Chapter 4: The Final Recruit, The Plan, and The First Attack

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Ancient Underground Temple near Mt. Fuji

Krystalak and Obsidius walked through the empty corridors of the stone temple. Markings depicting an ancient god were all over the walls. The temple used to be full of a species known as the Seatopians, but they were all wiped out a few years ago. They worshipped Megalon as their god for many years. SpaceGodzilla insisted that he was still in the temple, but Krystalak had his doubts. After a few hours of walking through the rocky corridors, Krystalak gave up.
"He's not here." He said. "SpaceGodzilla's not gonna be happy about..."
Obsidius pointed behind him, causing Krystalak to raise a crystal eyebrow. "What?" He asked. "You know, sometimes I really wish you could talk." Obsidius gave a low growl and pointed to the wall, where a marking representing Megalon was drawn. He then pointed back behind Krystalak. Now he understood. Krystalak turned around to face a tall figure wearing dark green and gold armour. A crested helmet rested on his head with a yellow visor and a silver segmented mouthguard, giving the appearance of a large beetle. The figure was at least a half foot taller than Krystalak, and the armour added a few more inches to his height. Krystalak and Obsidius stepped back in surprise. This was Megalon, no doubt about it.
"Why do you seek me?" Megalon asked in a booming deep voice.
"We're...uh...we're here to recruit you for SpaceGodzilla's army." Krystalak said. "That is, if you're interested."
Obsidius growled in agreement. Megalon eyed the two intensely behind his visor.
"And if you don't mind me asking," Krystalak began. "What happened to the Seatopians?" Megalon became slightly but noticeably deflated as he asked this. "They were wiped out by radiation many years ago." Megalon explained. "Those who survived the radiation escaped the underground world, but died due to conditions on the surface. I am the last remaining survivor."
"Radiation? What do you mean?" Krystalak asked.
"The humans nuclear testing over the area caused radiation to seep into the ground." Megalon said, now slightly angrier. "All of this was the human's fault."
"Well, you're in luck." Krystalak said, a sly grin growing on his face. "SpaceGodzilla is going to take over Earth, and most likely a lot of humans will die. You'll have your revenge, if that is what you want."
Megalon pondered for a brief moment, and suddenly raised his arms. Two drill-like blades appeared on his forearms.
"Revenge sounds good." He said.

Kyoto, Japan

SpaceGodzilla looked over his new army. Unfortunately, Titanosaurus was missing, having not confirmed his alliance just yet. But without him, they were an impressive 11-man army, Gyaos included, against Godzilla's 8-man army. The army was currently standing in the control room, facing SpaceGodzilla, waiting for him to relay their strategy.
"I'm pleased you all could make it." He said. "Here is our plan. Before we do anything, we need to take out Godzilla and his army. We outnumber them by 3, so we should be fine."
"What about after that?" Destroyah asked. "What's the plan to take Earth?"
SpaceGodzilla chuckled. "After we kill Godzilla, it will be quite simple. You will each go to different countries all over the world and place one of these." He pulled out a small black crystal. It wasn't reflective in the least, in fact it looked like a shadow. "Once that is done, I will threaten the world that if they don't obey my every command, I will activate the crystals, causing a black hole to form, similar to the one that caused my birth."
Gigan raised an eyebrow. "So you'll threaten to destroy the world if they don't obey you?" He asked. "Seems a little dictator-ish"
"Quite." SpaceGodzilla nodded. "And there will be no one to stop us."

Monster Island

Godzilla and Gamera stood in the middle of a small arena. The others had gathered around to watch his and Gamera's sparring match. Kong and Rodan seemed especially into it, and surprisingly, Mothra was too. After many hours of training, Godzilla had completely mastered Mana energy. Gamera wanted to test his abilities, and Godzilla was never one to turn down a challenge. He drew his sword and Gamera did the same.
"I'll give you the first attack." Gamera said. "And don't go easy on me."
"You got it." Godzilla answered. He rushed towards Gamera and swung his sword at him. Gamera blocked the swing with his own sword, and shot a small blast of Mana at him. It hit Godzilla straight on, and made him fly back a little. He tried to attack again, but he suddenly collapsed. His entire lower body was numb.
"What the hell did you do?" He questioned.
"It's an immobilization attack." Gamera said. "I didn't teach you everything." He rushed at Godzilla, who was shakily getting back up. Their swords clashed again and again over and over. After a while, Godzilla jumped back and reared up his fist, charging it with Mana energy. He uppercutted Gamera, making him fly back into the other side of the arena.
"Impressive." Gamera said, rubbing his jaw. Godzilla materialized his Mana blade, which now resembled a solid katana with a blue and pink tint. It was a little bit shorter than his regular katana. He rushed towards Gamera again. Gamera retaliated by firing a Mana beam at him. Godzilla sliced at the beam, drawing the energy into his blade. He aimed both blades at Gamera, sending a massive beam of atomic energy and Mana energy at the same time. Gamera dodged the beams and ran at Godzilla. He jumped into the air and aimed a kick at him. Before the kick connected, his boot seemed to open up and shot out flame, like a rocket. He hit Godzilla in the side of the head. The flame burned him a little, but he healed quickly. He fired a few small blasts of Mana at Gamera, effectively rendering him immobile for a few seconds.
"Look's like you figured it out." Gamera said. Godzilla smirked, rushing at Gamera once more. "But there's one more thing I didn't teach you." Gamera quickly kicked upwards, breaking out of the immobilization. He hit Godzilla's Mana blade, making it shatter into small particles, like sand.
"If you don't focus, your Mana energy can disperse itself." Gamera explained. He quickly picked himself up and collected the Mana particles into his fist.
"However, others can still manipulate it." Gamera continued. He then punched Godzilla in the chest, creating a shockwave and sending Godzilla flying into a nearby rock. He groaned in pain.
"Alright, I give up." Godzilla said weakly. "You win."
Gamera nodded and sheathed his sword. The small crowd was cheering for both of them, though Mothra was a little more concerned for Godzilla. Gamera bowed and walked over to Godzilla, helping him up.
"You may not have been able to beat me," Gamera said. "But you came close. That's more than what most people can say."
"Makes me feel a lot better." Godzilla grumbled.
Mothra ran up to Godzilla, pushing Gamera out of the way.
"Are you alright?" She asked, obviously quite concerned.
"I'm fine." Godzilla assured. Mothra sighed in relief. Suddenly, a loud buzzing noise was heard. Godzilla looked up to find the source of the noise and found it. It was a large ship. It was a dark blue with white crystals on the top. It looked like a giant spiky flying tank. Godzilla recognized the ship immediately.
"SpaceGodzilla." He said. The ship was coming straight for the island. Gamera walked up behind him.
"It's time to put that training to good use." Gamera said. Godzilla nodded and turned to the others, drawing his sword.
"Alright, guys, get ready." He ordered. "This could turn ugly." Rodan drew his swords, Ceaser and Kong got into a battle stance, and three cyborgs readied their own weapons. Gamera drew his own sword, along with Mothra taking out her knife. Godzilla looked over his army. It was small, but he was sure they would be victorious. Finally, the ship reached it's destination, and hovered slowly over the island. SpaceGodzilla was the first to come down. He floated from the deck of the ship down to them, and walked up to Godzilla until they were face to face.
"Hello, Minilla." SpaceGodzilla addressed. "Oh, that's right. You go by Godzilla now, don't you?"
"Yeah, that's right." Godzilla growled.
SpaceGodzilla looked past Godzilla and at Gamera, who was crouched into a battle stance.
"Who's that?" SpaceGodzilla asked. Godzilla stepped in front of his gaze.
"None of your business." Godzilla spat.
"His existence puts quite a strain on my plans." SpaceGodzilla thought out loud. "We'll have to kill him first."
"What do you mean 'we'?" Godzilla asked, raising an eyebrow. He heard Mothra gasp behind him and looked up. Several figures were falling from the ship. By the time they landed, Godzilla recognized them. Ot was Ghidorah's old army, though apparently they were working for SpaceGodzilla now. Godzilla was confused, seeing as they had all died.
"Hey, Godzilla. It's been a while." Gigan said.
" died. You all died!" Godzilla said.
Gigan scoffed. "Not all of us." He said. "Those of us who did were brought back in some way or another by SpaceGodzilla. And we have a few guests."
Two other figures dropped from the ship. Megalon was the first, and landed hard on the ground, facing Godzilla and the others. Megaguirus landed more gracefully, instead hovering in the air in front of them. Jet and Mothra were the most surprised to see the two. Jet and Godzilla fought Megalon in their first encounter, and Mothra and Megaguirus had a bit of a rivalry.
"Impressed?" SpaceGodzilla asked, with an evil grin. Godzilla drew his sword, gritting his teeth.
"Not exactly." Godzilla growled. He turned to the others, and nodded, giving the order to attack. SpaceGodzilla gave the same order. The battle had begun.

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