Chapter 7: Gigan's Betrayal and Mothra's Shame

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Gyaos snarled into Godzilla's face. The bird-creature had Godzilla pinned to the ground, with his claws digging into his flesh. Their faces were inches apart.
"Ugh, what did you eat?" Godzilla muttered, turning his head from the snarling creature. Gamera ran up and kicked Gyaos, knocking him off of Godzilla. He helped him up.
"You alright?" Gamera asked.
"Yeah, I'm good." Godzilla said, rubbing his already healing wrists. "Jeez, he's tough. How do you kill these things?"
"Normally they're pretty easy to kill." Gamera said, getting into a battle stance. Gyaos got back up and lunged at Gamera, ending up getting sliced in the face with his sword. "I think SpaceGodzilla beefed him up somehow." Gamera continued. He shot a few fireballs at Gyaos, nearly setting him completely on fire. Gyaos started flapping around and screeching, trying to put out the flames. Godzilla stepped foreword.
"This might work." He said. He swung his sword out, sending a blue atomic beam at Gyaos. The beam hit him in the face. Gyaos roared and flew directly at Gamera, picking him up and dragging him up into the sky. Godzilla readied another atomic beam, until he suddenly locked up and dropped his sword. He couldn't move at all.
"What the hell?" Godzilla said. Suddenly, a jolt of pain shot through him. Obviously, it hurt. Something made him turn around. SpaceGodzilla now stood in front of him, the crystals glowing on his shoulders. He was using his psychic powers to paralyze Godzilla, and possibly worse in a few seconds.
"I'm going to kill you, Godzilla." SpaceGodzilla hissed. "And I'm going to tell you exactly how I'm going to do it. First, I'm going to cause your mind extreme pain."
Godzilla tried to struggle in the psychic grasp.
"Then, I will break every bone in your body, one by one."
The grip tightened on Godzilla's throat.
"Next, I will rip you apart from the inside out."
Godzilla choked and gasped as the grip tightened even more.
"And finally, before you die, I will kill your friends painfully in front of you. And I will keep you alive long enough for you to watch."
Godzilla began to feel himself pass out, but a rush of pain filled him with adrenaline. He tried to scream, but his throat was closed. Only a choked gag came out. Godzilla still struggled, but knew that it was no use. He failed. He failed his friends, he failed Gamera, he failed Japan, and he failed the world.
"Goodbye, Godzilla." SpaceGodzilla growled. But suddenly, he stopped. He dropped Godzilla from his psychic grasp, and he could finally breathe. Godzilla slowly got up, using his sword as support. He looked up, and saw that a long blade stuck out of SpaceGodzilla's chest.
"What's the meaning of this?" SpaceGodzilla asked. He was oddly calm for someone who was just stabbed.
"Sorry, SpaceGodzilla." Gigan said. He was the one who stabbed SpaceGodzilla. "There's been a change of plans."
Gigan ripped the blade out of SpaceGodzilla's chest and morphed his arm into a buzzsaw, digging it into his back. SpaceGodzilla roared in pain, and fell over onto the ground. Before he could get up, Gigan stepped on his back.
"You...traitor!" SpaceGodzilla roared. "I resurrect you and you're comrades, and this is how you repay me?"
"Shut it, Spacey." Gigan said. He stepped on SpaceGodzilla's head, mashing it into the ground. "You may have resurrected them, but a true leader doesn't resort to slavery." He ground his foot into SpaceGodzilla's scalp to emphasize the last word. He suddenly felt like he was being watched. He looked around him, at the vacant expressions of the people who used to be his allies. They had gathered around to watch the display. Even Biolante was staring at him.
"What are you doing to our leader?" She asked. Gigan looked at her, and back to SpaceGodzilla. He gritted his teeth.
"He is not our leader." Gigan knelt down and ripped a chain necklace off of SpaceGodzilla's neck. As he had suspected, the red crystal that contained their memories and consciousness hung on the chain. He grinned.
"I sure hope this works." Gigan said. He reared back and smashed the crystal on the ground. As soon as the crystal cracked even slightly, it started sparking. Biolante and the others eyes widened and glowed red. Strange transparent ghost-like tentacles rushed out of the crystal remains and flowed into their beings. Their memories were returned to them, as well as their consciousness. Gigan smirked as he watched this. Soon, it was over. Hedorah was the first to collapse, followed by the others.
"What...what happened?" He asked. He rubbed his mask, feeling the somehow strange and unfamiliar texture.
"I don't know." Destroyah said. "I remember I was in the ship after Ghidorah was defeated. I encountering another ship and then I remember being hit by some sort of beam..."
"I thought I...died." Biolante said, looking down at the place where she was stabbed. The wound was completely healed.
"You did, and so did I." Gigan said. "But we're not anymore." Biolante's eyes widened upon hearing his voice and she looked up, seeing Gigan again. She ran up and hugged him tightly.
"I missed you too." Gigan said, hugging her back. Godzilla stood up weakly. Biolante looked over and saw him. She let go of Gigan.
"What's he doing here?" She asked.
"It's a long story." Gigan explained. "I won't get into it now."
Suddenly, something fell from the sky. It was Gyaos, dead. Gamera's sword was impaled into his chest, and he had burn marks all over him. Gamera flew down as well, with rockets coming out his boots. He pulled his sword out of Gyaos' corpse and looked at Godzilla.
"That was easier than I thought." Gamera said. "What happened to you?"
"Doesn't matter." Godzilla said. Before anything else could happen, SpaceGodzilla's body crackled and sparked. Before anyone could say anything, he let off a massive electrical explosion, throwing everything and everyone back many feet away. SpaceGodzilla stood at the centre of the explosion, completely healed.
"You've destroyed my plans." SpaceGodzilla hissed. "Now I will destroy all of you!"
Gigan turned to Godzilla and Gamera.
"Look, I don't like this," Gigan said. "But we're gonna have to work together, at least this once."
"I wish there was another way, but you're right." Godzilla agreed. He looked to Gamera, who nodded back. The three looked at SpaceGodzilla, and got into a battle stance.

Ceaser fell from the trees, crashing into the hard ground. Titanosaurus looked down at him from the top of the tree. They had been fighting in the trees for some while, but Ceaser had jumped onto a weak branch and fell from what had to be at least 40 feet.
"Look's like you're off your game, dog." Titanosaurus taunted. He jumped down, attempting to strike, but Ceaser kicked him into a nearby bush.
"Do not call me dog." Ceaser growled.
As he got up, Ceaser heard a voice from behind him.
"Ceaser?" He turned to see Mothra who had just come out of a clearing. She was covered in mud, cuts, and bruises.
"Mothra, what the hell happened to you?" Ceaser asked.
"Megaguirus happened." Mothra said, looking down sadly.
"Well, where is she?" Ceaser asked. Mothra cringed at his words.
"She's dead." Mothra whimpered.
" killed her?" Ceaser raised an eyebrow. Before she could respond, Titanosaurus came out of the bush. He raised his arm, sending a massive torrent of wind at them. Ceaser could barely hold up, but Mothra managed to stand still. She had a resistant shield around her, protecting her from the wind. Titanosaurus was surprised to say the least.
"Wait, I know you." He said. "You're that Mothra girl, right? I thought you died in the Final Wars."
"Almost. It takes more than fire to kill me." Mothra said, determinedly. She got up and flew at him at her top speed, knocking him over and stopping the wind. Ceaser regained his composure, ran over, and kicked Titanosaurus into a tree, effectively knocking him out.
"He'll be alright in a few hours." Ceaser assured. He turned back to Mothra. "You killed Megaguirus?" Mothra turned away.
"So what?" She countered. "You've killed people before."
"Actually, I haven't. At least not intentionally." Ceaser admitted. "Look, I'm just saying, you've never killed anybody, either by accident or on purpose."
"I know." Mothra said. "And it was an accident."
Ceaser noticed a tear rolling down her cheek. He put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"Look, it's alright." Ceaser said. "Let's just head back to Godzilla and the others, and we can talk about it then, okay?"
"Okay." Mothra sighed.

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