting." Gigan muttered, flexing his new fingers. He was now able to look at himself fully, and found that he was still wearing his regular clothes, though his shirt was dark yellow instead of grey. His hair was slightly darker silver and shorter, but one thing was missing.
"Looking for these?" SpaceGodzilla asked. He handed Gigan a pair of red glassed. Gigan took the glasses and put them on his face, remembering the familiar colour. He smirked, but still had a few questions.
"So why did you bring me back anyway?" Gigan asked. "Not that I'm ungrateful or anything."
"I am going to succeed where Ghidorah failed." SpaceGodzilla explained. "Your old leader was a fool, simply barging in without a proper strategy. I have been planning for quite some time, and know exactly what to do. Earth will be mine."
"If I'm not mistaken, you were defeated by the original Godzilla about 20 years ago." Gigan said, raising an eyebrow. SpaceGodzilla cringed at the thought. He remembered that day well.
"This time will not be the same." SpaceGodzilla assured. He gestured towards the large crystals jutting out of the floor.
"Now I have an army." SpaceGodzilla said. Gigan looked closely into the crystals, and saw something strange. Through the pearlescent exterior, he saw a humanoid figure. Focussing closer, he began to recognize who it was. It was someone he was quite acquainted with. Her dark green hair was the first thing to catch his eye.
"Biolante?" He whispered. Looking at another crystal, he was able to recognize the form of Destroyah, with his mask and armour still intact. He assumed that the other crystals held the rest of Ghidorah's old army. He turned back to SpaceGodzilla, expecting an explanation.
"These crystals have the ability to repair and recreate an entire genetic body." SpaceGodzilla explained. "They're derived from an old formula I found on an ancient island. I've taken the liberty of reviving some of your fallen comrades for my own army. Some of them didn't actually die, but I needed to repair them anyway. However, there is an issue about their memories."
"What about them?" Gigan asked. Truly, he was really only worried about Biolante.
"They will remain intact." SpaceGodzilla assured. "However, I can't let past memories of working with Ghidorah effect my plans. Until I take Earth, their memories will remain within this."
SpaceGodzilla held up a small red crystal. It pulsated, glowing softer and brighter at times.
"They will respond to my orders alone." SpaceGodzilla said. "And I suggest you do the same."
Gigan turned away from the crystals. He looked up at the monitor on the wall. It now showed three blurry pictures, each one showing a different figure.
"Who are they?" Gigan asked.
"Ghidorah's old army is a good start, but I'll need some new replacements." SpaceGodzilla explained. Gigan raised an eyebrow.
"Replacements?" He asked.
"Well, obviously I couldn't revive Ghidorah, Orga, or MechaGodzilla. Ghidorah would try to overthrow me, and the two cyborgs would simply slow us down." SpaceGodzilla said. "That Muto girl was out of the question as well. She was simply weak. So I found some new recruits." He pressed a button on the control panel, and the images enhanced themselves. The first image showed a figure in water. He had pale scaled skin, with dark red spiked hair. He appeared to have gills as well. The next showed a more feminine figure. She had dark green hair in two pigtails, and a demented look in her eyes, as well as a sadistic smile. The final image showed another masculine figure. He was wearing full armour, with a horned helmet and yellow visor. He held two metallic drill weapons in his hands. Gigan recognized the last one.
"I haven't seen Megalon in a while." Gigan said. "Not sure about the other two, though."
"Their names are Titanosaurus and Megaguirus." SpaceGodzilla explained. "I have their locations, but I need someone to go retrieve them."

Monster Island

The two swords clashed once again. Both Godzilla and Gamera were almost equally matched. Gamera was more heavily armoured, which gave him a defensive and strength advantage, but it gave Godzilla a speed advantage.
"So, 'Gamera', you still haven't told me how you knew my name." Godzilla said, still fighting.
"I knew your father, a long time ago." Gamera explained. "And under current circumstances, I need your help."
"Help for what?" Godzilla swung his sword out and hit Gamera straight on with an atomic beam. Gamera was barely scathed.
"An old enemy of yours is returning." Gamera explained. He raised his hand, shooting a ball of fire from his palm. Godzilla blocked the flame by slashing it with his sword. He charged at Gamera again, clashing swords a few more times.
"You remember SpaceGodzilla, correct?" Gamera asked. Godzilla did remember him.
"Yeah, the bastard kidnapped me when I was little." Godzilla recounted. "My father beat the tar out of him though."
Gamera chuckled. "I remember you were called Minilla back then, right?" Godzilla rolled his eyes and continued fighting. Gamera continued to explain.
"Either way, SpaceGodzilla's returning, and as the Guardian of the Earth it's my duty to defeat him." Gamera said. "But I can't do it alone."
"Guardian of the Earth? What are you talking about?" Godzilla asked. The two stopped fighting.
"I suppose I should have explained myself first." Gamera said, taking out his pipe again. He noticed the sun was going down.
"It can wait. Meet me back here tonight and I'll explain everything." Gamera said. He picked himself up and walked away into the forest. Godzilla was confused.
"Should I follow him?" He asked. Mothra walked over to him.
"I wouldn't." She said. "We'll get some explanations tonight, hopefully."
"I'm not sure if I trust him." Rodan said. "I mean, he just showed up out of nowhere. How do we know he isn't our enemy?"
"And more importantly, if what he says is true, SpaceGodzilla is returning." Ceaser said. Kong scratched his head in a confused fashion.
"Who's SpaceGodzilla?" He asked. Ceaser turned and explained.
"A few years ago, the original Godzilla's cells were brought into space by a group of scientists." He said. "The cells mutated inside a black hole, crystallizing into a malicious and super intelligent clone of Godzilla."
"Couldn't be bothered to pick a better name though." Moguera chuckled.
Godzilla remembered when SpaceGodzilla first appeared. He was just a kid back then. SpaceGodzilla kidnapped him in order to get to his father, the original Godzilla. That was also when he met Moguera. He remembered that SpaceGodzilla was far more powerful than Ghidorah, or any foe his father had faced before. If he was coming back, this could spell trouble. He looked over at the others, each with their own worried expressions.

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