Chapter 6: Gyaos Revealed and The Battles Continue

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Godzilla looked around the island. It was obvious that their army was losing. But he couldn't give up, at least not now. Gamera felt the same way. SpaceGodzilla was a formidable ally. He relied on strategy more than brute force, unlike Ghidorah.
"Impressive." SpaceGodzilla said. "You two have clearly trained for this battle. There's a small chance I could lose."
"Don't act so confident, you smug bastard." Godzilla hissed. "You haven't won yet."
He rushed foreword, slashing at SpaceGodzilla. He blocked each slash with his arm, which had been incased in hard crystal. He didn't notice Godzilla summon his Mana blade in his other hand and stab at him. The blade hit him, but barely did anything. SpaceGodzilla backhanded Godzilla, sending him back to his previous stance. The Mana blade shattered on the ground.
"It's true, I haven't won yet." SpaceGodzilla said. "However..." He gestured back to his ship. A large black object flew out. Godzilla was confused, but Gamera had a good idea what it was.
"No..." He said silently.
The object fell to the ground, revealing it's true shape. It was Gyaos, the creature from Gamera's past.
"Oh, so you know this creature, do you?" SpaceGodzilla asked.
"I was the one who wiped them out." Gamera said. The Gyaos seemingly recognized Gamera, and started snarling and screeching.
"I think he likes you." Godzilla joked. Gamera shot him a glare, and quickly turned his attention back to Gyaos. They both noticed that SpaceGodzilla was gone.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Gamera said to the creature. Gyaos snarled in agreement. It acted like a mindless animal, but it did have a small amount of intelligence. It let out a loud ear-piercing screech, prompting both Gamera and Godzilla to cover their ears. Then it started flying towards the two at high speeds. Godzilla attempted to block the attack by slicing at Gyaos's wing, but the attack barely did anything. Gamera shot a fireball at the creature, which only seemed to make it madder. He snarled and flew straight towards him.
"Time to finish what I started." Gamera said, readying his sword to slash at the beast.

Mothra had nearly escaped the cover of the trees. Her injuries weren't as worse as she had first thought. Her leg was broken, and she had scratches and bruises all over, but overall she was still alright. She could no longer hear Megaguirus screaming, so she knew she was pretty far. The poison had almost entirely worn off now. She still couldn't fly, but she could run, despite her broken leg. Suddenly she heard something from behind her. It was a scream, but not the same scream as before. Not a scream of pain, but a scream of anger and malice. Mothra turned to see a greenish-purplish blur smack into her. With seconds, she was pinned to the ground by Megaguirus. Her eye was closed, and blood seeped out of the wound. Her mouth was twisted into a malicious sneer. Mothra tried to wiggle her way out of her grasp, but it was no use.
"You thought you could escape me?" She hissed. "Think again."
"W-wait, stop!" Mothra cried. It was the first words she had said in a long while.
"Shut up!" Megaguirus head butted Mothra, seemingly knocking her out. Megaguirus pulled out her knife once more and aimed it at Mothra's chest. Before she could plunge it down, Mothra woke up and grabbed her wrist.
"What the-" Megaguirus was cut short. She looked down, seeing another knife stabbed into her stomach. Mothra was holding it. Megaguirus dropped her own knife and fell to the side, taking Mothra's knife with her. Mothra managed to stand herself up again, in shock from what she just did.
"Wow, Mothra." Megaguirus said weakly. "I didn't think you had it in you."
" was self defence." Mothra stammered. She had never directly killed someone before. Megaguirus coughed a few more times, and within seconds, she was dead. Mothra stood looking over the corpse in shock.
"What have I done?" She whispered. A tear rolled down her face, and she flew out of the forrest, forgetting her knife.

Megalon looked at Jet, crumpled and damaged on the ground next to the cliff. He laughed the defeated cyborg.
"Well, it looks like I win." He said. He picked Jet up by the neck, rearing back to punch him, but Jet was less damaged than he let on. He kicked Megalon in the face, making him release the grip on his throat. He fell the the ground, but managed to stand, with his leg seemingly fixed.
"What? You were nearly dead." Megalon growled. "How are you still fighting?"
"Oh, you didn't know I have a self repair function?" Jet said with a smirk. His armour was still damaged, but he was up and ready to fight again. Now that he knew what to be prepared for, he could easily defeat Megalon. Plus, he still had a few aces up his sleeve. Two, to be exact. He kicked Megalon again in the stomach, sending him back a few inches. He then punched him in the visor, making it crack a little. Megalon dodged a third attack and threw a few of his own punches. Jet dodged them all. Finally, Jet charged up and shot two lasers out of his eyes, burning off some of Megalon's own armour. He roared in anger.
"Do you honestly think you can attempt to challenge me!?" Megalon shouted.
"I did once." Jet said. "And I'm pretty sure I won."
"You had Godzilla fighting with you then." Megalon corrected. "But you don't now."
"I wouldn't be so sure." A voice from behind him said. He turned to see Kiryu and Moguera. Kiryu aimed his arm at him, transforming it into a canon. A bright blue beam shot out of his arm canon and hit Megalon straight on. He froze on impact. Moguera then punched the ice with his drill arm, shattering it in one hit. Megalon was finished. Jet stood up straight.
"Thanks for the help, guys." Jet said.
"Good thing you contacted us earlier." Kiryu said.
"Alright, let's head back." Moguera suggested. "Godzilla might need some help too."
The others nodded and ran back to the main part of the island.

Rodan flew at Titanosaurus, struggling against the force of the wind. Eventually, he reached him, only to have Titanosaurs grab him and throw him into the forest. He looked back to the others. Gigan could see the anger in his eyes.
"So, you were a traitor Gigan?" He asked.
"Not at first." Gigan said. He tried to block the wind by turning his arms into large flat blades. He still struggled, and tried to step foreword as he talked. "At first I was loyal. But after a while, I realized something. I'm fine with working for a king, but not a dictator."
Ceaser and Kong were more than a little surprised to hear Gigan say this. Titanosaurus gritted his teeth.
"I'm sure SpaceGodzilla won't be too happy to hear that." He said.
"Since when do you care?" Gigan countered.
Before Titanosaurus could answer, Rodan smacked into him from behind. The wind finally stopped, and the others got out of cover. Titanosaurus flew into a large tree, with Rodan standing in front of him.
"Never let your opponent out of your sight, dumb ass." He taunted. Titanosaurus got up and into a battle stance as the others gathered around him. Before they could attack him, he jumped high into the air, landing on a high tree branch. Ceaser tried to jump after him, but couldn't reach the level. Titanosaurus started jumping through the trees, with Gigan and the others following close behind him.
"Wait, Rodan, can't you fly?" Gigan asked.
"Yeah, but it would be pointless. He could easily knock me out of the air with his wind." Rodan responded.
"Then why don't we try this?" Ceaser said. He jumped into the air, onto a lower tree branch. He continued jumping until he was close enough the Titanosaurus. He looked down at the others.
"You all go and warn Godzilla." He said. "I'll deal with Titanosaurus."
They all nodded and ran off, except for Gigan, who ran off in the other direction.
"Where are you going?" Ceaser asked.
"Relax, I got a plan." Gigan said.

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