Chapter 5: Mothra's Fall, Jet Jaguar's Breaking Point, and Gigan's Deception

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Mothra struggled to keep up with Megaguirus. The two girls zipped around the island at their top speeds. Obviously, Megaguirus was much faster than Mothra.
"You can't fly forever!" Mothra yelled at her.
"Yes I can!" Megaguirus yelled back in a teasing tone. She gave another insane cackle, which made Mothra feel a little disturbed. Mothra drew her knife and threw it at her in desperation, but it missed. She gave out another cackle. Mothra groaned and flew down to retrieve the knife, prompting Megaguirus to stop and turn around.
"And where do you think you're going?" She asked. She took three small needles out of her pocket and threw them at Mothra. They hit her in the leg, making her hiss in surprise and pain.
"What was...that..." Her eyes widened as she realized what they were. They were poison needles. She felt the venom kick in as she started getting tired. She struggled to keep flying, but eventually fell due to her fatigue. Megaguirus cackled as she watched her fall into the forest.
"Oh, this is going to be fun." She said. She flew down to the ground and saw Mothra lying face down in a puddle of mud. She was still alive, but struggling to breathe. Megaguirus knelt over her and rolled her over to look at her face. She was already covered in mud, and she had a few scratches, probably from falling into trees on her way down. She looked up at Megaguirus with a frightened look in her eyes. The poison paralyzed her entire body, including her ability to speak.
"Don't worry, it wasn't fatal poison." Megaguirus said. "You'll just be a little out of it for a while. I'm going to kill you myself."
Mothra's eyes widened as much as they could in her fatigued state as Megaguirus picked her up by the neck and punched her in jaw. She landed in a larger puddle, thankful that the poison stopped her from feeling anything, including pain. Megaguirus stood up, grabbed Mothra by the hair, and kneed her in the face. Mothra felt her nose break, but she couldn't do anything about it. The beating continued for quite some time. Eventually, the poison started to wear off. Mothra could feel her arms, and all the pain that was caused. She tried to scream, but all that came out was a hoarse groan. She looked up and saw Megaguirus walking towards her, holding a small patterned knife in her hand.
"Well, that was fun." She sighed happily. "But it's time to end this little game."
Mothra looked around as much as she could in her paralyzed state, looking for something to help her. She moved her hand slightly, and felt something cold and sharp. Her eyes widened. It was her knife! She looked back up, and saw Megaguirus standing over her, blade raised.
"It's over, Mothra." Megaguirus said. Right as she was about to bring the blade down, Mothra's arm shot up and grabbed her wrist. She quickly grabbed her own knife from the ground and sliced it at Megaguirus' eye. She screamed in pain, holding her hand over the eye, which was now bleeding profusely. Mothra brought her leg up, kicking Megaguirus in the chest and making her fall on the ground a few feet away from her. Mothra quickly got up and tried to run, but the poison hadn't fully worn off yet, and she could feel that her other leg was broken. She limped as fast as she could, wiping the blood and mud from her face. Megaguirus was still screaming and writhing in pain on the ground.

Small explosions littered the battlefield as Jet dodged another of Megalon's bombs. He looked around the open plain, looking for an advantage. Megalon threw another bomb, but Jet managed to punched it back at him. It exploded in his face, causing him to roar in anger. Jet got into a fighting stance. He was severely damaged due to their long fight. Much of his armour was cracked or missing, and his face mask had been knocked off. His face was now completely revealed. Megalon Got into his own fighting stance, with both of his drill arms spinning with a loud revving sound.
"You're a lot easier than when I last fought you." Jet said. "Getting old, you big bug?"
"I may be old, but age comes with knowledge." Megalon said back. The horn on his helmet glowed a bright yellow and shot a beam of lightning at Jet, electrocuting him. Electricity flowed through Jet's mechanical and biological body. He could barely stand up from the voltage. Megalon stopped the lightning, and Jet doubled over in pain, panting vigorously as small puffs of smoke came off of him. His eyes were wide with shock.
"For example, I know exactly how much voltage to fry your circuits." Megalon explained.
Jet tried to get back up, but found that his right leg was completely useless. The voltage had completely disabled it. Sparks flew from his joints as he tried to move it. Megalon fired another beam, and Jet felt his left arm fizzle and spark, just like his leg. The beam finally stopped, and Jet could barely breath. He couldn't get up now, with one leg and one arm disabled. Megalon took advantage of this, speeding foreword and kicking Jet in the chest. He flew into a large nearby rock. Jet tried to get back up, but Megalon flew over again and punched him with his drill arm, making the rock shatter behind him, and causing even more damage. Jet winced and groaned in pain. He managed to look up, just in time to see Megalon flying towards him.
"Time for plan B." Jet muttered, pressing a button on his disabled wrist with his good hand. Two small rocket jets opened on his back, and four small jets opened on his boots, one on each ankle and foot. He sped off, much faster than Megalon. He tried to aim himself upwards. He had just gotten off the ground when his left boot jet fizzled out.
"That's not good." Jet said. He crashed into a cliff. Megalon looked over at him in confusion, and started to walk over to him.

Gigan looked over the battlefield. From where he was standing, there was quite a bit of fighting going on. It looked like Godzilla's army was losing, but he had a feeling that would soon change. He had a plan. He slowly moved into the forest, when he was suddenly grabbed from behind and shoved into a tree. There was a blade pressed against his throat. The blades holder was none other than Rodan.
"And where do you think you're going?" Rodan said. Gigan looked behind Rodan to see Kong cracking his knuckles and Ceaser with glowing eyes and crossed arms. He had to think quickly.
"Listen, it's not what you think." Gigan said, trying to reason with them.
"Is that so?" Rodan asked. "Maybe you should try to explain yourself."
Gigan sighed and held up his arms, surrendering. "Look, the other's are under SpaceGodzilla's mind control. I'm not. I've been planning how to defeat him since I was resurrected. I have a pretty good plan, but you have to trust me."
Rodan scoffed. "And why would we do that?" He snapped.
"Because otherwise, you're all gonna die." Gigan said through slightly gritted teeth. "You can either trust me, or get utterly destroyed. The choice is yours."
Rodan contemplated this for a moment. He looked back at the others.
"It's worth a shot." Kong said. Ceaser agreed. Rodan turned back to Gigan and took his sword down, placing it on his back.
"Alright, we'll trust you." He agreed. "But I swear if you try anything, I won't hesitate to kill you on the spot."
Before Gigan could respond, he felt a strong gust of wind. The others felt it too. The wind got so strong that trees were nearly ripping out of the ground. Rodan looked up to see a small but powerful wind storm, and in the centre of it on the ground, was Titanosaurus.

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