Chapter 2: Explenations and The First Recruit

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Soon enough, night came. The group sat in a circle around a small campfire. A few minutes later, Gamera joined them.
"Alright, I suppose it's time for me to explain myself." He said, sitting down. "You see, a long time ago, the city of Atlantis resided in the middle of the ocean. The Atlantean scientists were set on discovering the secret to creating life. They created many failed experiments, but none more deadly than the Gyaos, a ferocious race of bat-like creatures. They ravaged Atlantis, along with much of the world, and as a last hope, the scientists created life once more. The experiment was successful, and a great warrior was born. He defeated the Gyaos, though he could not stop Atlantis from sinking under the sea. From that day foreword, the warrior became known as the Guardian of Earth. That warrior was me, Gamera."
The group listened intently to Gamera's story. Rodan was the first to speak.
"I always thought Atlantis was a legend." He said.
"That's all it is now." Gamera said. "However, it was very real at one point. But that was a very long time ago. A lot happened in between then and now, but that's another story."
"Alright, so how did you know my father?" Godzilla asked.
"We fought once." Gamera answered. "We became allies after, but I never saw him again."
"And you said SpaceGodzilla was returning?" Ceaser asked.
"Ah, yes, I almost forgot." Gamera said. "You see, when SpaceGodzilla first appeared, he acquired part of the secret for creating life discovered by the ancient Atlanteans. He can only restore life, not create it. I have reason to believe he is going to return and try to finish what Ghidorah started. As the Guardian of the Earth, I can't allow that to happen."
"And you need my help?" Godzilla asked. Gamera nodded.
"Yes. Honestly, the original Godzilla would have been better help, but I suppose you'll do." Gamera said, chuckling. Godzilla raised an eyebrow, but before he could reply, Mothra spoke.
"If you're the Guardian of Earth, where were you during Ghidorah's attack?" She asked.
"I only guard the Earth from the more powerful threats." Gamera responded. "And besides, Godzilla has been doing a good job of defeating Ghidorah so far."
Godzilla rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, I have." He said, pretending to be modest. Gamera stood up and removed his helmet, revealing his long dark blue hair.
"It's getting late." He said. "So if you'll excuse me..."
Gamera held out his hand, drawing the flames of the campfire into his palm. Within seconds, the fire was gone. The others were surprised, to say the least. Gamera bowed and walked away. Godzilla turned to Rodan.
"So, you trust him now?" He asked.
"I guess." Rodan shrugged. "But we'll see if he should be trustworthy."
"There's something about him, though." Mothra thought out loud. "He reminds me of someone I used to know..."
Godzilla nodded and got up. The rest of the team eventually dispersed from the circle, walking off into the night.

The middle of the Pacific Ocean

A small yellow submarine shot through the water. Gigan was driving it, sitting next to the recently resurrected Biolante. The two had been ordered to search for Titanosaurus, and had been tracking after him for the last few hours. Gigan had been attempting to talk with her to pass the time.
"So, you really don't remember anything?" Gigan asked.
"No. Should I?" Biolante asked. Her words hit him like a bullet train. SpaceGodzilla told him that he should try to refrain from reminding her and the others of their past lives. Still, he tried to make the best of it. He gripped the controls tighter and continued on.
"Never mind. Do you see anything on the radar?" Gigan asked.
"There's something a few miles off." Biolante said. "And it appears to have a strong heat signature. I think it's him."
Gigan looked over at the radar, and set a path directly for the red blip. Within minutes, they found the figure. It was, in fact, Titanosaurus. He had their back to them, and was swimming away quickly.
"I don't think he notices us." Biolante said.
"Activate the communication device." Gigan said. Biolante nodded and pressed a button on the control panel. A small microphone popped up in front of Gigan. He spoke into it.
"Titanosaurus, we would like to talk to you." The device enable whoever was in the submarine to communicate with someone in the water through radio waves. Titanosaurus heard them and turned around, giving them a good look at him. He had red hair and a sleeveless red and yellow wetsuit. He wore two red gauntlets and boots with 3 long spines on each of them. The strangest things were his eyes, which were completely black, like a shark. As Gigan had seen in the picture, he had gills on the sides of his neck. He raised an eyebrow and approached them.
"Speak into the outer microphone if you have anything to say." Gigan instructed. Titanosaurus looked for the microphone, and found it on the side of the main window. He spoke into it.
"What do you want?" He said. The voice sounded scratchy and coarse.
"SpaceGodzilla sent us to recruit you for his army." Gigan explained. "Interested?"
Titanosaurus scoffed. "No offence, but I want nothing to do with you or anyone right now." He said. He started to swim away. Gigan moved the submarine foreword, trying to follow him.
"Sorry, but SpaceGodzilla isn't taking no for an answer." Gigan said.
Titanosaurus turned and swam back to them. "I don't care what SpaceGodzilla is doing." He said. "I just want to be left alone. So take your little mini-sub and screw off."
He turned around and launched off the submarine, sending it back a few feet and speeding off into the darker waters. Gigan gritted his teeth, tightening his grip on the controls and sped after him. After a while, Titanosaurus got fed up. He turned towards the submarine.
"Alright, that's it." He growled. He sped towards the submarine at top speed. The glass cracked on impact, but managed to hold up. Gigan pulled back on the controls, but Titanosaurus retaliated by sending a massive whirlpool at them. They were completely immobilized, spinning in a single spot.
"This isn't good." Biolante said. "We're losing oxygen."
"Don't worry, I got this." Gigan said. He got up from the controls, and grabbed a small oxygen tank and mask.
"What are you doing?" Biolante asked.
"Recruiting." Gigan responded. He opened the door to the airlock and with a few seconds, he was out in the water. Biolante watched as he escaped the whirlpool and swam up to Titanosaurus. Gigan also had twin water jets attached to his feet, allowing him great speeds. The oxygen mask had a microphone in it, so Biolante could hear the conversation he was having with Titanosaurus.
"Will you stop pestering me?" Titanosaurus asked, not-so-politely.
"Sorry, but that's not an option."Gigan explained. "Now you could come with us, or I could kill you right now. Your choice."
Titanosaurus gritted his teeth. "I don't respond well to threats." He growled.
"Neither do I." Gigan said back. "And I doubt even you can fight properly underwater. However..." Gigan extended his arm into a sharp blade and held it at Titanosaurus' throat. "We could go with that second option." He continued.
Titanosaurus shoved the blade down and smirked slightly.
"You know what?" He said. "Your first offer sound's alright. I'll think about it. It might even be slightly enjoyable."
"You might want to think quickly." Gigan said. "I don't know how long SpaceGodzilla can wait."
Titanosaurus nodded and snapped his fingers. The whirlpool stopped. Gigan swam back to the submarine and Titanosaurus sped off into the ocean. By the time Gigan got back to his seat, the oxygen tanks were nearly 15% full.
"Take us up." Gigan said. Biolante nodded and pulled a lever next to her seat. Outside the submarine, the two water jets transformed into rocket propellers, and they shot up and out of the water. Soon enough, they were flying above the surface. Gigan took the controls again and they sped back towards Japan.

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