Chapter 12: Then There Were Two

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8:00 AM

Godzilla looked down at his watch, for a few reasons. One, Komi had been gone for 2 hours now. Second, Rodan only had only 12 hours left to live.
"We've wasted half our time." Godzilla muttered. They had been searching for both Komi and Clover, but there was no sign of either of them. Not even a single parasite. He released a heavy sigh.
"Where is she?" He wondered to himself. Gojirin approached from behind, her head lowered in a solemn expression.
"This is all my fault." She sulked. "I should have told her right from the beginning. None of this would have happened if I did."
"Don't beat yourself up." Godzilla insisted. "Komi just needs some time to adjust. She hasn't had a family for her entire life."
"But I shouldn't have kept that secret from her." Gojirin said.
"You were going to tell her, right?" Godzilla asked. Gojirin nodded.
"Exactly." Godzilla continued. "I'm sure it was a shock for her at first, but after a while, she'll realize what your intentions were. I'm sure any minute now she'll step out here and join us."
As if on cue, they heard a rustling in the bushes. Both Kaiju turned around to see none other than Komi walking out through the forest towards them.
"Told you." Godzilla smirked, looking at Gojirin. He began walking towards Komi. "Everything alright, Komi?" He asked.
"That depends." Komi said. Godzilla suddenly stopped in his tracks. Something seemed... off with Komi. Her voice was low and quiet. As she looked up at Godzilla, he could see her yellow eyes were now darker, and her eyebrows were furrowed in a scowl. Her mouth was pulled up in a sinister grin.
"Uh... are you feeling okay?" Godzilla asked. "You look a little... sick..."
His voice trailed off as the grass around Komi began to shift. Parasites began to pour out of the vegetation, surrounding Komi at her feet. Both Godzilla and Gojirin drew their swords quickly.
"Komi, watch out!" Godzilla shouted. But to his surprise, the parasites didn't attack her. Komi didn't seem afraid of the parasites either. In fact, she actually leaned down and pet one of them as if it was a dog.
"Why? They're harmless." Komi replied. Her expression changed as her gaze shifted to Gojirin. "Unlike you, 'mother'."
"What?" Gojirin asked. The parasites shifted their own gazes onto her, hissing and clicking violently. Komi slowly lifted her hand and pointed towards Gojirin, and without hesitation, the parasites followed her command. They scurried towards her and attacked without mercy, but luckily she was quick to defend herself. She was confused to say the least. Why had these parasites obeyed Komi? And why had she commanded them to attack her? Godzilla questioned this as well.
"Komi, what the hell is going on?" He asked. Komi stepped towards him.
"Don't worry about her." She said. "She's just getting what she deserves."
Gojirin was beginning to become overwhelmed. She had a thin layer of armour underneath her clothes to protect from the parasites bites and scratches, but the number of them was becoming too much for her. Godzilla rushed to try and help her, but Komi grabbed his arm.
"Leave her! She brought this on herself!" Komi spat. Godzilla ripped his arm away from her.
"What is wrong with you!?" He shouted back.
Komi took a step back. She seemed shocked that Godzilla would want to protect Gojirin. Her face went from confusion to a wicked glare.
"Fine then. You both can die." She hissed.
"Komi, I don't know what's gotten into you," Godzilla asserted, "but if it's a fight you want, then-"
Godzilla was cut off by something grabbing his shoulder and forcibly spinning him around. Before he could register what had grabbed him, the same thing delivered a punch to his face, sending him to the ground. Clover himself stood over Godzilla, glaring down at him. Gojirin gasped as she saw him.
"Oh god, no..." She whispered as she put together what had happened to Komi. The DNA from Clover had allowed him to corrupt her, and use her doubts and animosity towards Gojirin to turn her against her and Godzilla. She was about to call out to Komi, but the parasites were relentless. While she was preoccupied, Clover looked turned his attention to Komi.
"Go now. Manhattan is your next destination." He said. Komi nodded, and with one final glare towards her former family, she disappeared into the forest. Godzilla tried to get up to go after her, but he was suddenly grabbed by Clover and flung backwards. He landed on the ground but managed to get himself back up.
"What the hell did you do to my sister?!" He snapped, beginning to put the pieces together himself. He had never seen Clover before, but he looked almost exactly like Godzilla had expected. He rushed at him, sword drawn. But Clover simply caught the sword in his hand before Godzilla could make contact.
"I did nothing." He said. "Komodithrax made the decision on her own."
He punched Godzilla once more, sending him stumbling back. When he regained his bearings, he saw his mother frantically, fighting off the parasites. She could only just barely handle them for now, but more were coming. He tried to rush over to her, but Clover blocked him with his long arm, sending him back to the ground.
"I can not allow you to acquire the cure for my children's venom." He said, stepping towards him.
"Your parasites bit one of my friends!" Godzilla growled back. Something seemed to snap in Clover's mind. His face contorted in anger and a low growl escaped his throat.
"They are not parasites!" He shouted. His long arm shot down to attack Godzilla who rolled out of the way and got back up. All he needed was one good attack, and they'd have a sample of Clover's blood. He tried to slash at him with his sword, but Clover blocked of deflected every attack. His skin seemed to be tough enough to resist attacks. All the while, Gojirin kept fighting the parasites that were swarming her. There were too many at this point. Gojirin had only one option now. Her sword suddenly became engulfed in pink atomic flame. Like Godzilla, Komi, and Zilla, she too had the power to harness atomic plasma. She sent an atomic blast at the parasites around her, destroying most of them in one fell swoop. This gained Clovers attention, who's gaze shifted towards her. This gave Godzilla the perfect opening. He followed his mom's example, and sent an atomic blast at Clover. The blast his him square in the chest and shoulder, leaving a huge gash. He let out a screech of pain, gripping the place where he had been hit. Before Godzilla could send out another one, Clover dashed away, retreating into the woods. The remaining parasites seemed to follow him. Godzilla thought about running after him, but it would be pointless. Even if he did catch him, he doubted he would win against him at this point. After Godzilla could no longer hear them, he breathed a sigh of relief and ran to help Gojirin.
"Are you okay?" He asked, trying to help her up. To his surprise, Gojirin pulled away from him, getting up on her own. Tears were running down her face.
"This is all my fault." She sobbed. "None of this would have happened if I hadn't trusted that damn cult!"
Godzilla placed a hand on her shoulder. "Mom, listen. Whatever you did back then, it saved Komi's life." He said. "You did what any mother would have done."
"I just endangered her!" Gojirin said back. "I let her get taken over by that monster... it's all my fault."
"No, it's not." Godzilla asserted. "You let Komi down, sure. But now, you can make it up to her. You can be the family she needs right now."
Gojirin sat and sniffled for a while longer, drying her tears. Finally, she nodded, breathing a deep sigh.
"Okay..." She breathed. "I did fail her. I failed you too. But I have a second chance to make things right. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do."
Godzilla nodded. "That's good. And I know exactly where you can start." He said. He walked over to where Clover was standing before. Sure enough, there was a small puddle on the ground. Godzilla dipped his fingers into it, and found exactly he was looking for. It was dark red and felt slick, like oil. It was blood. They had gotten some of Clover's blood.

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