Chapter 7: Hand-Me-Down

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A few hours later, Godzilla, Gojirin, and Komi stood at the beach, about to load onto their boat and head out. Anguirus was there too, but not to go on any missions. He was going so he could make sure Rodan was okay. While Godzilla has asked Mothra if she wanted to go too, she refused, stating that she didn't want to interfere with close family matters. Before they all loaded onto the boat, Gojirin stopped in her tracks.
"Why are we taking this boat?" She asked. Godzilla turned to her, confused.
"Why wouldn't we? We can't just swim all the way to New York." He said. Gojrin chuckled.
"Not exactly what I meant." She said. She turned to another spot on the beach. Godzilla, Komi, and Anguirus turned to where she was looking, only to see another boat. But this one was different. It was about twice the size of Godzilla's boat, and looked just as much taller. Godzilla guessed it was faster too.
"That's my boat." Gojirin smirked. "It'll get us to New York in a couple hours at most. Your boat would take us half a day."
"...Yeah, let's take that one." Angiurus said. The others couldn't argue, and made their way over to it. They got on and took off into the ocean, with Godzilla immediately noticing the speed. It greatly outranked the speed of his own boat.
"Maybe we should use this from now on." He thought to himself. But that would require Gojirin to stay on the island. Godzilla looked to Gojirin, who was steering the boat. He wasn't sure how much he liked the idea. On one hand, it would be nice to spend time with her. On the other hand, he still barely knew this woman.
"I'll make a decision after the mission." Godzilla nodded. He looked back up and walked over to the rest of the group.
"Okay, so it's gonna be a long while until we get to New York, and there's gonna be a time change." He explained. "I'd suggest you all get some sleep."
"Good idea. There's a few mattresses below deck." Gojirin explained.
"Sleep sounds pretty good right about now." Anguirus yawned. He stepped below deck and closed the door behind him.
"Why'd we bring him along again?" Komi asked, slumping over a small circular table.
"He's Rodan's best friend. He just wanted to make sure he was alright." Godzilla explained. Komi nodded, and continued to lean on the table. The three remaining Kaiju on the deck stared out into the ocean before them. It was already starting to get dark. Since it was mid morning in Japan, and they were losing 13 hours because of the trip, it would be close to midnight in New York. But something was on Godzilla's mind. He mentioned to Mothra that it would be better to pretend he and Mothra weren't dating. But if she was gonna be a part of his life again, she had a right to know the truth. Godzilla exhaled deeply. Things had finally calmed down since they met a few hours ago. If there was a good moment to tell her, now was it.
"Hey, mom?" He said. Gojirin turned around to face him.
"Yeah?" She asked.
"You remember Mothra, right? Mosura's daughter?" Godzilla continued. Gojirin nodded.
"Of course." She said.
"Well... I sort of lied about her." Godzilla explained, rubbing the back of his head, looking away. "She's not just my friend... She's my girlfriend. We've been dating for the last year and a half now."
Gojirin's eyes widened, until she broke out laughing afterwords. Godzilla raised an eyebrow. This was not the reaction she was expecting.
"Really? You think I don't know that already?" Gojirin chuckled, wiping a tear of laughter from her face. "With the way you two act, it's obvious."
"You're not mad?" Godzilla asked.
"No, of course not!" Gojirin said. "Sure, Mosura was a bitch, but Mothra's a sweet girl. It makes sense why you'd like her."
Godzilla sighed. "That's a load off my mind." He said. Komi chuckled from the table. She didn't know about the plan Godzilla and Mothra had made, but seeing Godzilla confess was hilarious. But Gojirin still had a question for him.
"So when are you gonna put a ring on her?" She asked. Godzilla was not expecting to hear this. He practically fell over the side of the boat. Komi, on the other hand, seemed to want to know the answer too.
"Yeah, Godzilla. When're you gonna propose?" She asked, leaning over the table with her chin resting on her hands. She smiled somewhat smugly at him. Godzilla rubbed the back of his neck again, but he was a bit less nervous this time.
"Well... I don't really have a set date in mind. But..." He pulled a small black box out of his jacket pocket and flipped it open, revealing a golden ring with three blue, green, and white gems embedded in it. Komi was amazed, while Gojirin was a little more than impressed.
"I'm gonna do it at some point soon." Godzilla said. "It just hasn't been the right time. We've all been through a lot recently, and I don't want to overwhelm her... and I've been a little nervous too, if I'm honest."
"Godzilla... it's beautiful." Komi complimented. She managed to unglue her eyes from the gorgeous ring. "How much did this cost?"
"Well, let's just say I'm broke now." Godzilla chuckled.
"Very impressive." Gojirin nodded. "But I have something a little better." She took off her glove and removed her own engagement ring. She had showed it off earlier, but now Godzilla could get a good look at it. It was very similar to the one Godzilla had bought, but it was different. The golden part was large, and engraved with kanji symbols, representing "trust", "friendship", "affection", and of course, "love". The gem in the middle was a small whitish-pink pearl. It was beautiful. Gojirin handed it to Godzilla.
"Give her this." She said.
"Mom... I couldn't." Godzilla refused.
"No, take it." Gojirin insisted. "I'm not putting it back on, so either you take it, or I throw it in the ocean."
She forcefully placed it in his hand. There was no way he could refuse. And truthfully, he didn't want to. He smiled, and Gojirin smiled back.
"Thanks." He said. The two hugged for a brief moment.
"So what're you gonna do with the ring you bought?" Komi asked.
"I dunno. Maybe Zilla can use it." Godzilla teased. Komi blushed and looked away. Gojirin cocked her head to the side, confused.
"Who's Zilla?" She asked.
"My boyfriend..." Komi muttered. "We haven't been together as long as Godzilla and Mothra though. Plus I don't think Zilla's really into marriage right now."
"I see." Gojirin nodded. She yawned and began making her way below deck. "I'm going to get some rest. The boat's on autopilot, so it should take us to New York without much trouble."
Godzilla nodded, and the door shut behind her. He turned to Komi.
"Looks like it's just us now, 'little sister'." He said, but when he saw Komi, he saw she was already asleep, leaning on the table. How she fell asleep so quickly Godzilla had no idea. But he decided not to move her. Instead, he draped a blanket over her and let her sleep. Though he guessed she didn't really need it, since he guessed she had his ability to adjust her body temperature. But it was still a nice gesture, he decided. So while the others rested, he sat down next to his sister, and watched the waves through a window. It was going to be a long journey.

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