Chapter 8: The Final Battle

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An intense battle raged on between Godzilla and his two new allies and SpaceGodzilla. On his own, Godzilla could barely stand a chance against his space counterpart, but with the added benefit of Gamera and Gigan, SpaceGodzilla would be easy to take down. Or at least, that's what they thought.
"He gets his power from the crystals on his shoulders." Godzilla warned. "Take them out, and then this should get easier."
Gigan nodded and launched a buzzsaw at SpaceGodzilla, but before he could hit the crystal, SpaceGodzilla incased his arm in a harder crystal structure to protect himself. He also incased his other arm in a crystal blade. He stabbed at Gigan, but luckily he dodged it.
"Die, traitor." SpaceGodzilla growled.
"You first." Gigan taunted. He kicked SpaceGodzilla in the face, shattering some of the crystal armour. Gamera was next. He summoned a cluster of Mana anergy into his fists and released a torrent of punches at SpaceGodzilla, managing to break more of the armour. Before Gamera could swing his sword at one of the shoulder crystal. SpaceGodzilla blocked with his crystal blade. Every swing was blocked by another until they were at a draw. Now was Godzilla's chance. He launched a massive atomic beam into SpaceGodzilla, hitting his shoulder crystal. The crystal cracked slightly, making SpaceGodzilla turn to Godzilla with an angry glare. The distraction gave Gamera an opportunity. He uppercutted SpaceGodzilla with a Mana fist, sending him flying towards a rock. The cracked shoulder crystal shattered on impact, making SpaceGodzilla roar in pain. He quickly regained his composure. His anger and the damage caused to him had caused his previously regal appearance to become disheveled and manic. His hair hung down over one of his eyes, and a large gash sat on his forehead, leaking dark blood down his face.
"You won't get that lucky again." SpaceGodzilla said. The crystal had already started slowly growing back. As long as it wasn't fully formed, things would be easier. Godzilla got an idea.
"Gamera, Gigan, you distract him." He said. "I can handle the rest."
Gamera flew off, shooting fireballs at SpaceGodzilla, trying to grab his attention. Gigan in turn started throwing buzzsaw blades at him. SpaceGodzilla scoffed at the pathetic attempts.
"I know what you're doing." He said. "Clever strategy, but I'm smarter."
Gamera and Gigan were suddenly frozen. They were locked in SpaceGodzilla's psychic grip, similar to Godzilla earlier. He picked them up using his telekinesis and placed them behind him. He turned to Godzilla, brushing the hair out of his face.
"Here's the deal, Godzilla." SpaceGodzilla proposed. "Let's have a fair fight. No tricks, no powers, just you and me."
"And why should I trust you?" Godzilla asked.
SpaceGodzilla turned back to his two captives and started slowly torturing them. Godzilla was quick to respond before things got too bad.
"Okay, fine." He said. "No powers, huh? I think I can do that."
SpaceGodzilla nodded and flew at Godzilla, growing two crystal blades incasing his hands. Godzilla summoned his Mana blade alongside his katana. The two fought for a long couple of minutes, in a complete stalemate. True to his word, SpaceGodzilla did not use his psychic powers, only his crystal blades. Godzilla needed to end this quick. He jumped and flipped over SpaceGodzilla, causing him to turn around and get slightly disorientated. Godzilla kicked one of the crystal blades out of his hand, and then kicked him in the chest. The distraction loosened the psychic grip on Gamera and Gigan. SpaceGodzilla flew back and tried to grab the blade, but Godzilla stepped on his wrist. He also kicked the other blade away, shattering it in the process.
"Looks like I win." Godzilla said, grinning. Suddenly, Godzilla was launched backwards by an invisible force. SpaceGodzilla used his psychic powers.
"I thought you said no powers!" Godzilla growled. He got back up, wiping some blood from the side of his mouth.
"Yes, I lied." SpaceGodzilla said. He picked up a large rock with his psychic powers and threw it at Godzilla. Before it could crush him, he sent a bolt of atomic energy at the rock, shattering it into millions of pieces. One of them hit Gigan in the face.
"Ah, dammit, that was my eye!" Gigan yelled.
"Wait...I think I can move." Gamera said. He started to focus. He had a slight telekinetic ability, though he wasn't sure if it could match SpaceGodzilla's. He summoned all his willpower and gritted his teeth, trying to counteract the psychic grasp. In about a minute, he was able to move slightly.
"Just a little more." Gamera panted. He continued focusing until he could finally break out of the grasp. Gigan was impressed.
"Whoa, cool!" He said. "Can you get me out of this too?"
"Don't think so." Gamera said. "At least, not without a major migraine." He looked back at Godzilla and SpaceGodzilla fighting. Godzilla was losing.
"I have an idea." Gamera said. "Gigan, can you give me one of your saw blades?"
"Yeah, I think." Gigan said. A saw blade appeared in his hand, and he tossed it to Gamera. He caught it, and started charging it with Mana energy. Finally, the circular blade started glowing a purplish-blue.
"Perfect." He said. He reared back and tossed the blade like a Frisbee. It hit SpaceGodzilla's remaining shoulder crystal, cracking it all along the side. He quickly turned back at Gamera with a furious glare.
"You fool!" SpaceGodzilla roared. While he was distracted, Godzilla kicked him upward, sending him flying up. He then summoned all his atomic and Mana energy into his sword. Finally, he released the massive beam directly at SpaceGodzilla's shoulder crystal. The light emanating from the beam was blinding. When the light dispersed, both of SpaceGodzilla's shoulder crystals were gone. Only two cracked surfaces remained. SpaceGodzilla kneeled on the ground on his hands and knees. His golden crested crown fell off. He had been defeated, and he knew it. He slowly looked up at Godzilla, Gamera, and Gigan, who were now standing around him. Godzilla knelt down to look at him face to face.
"You have three choices." Godzilla said. He raised up his fingers to emphasize the numbers. "One, you leave and never come back. Two, we kill you quickly and painfully. Three, I get to see how many kicks it takes to knock someones teeth out."
"I like the third option." Gigan said.
"Honestly, so do I." Gamera agreed.
SpaceGodzilla chuckled. "How about this?" He asked, grinning evilly. He brought out one of the black crystals from before. Godzilla and Gamera didn't know what it was, but Gigan did.
"My plan may have failed," SpaceGodzilla said, getting up. "But I still have this. If I activate is crystal, we'll all die."
The others looked shocked, but Godzilla was still calm and collected. "You're bluffing." Godzilla said. "Go ahead, activate it."
SpaceGodzilla gritted his teeth. "I will!"
"Alright, do it."
"I'm going to!"
"You're not doing it."
"I'm going to do it!"
"Go ahead."
Gigan raised an eyebrow and chuckled slightly. "Oh my god, he is bluffing." He said. "That's not even the right crystal."
"And how would you activate it without your shoulder crystals?" Godzilla asked.
Instead of responding, SpaceGodzilla pressed a button on his wrist. He disappeared in a puff of smoke. Godzilla and the others looked up to see his ship zooming off back into space. They looked around themselves, at the small crowd who had gathered around them. Godzilla's army was there, as well as Gigan's allies. They were all cheering for their victory.
"Is this what it feels like to do something good for once?" Gigan asked. He was more thinking out loud.
"Yeah." Godzilla said, grinning. "Pretty great, right?"
Gigan shrugged. "I could take it or leave it." He said. "Either way, I managed to swipe something from SpaceGodzilla before he left."
"And what was that?" Godzilla asked, raising an eyebrow. Gigan grinned and pulled out a small handful of light purple crystals, each about an inch in length. They glowed softly.
"What are those?" Godzilla asked.
"These are what SpaceGodzilla uses to bring people back from the dead." Gigan revealed. Godzilla's eyes widened.
"So you're planning on bringing Ghidorah back with those?" Godzilla asked.
"Pretty much." Gigan said, grinning.
Godzilla smirked and crossed his arms. "Fine, go ahead." he said. "I'll just defeat him again. And again, probably."
Gigan frowned, but then grinned again, laughing slightly. "We'll see." He pushed past Godzilla, and up to Destroyah.
"Can you call the ship down?" He asked.
"Of course." Destroyah said. He pulled out a remote, pressed a few buttons, and a low buzzing was heard. Soon enough, Ghidorah's old ship touched down on the ground. Gigan's allies all stepped onto the ship, ready to take off into space once again. As they took off, Gamera turned to Godzilla.
"So you're just going to let them get away?" He asked. "You're going to let him resurrect your most dangerous enemy?"
"Yeah. You said it yourself, I've gotten pretty good at beating him. And besides..." Godzilla responded, pulling something out of his pocket. He opened his hand, showing some of the crystals he had stolen from Gigan.
"We will be ready for them." Godzilla said. "All of us."

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