Chapter 8: Intensive Care

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1:00 AM

"Godzilla. I'm glad you arrived so quickly." Gypsy greeted. "It's been far too long since we've seen each other in person."
"Yeah, if it were other circumstances, this might have been fun." Godzilla said. He and the others had arrived in New York not a few minutes ago. Gypsy was there to meet him at the dock with a transport vehicle. Everyone stepped inside, and Gypsy directed the driver. He then handed everyone a medical mask.
"Might want to put these on." He said. "We're entering a contaminated area."
Everyone did as they were told. As soon as they entered the city, they saw the reason for the masks. There were tents set up on every street, housing the sick and infected. Corpses of parasites littered the sidewalk, while living ones were crawling out of anywhere they could fit. Soldiers dressed in mechanical armour holding machine guns patrolled the streets, shooting parasites on site.
"More Jaegers?" Godzilla asked.
"Not exactly. They US military ordered mass produced armour based on our Jaeger suits for their higher ranking soldiers." Gypsy explained. Godzilla nodded.
"So where's Rodan?" He asked.
"He's at the main tent. He'll most likely be asleep right now, so you won't be able to see him." Gypsy said.
The vehicle stopped in front of a large tent, that seemed to be connected to the others. Gypsy lead the four Kaiju out of the vehicle, and into the tent. Once inside, they saw what appeared to be a makeshift hospital. A few people were being wheeled to other tents on stretchers, and the other Jaegers from the Japan devision were assisting doctors, scientists, and other professionals who were helping and studying patients. One of the Jaegers was Cherno Alpha. When she saw Godzilla and Anguirus, she excused herself and rushed over to them
"Good to see you haven't gotten bitten yet." She said.
"Rodan wasn't so lucky, I hear." Godzilla said. "Hows he doing?"
"Stable... well, stable enough." Cherno replied. "I can't let you in his room since he's infectious, but I'll take you to his observing room."
The four Kaiju and two Jaegers made their way through the halls of the main tent, towards one of the bigger rooms. Gypsy opened the door, and they were greeted by Radon and Coyote Tango on the other side. When Radon saw her friends, she ran over to them.
"Thank goodness you're here." She said, hugging Godzilla tightly, before hugging Anguirus as well. "He's doing okay, but if we don't find the cure, he..."
"Don't finish that sentence." Anguirus said, grabbing Radon's shoulder. "We're gonna find that cure. Rodan's gonna be fine."
"His condition getting worse by the second..." Radon explained. "He's only got another 20 hours until the poison takes over his body."
"Then we'll have to get going as fast as possible." Godzilla explained. He turned to Gypsy, pulling out his communicator from his pocket. He opened the map application and handed it to Gypsy. "So where is this 'Clover' bastard?"
Gypsy took the communicator and entered some coordinates into it. "We've tracked him down to the Adirondack mountains. It's a park in upstate New York. We know he's there, but we haven't gotten his exact location. And that's where you come in."
"We'll fly you over the park and airdrop you in." Cherno explained. She turned to Anguirus and blushed. Anguirus could tell she wanted to say something loving, but given the circumstances, it wasn't the best time. "Will you be going with them?" She asked.
"No, I'm staying here." Anguirus said. "I'm not leaving my best friend when he's like this."
Cherno nodded. "In that case we'll only need three parachutes then."
She pulled out a holographic tablet and began typing things into it, making the arrangements for the airdrop as she walked away. However, Godzilla was a little uncomfortable.
"Did you say airdrop? As in jumping out of an airplane?" He asked.
"Yes, having you drive there would be too slow." Gypsy explained.
"Couldn't we, y'know, land there instead of jumping?" Godzilla asked. Everyone looked up at him, somewhat confused. The attention made Godzilla blush.
"Godzilla, are you afraid of heights?" Gojirin chuckled.
"No, not at all! I'm just... nervous about skydiving." Godzilla admitted.
"Didn't you fall to Earth from space once?" Komi asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, he did." A voice said from behind them. Everyone turned around to see a sickly Rodan leaned against the doorframe. He was pale, with dark rings around his eyes. He was also much skinnier, and his muscles had deteriorated. He tried to walk forward, but he suddenly cringed and grabbed his chest, falling onto a wall. Radon gasped and flew over to him, helping him up.
"Rodan! What are you doing out here?" She said. "You should be resting."
"I just wanted to see my friends one last time." Rodan explained.
"It's not gonna be the last time, dumbass." Anguirus said, rushing over to help him up.
"Good to see you too, Anguirus." Rodan chuckled weakly. He looked up at Godzilla. "Don't worry about the cure. I've accepted it. I don't want to die with false hope."
"You're not gonna die any time soon." Godzilla said, walking over to him. "We're gonna find Clover, and we're gonna get you that cure. I promise-"
"Don't." Rodan interrupted. "Do not make promises you can't keep."
Godzilla's brow furrowed. He had never seen Rodan like this. He looked worse than he thought he would. And hearing him talk like this was a little more than disheartening. Radon and Anguirus quickly helped him back to his bed, and walked back into the room with the others.
"Oh man..." Komi muttered, shaking her head.
"We'd better get going." Godzilla said. He turned back around, only to see Cherno holding three parachute packs.
"Put these on. We'll leave in 15 minutes." She said.
Godzilla gulped down his fear and grabbed one of the packs. Gojirin and Komi did the same, and the three followed Cherno out of the tent.
"Good luck." Gypsy said as they left. He turned his head to Rodan's room, seeing Anguirus and Radon comforting each other while Rodan had gone back to sleep. He breathed a heavy sigh. If they didn't find the cure soon, more than just hope would be lost.

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