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Description: Mothra was killed in Godzilla Warriors 3, but she quickly learned that there was an afterlife. This story is her experience in the afterlife, and how she came back to the real world.

"She's dead." It was the last thing Mothra heard before she woke up. She gasped for air, but found none. She was underwater. Once she realized this, she began to panic, until she realized something else. She didn't need air. But this didn't mean she could breathe underwater, it just meant she didn't deed to breathe at all. She began to kick her feet and swam up to the surface. Above the water was... nothing. No blank space, no empty room, just nothing. Absolute nothingness as long as the eye could see. The only thing she had left to do was to keep swimming. And that's exactly what she did. She swam for what felt like hours, days even. But she didn't tire at all. She swam until she found land. It first appeared to be a tiny rock, but she found it was instead a massive island, nearly rivalling Monster Island in size. Mothra stepped onto the shore, but felt no sand beneath her feet. She felt something, but it felt more like a soft cloud, or at least what one would expect a cloud to feel like. It felt good, but unnerving.
"Where... am I?" Mothra asked to no one in particular. She didn't expect an answer, but still felt deeply saddened when she didn't receive one. She stopped walking as a single tear fell onto her cheek, and she collapsed onto the ground. It was at this point that Mothra also noticed that she was completely naked. She began to cry even more, and covered herself with her arms. She was alone. And she now realized where she was. She was dead. And this was the afterlife. She was so focussed on this that she didn't even notice the footsteps approaching her.
"Oh, stop that crying." A voice said. It sounded stern, but loving. "You always were far too emotional. A trait you've kept even now, I see."
Mothra slowly turned around to see a familiar sight in front of her. A figure, much taller than her, was staring down at her with crossed arms and a blank expression. Mothra recognized this figure immediately.
"Mother..." She said weakly. Standing before her was her mother, Mosura.
"Stand up, little one." Mosura said, with a small head nod. She used to call Mothra "little one" when she was a child. She only called her that when she was angry or disappointed with her. Mothra did as she was told and stood up. Her mother looked her up and down with a raised eyebrow.
"Hm... I suppose you're not so little anymore." She said. "You've grown into a fine woman, my daughter. I'm honestly impressed. I suppose it has been a while. How old are you now?"
"... 32." Mothra croaked.
"Well, you were." Mosura responded with a light chuckle. "If you're here, you're not much of anything anymore."
Mothra took in her mother's comment. She seemed completely unfazed that her only daughter had just been murdered. But another thought crossed her mind; she was still naked. While she covered herself up with her hands, she noticed Mosura was still wearing her usual flowery white and orange kimono, so she thought there must been clothing somewhere.
"Um... m-mother, is there any other clothing in this place?" Mothra asked.
Mosura produced a white robe from behind her. "I was wondering when you would ask." She replied. She handed Mothra the robe and watched her put it on.
"Thank you." Mothra said quietly. As she finished putting on the robe, Mosura reached out and grasped a lock of her hair.
"You've let your hair growl long." She said. "That's disappointing, I liked it better short."
"Stop it." Mothra said, attempting to pulling away from her. Mosura ignored her.
"You should have kept it in a ponytail." She said. Mothra had enough, and swatted her hand away, much to her surprise.
"I'm not a child!" Mothra snapped. "Stop treating me like one."
Mosura was silent for some time. Her expression softened from an insulted one to an understanding one. Mothra had never seen this expression on her mother before.
"I understand." Mosura said. "You feel lost, scared, confused, and you want answers. When your father and I died, we both wanted answers, but there was no one to give them. We had to figure them out ourselves."
"Father?" Mothra whispered, thinking of Batora, her father. "Is he here too?"
"I'm afraid not, dear." Mosura replied. This nickname comforted Mothra. It was what she called her when she wanted to comfort her. It was rarely used.
"Why not?" Mothra asked.
"This world works in... strange ways." Mosura explained. "It takes a lot of energy to appear to newcomers. You will not be here long enough to meet him."
The words stayed in Mothra's mind. She didn't know what she meant by that.
"What do you mean? Where will I be going?" She asked. Mosura looked her straight in the eyes. Her gaze was filled with anger, though not aimed at her. Aimed at someone else. And Mothra had a good idea of who it was.
"I saw what happened to you." She explained. "I saw how you died. I saw that alien bastard Desghidorah stick his sword through you." She grasped Mothra's hand lovingly. "I will not let that tyrant succeed. I won't let him kill another Goddess. I'd rather stay in this afterlife than watch my daughter die at the hands of a monster."
Touched by her words, Mothra smiled. Tears of joy dripped from her eyes. Her mother was going to help her escape from this place and be back to the real world. She would be back with Godzilla. Mosura rolled her eyes and wiped away Mothra's tears with her thumb.
"What did I say about crying?" She asked. "Now come. I want to show you something."

Mosura lead Mothra to a fountain. It was built of a white stone, and seemed to be constantly filled by a never ending steady stream of water from the sky. Carvings of an ancient language were written in the edges of the fountain.
"It's... beautiful." Mothra breathed in amazement. "Mother, what is this place?"
"It doesn't have a name." Mosura replied. "Batora called it the Fountain of Time. He thought it sounded 'cool'. I think it sounds childish."
Mothra was distracted. She stared in amazement at the clear water. Mosura saw her and rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Something else you've kept from childhood, I see." She said. "Always distracted by pretty things." She motioned her hand towards Mothra. "Go on, now. Touch the water."
Mothra nodded. She pressed her hand down into the water, and saw that it slowly lost its clearness. A dark inky substance seemed to seeped from her hand, polluting the water and making it appear murky.
"Now," Mosura continued, "think about the world of the living. Think about the people you love most."
Again, Mothra nodded. As soon as a though formed in her head, images appeared in the water below. The images showed Monster Island, and its residences. Mothra smiled as she saw her friends again.
"Rodan... Anguirus... Battra..." She said, a laugh in her voice, "they're all here!.. what are they doing?"
"It appears they're burying you." Mosura commented. Mothra's smile fell. She watched as her friends, along with Ghidorah and his army, lowered a cloth-wrapped object into the ground, and buried it. Mothra knew the cloth-wrapped object was her own lifeless body. She placed a hand over her mouth. If she still had a stomach, she would have vomited.
"Isn't that Gojira's boy?" Mosura asked. She pointed at Godzilla, who was standing among the others.
"Yeah. His name is Godzilla." Mothra confirmed. "He's a... friend." She decided it wouldn't be good to let Mosura know that she had feelings for the son of one of her enemies. She continued to watch Godzilla through the fountain. He finished helping them to lower Mothra's body into the ground, and then stood back up. He had a blank, angry expression on his face. Mothra knew this expression was to hide his sadness at her death. He was holding back tears.
"You could get closer." Mosura suggested. Mothra turned to her.
"How?" She asked.
"Get in." Mosura nodded. Mothra followed her mothers orders and stepped into the fountain. As her foot first entered the water, she didn't fell the ground as she expected. She fell completely in.

The fountain was deeper than it seemed from the surface. When Mothra finally hit the bottom, she quickly glanced at her surroundings, and found that she was on Monster Island again. A glance at her hand reminded her that she was not alive. Her hand was translucent, and glowed a bright gold. She was a ghost, in a sense. She began to wander around the island she used to call home. Eventually, she came across a large stone. It seemed out of place, so Mothra observed it closer. Words were engraved on it.
"Here lies Mothra." it said. Her eyes widened, and she stood back up. This was a grave marker. Her own grave marker. She heard footsteps coming towards her, and quickly turned around. Godzilla was approaching her. Well, he wasn't approaching her, seeing as she wasn't really there. He stopped right in front of her grave. He was standing right in front of her. His eyes were aimed at the grave marker, which was in front of Mothra's feet. After a deep sigh, Godzilla began to speak.
"Hey...Mothra." He said, smiling sadly. "I know it's only been a day...but I just wanted to tell you...that I love you." A tear ran down his face, but his expression and tone didn't change. "I never got to tell you, but I do. I love you. I love you so god damn much..."
He collapsed and knelt over the grave, holding back his tears and sobs. Mothra began to cry as well with her hand placed on her chest. She knelt next to Godzilla.
"Oh, Godzilla... I love you too." She sobbed. She left a kiss on Godzilla's cheek, though she knew he couldn't feel it. Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled away. She didn't want to leave Godzilla, and desperately tried to grab onto him, to no avail. Before she knew it, she was being pulled out of the fountain by Mosura. Even though Mothra didn't need air anymore, she still instinctively gasped for breath as she breached the surface. Once she was on dry land, she noticed Mosura looking sternly at her.
"What the hell was that?" She asked. Mothra realized that her mother was able to see her with Godzilla, and blushed.
"I... I was just..." She tried to say, but Mosura was not having it.
"Did you say that you loved him?" She continued. "I don't believe this. You've fallen in love with the son of a barbarian."
Mothra felt heat rush into her cheeks. She furrowed her brow and glared at her mother.
"You don't know him like I do!" She snapped. "He's not a barbarian, he's a good person! I... I've had feelings for him since the day we met."
"You mean when he tried to kill you?" Mosura shouted. This was true. When Godzilla and Mothra first met as teens, he attempted to fight her. In the end, he had a change of heart before he had the chance to kill her, and ended up sparing her. They became friends after that.
"...Okay, so maybe not that exact day." Mothra admitted. "But I started to have feelings for him after we became friends. Even my last words were telling him... that I loved him."
"I cannot believe this." Mosura growled. She was normally calm and composed, but this event was starting to make her lose her composure. Mothra thought about this as she watched her mother march away from her. Once her mind caught up with her body, Mothra chased after her mother.
"Hey, wait! We still need to bring me back to the real world!" She called. Mosura swivelled around and placed a hand on her hip.
"Oh, so you can see Gojira's bastard again?" She accused. "I'm not going to waste my time bringing my disobedient daughter back to life so she can date that menace of a Kaiju!"
Mothra wouldn't take anymore. Without even thinking, she raised her hand and struck Mosura across the face. Mosura barley even moved, but her face did show her surprise and shock.
"Do not talk about Godzilla that way!" Mothra yelled. It wasn't until after that when Mothra realized what she had just done. Her eyes went wide as she gasped and covered her mouth. The two women both stared at each other in total silence for a good while. Mosura was the first one to talk.
"You... you really do love him, don't you?" She asked. Mothra nodded. Mosura exhaled as her expression softened.
"I-I'm sorry." Mothra squeaked. "Please... I-I didn't mean to..."
"Did I ever tell you how your father and I met?" She asked. Again, Mothra nodded, and removed her hands from her face.
"Y-yeah, you met when father attacked the Earth." She said quietly. "You resolved your differences when you teamed up to fight Gojira."
"What I didn't tell you is that our relationship didn't start out a smoothly as you might think." Mosura continued. "We were younger back then, younger than you are now. My family didn't approve of my feelings for Batora. It took some time, but I knew I would marry him, with or without my family's consent. And that's exactly what I did."
"I... still don't understand." Mothra said.
"What I'm saying is that I refuse to be a hypocrite to my own daughter." Mosura explained. "While I may not like Gojira, or his son for that matter, I suppose it is not my place to dictate who you fall in love with."
Such an agreeable response was uncommon from Mosura. It caught Mothra off guard slightly, but she appreciated it.
"So, we're still going to bring me back?" She asked.
"Of course." Mosura replied. "Besides, it could be worse. It's not like you have feelings for someone like that heathen, Ghidorah."
"Ugh, come on, mother! I have some standards!" Mothra laughed. Mosura laughed back. For such dreary circumstances, the two were happy to find a moment of levity. Mosura sighed after some time.
"I really did miss you, you know." She said. She placed a hand on Mothra's shoulder. It was the most loving thing she had ever said to her, in life or death.
"I missed you too." Mothra admitted. "And so did Battra and Leo." Mosura breathed in deeply, as if she was holding back her emotions.
"Now, we have some work to do." She said.

Mosura explained how the fountain worked. The fountain was a gateway between the living world and the afterlife, though anyone who did make it through the gateway would only appear as a spirit, as Mothra experienced herself. However, if a spirit were to absorb a large amount of energy, they would have the chance to inhabit their body once again.
"How are we supposed to find that much energy?" Mothra asked.
"I have a plan. It's simple, but it will take some effort on your part." Mosura explained. "As a spirit, you still have your goddess powers, but in a different way. You can transfer your powers to the living, making them more powerful for a short period of time."
"I see... so who do I power up?" Mothra asked. She could see Mosura's discomfort in her face as she prepared to say what she was about to say.
"... Gojira." She finally said.
"You mean Kiryu?" Mothra asked. She remembered that Gojira had been brought back as a cyborg years ago. She was the only one on the entire island who knew who Kiryu really was. Not even Godzilla knew.
"When you give Kiryu power, he will not remain Kiryu for long." Mosura explained. Mothra understood. She turned away from her mother and gazed at the fountain. After a few seconds, she ran towards it, and with a graceful leap, dove headfirst into the water. Just like last time, she landed on Monster Island, but in a different place this time. Instead of landing near her grave, she instead landed in the living area set up for Moguera, Jet, and Kiryu. They were talking about something, obviously not noticing Mothra. While Jet and Moguera continued the conversation, Mothra immediately went for Kiryu. She found him on his bed, staring up at the ceiling.
"Okay... how do I do this?" Mothra muttered to herself. She went out on a limb and touched a hand onto Kiryu's arm. Immediately, she felt a tingle run up and down her being. She began to glow as well, as did Kiryu. Both were surprised. Kiryu said something, but Mothra didn't understand. What she did understand was what was happening to Kiryu. His body was reforming. He didn't need the mechanical equipment anymore. He was becoming Gojira. As Jet and Moguera gathered and watched in amazement as Gojira tore off his robotic prosthetics, Mothra stepped back. She smiled, realizing she had done something good. She had seen enough for now. She closed her eyes and felt herself float upwards. Eventually, she surfaced in the fountain. Mosura helped her out of the fountain.
"Good job. But your work is not over yet." Mosura said. She explained the rest of the plan. It sounded complicated, far more complicated than Mothra expected. Mosura predicted that Gojira would use his own energy to destroy X. If this theory was correct, the resulting energy would be enough to bring someone back to life.
"And we'll use it to bring you back to life." Mosura explained. Mothra was overjoyed. She would have her life back again. She would have Godzilla back again. But another thought crossed her mind.
"But mother... can't you and father come with me?" She asked. Mosura sighed and shook her head.
"I'm afraid it's too late for us, dear. We lived a good life." She said. "But you, Mothra, are still but a child. You deserve a better death than the one you were forced to receive."
This made Mothra even happier. Mosura never showed her this much affection while she was alive. Another tear ran down Mothra's cheek, which Mosura wiped away again.
"Come, now. We have a battle to watch." She said.

Mothra and Mosura sat crowded around the fountain. They wanted to watch the massive battle which was about to ensue. They were surprised to see that Godzilla and Leo were also powered up in their ultimate forms. Mosura explained that the residual energy from Mothra powering up Gojira must have had an effect on them as well. They watched with intense glee as Godzilla and Leo fought Desghidorah. Mothra was touched by Godzilla's determination to avenge her. Once Desghidorah was finally defeated, Mothra was surprised to hear Mosura laugh.
"Hah! Good riddance!" She said. "I may have been wrong about Godzilla."
"See? What did I tell you?" Mothra added.
Next, they watched Godzilla, Leo, Ghidorah, and Gojira fight Kaiser Ghidorah. The battle was intense, and ended as Mosura thought it would. Gojira stabbed his swords into Kaiser Ghidorah's back, and had the others shoot energy at him to absorb the it.
"Be ready, Mothra." Mosura said. "We will not have another chance." Mothra nodded, and looked back to the fountain. Gojira and Kaiser Ghidorah shot into the air like a rocket. Mosura looked up at Mothra again.
"Now, Mothra! Jump into the fountain!" She commanded.
Mothra prepared to dive in once more, but before she did, she looked lovingly at Mosura, who returned the gaze.
"Goodbye, mother." Mothra said.
"Farewell, Mothra, my daughter." Mosura replied. And with that, Mothra dove into the fountain. She closed her eyes, feeling the energy from Gojira and Kaiser Ghidorah envelop her. She felt warmth for the first time in hours as blood re-entered her body. Air graced her lungs once again. She opened her eyes, only to see a bright light. When the light faded, she was lying face up on the ground. It was night. She groaned and stumbled slightly, but managed to keep her footing. She realized that everyone was standing around her, staring in shock and surprise. Even Ghidorah's army was amazed. Finally, Mothra spoke.
"Um...what happened?" She mumbled.
Everyone was speechless. Mothra began to step foreword, but she stumbled and fell. Godzilla rushed over and helped her up. She thanked him and stood up on her own.
"Mothra, do you remember anything?" Godzilla asked.
"It's starting to come back to me." Mothra said. "I remember defeated him, right?"
"Y-yeah..." Godzilla nodded. It was the only thing he could think to say. Mothra continued.
"One more thing, and be honest." She said. "How do I look?" She held up a lock of her hair, which was caked with dirt. In fact, most of her outfit wasn't very clean. Godzilla didn't respond at first.
"Not great, I'm guessing?" Mothra asked.
"Well, you were buried underground..." Godzilla said.
Mothra nodded, understanding what he meant. She struggled to remember the afterlife, but found that she couldn't. Her memory was foggy, as if she just woke up from a dream. She snapped out of her trance when Godzilla spoke again.
"Mothra...about what you said before you...died..." He began. Mothra knew what he was referring too. She blushed.
"Um...yes?" She responded.
"Did you mean it?" Godzilla asked. Mothra looked down at the ground and nervously rocked back and forth on her heels. After a few seconds, she looked back up at him.
"That depends." She said. "Do you feel the same way?"
Godzilla smiled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her towards him, much to her surprise.
"I do. I really do." He answered. Mothra smiled back.
"Then yes." She finally answered. Godzilla drew her in closer and kissed her. He could hear the others cheer them, but she wasn't paying attention. All that mattered to her was right in front of her right now. Finally, she was truly happy again for the first time in a long while. Finally, the kiss stopped, but the two didn't let go of each other.
"Godzilla...I love you." Mothra said quietly.
"I love you too, Mothra." Godzilla responded.

(Author's Note: I'm please to announce that I recently hit 80 followers! It really does amaze me how popular Godzilla Warriors has gotten. I also saw that the first story recently hit 1000 reads, which is awesome. I'd also like to think some of my more recent non-Godzilla stories contributed to my follower count, but let's be honest, Console Wars isn't that popular (yet). The Ask Godzilla Warriors book will be out really soon, too. I promised that for a 50 follower special, and now we reached 80. Anyhow, thanks so much for reading, and until then, this is Captaintaco2345, signing off!)

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