Godzilla VS Kylo Ren

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WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS. If you haven't seen it yet, do not read this.

Description: When Mothra is kidnapped by the First Order from Star Wars, Godzilla arrives to rescue her. However, this also involves battling the First Order's ruthless enforcer, the evil Kylo Ren.

It was a fairly normal day on Monster Island. Mothra was taking a walk through the forest. Everyone else was busy, so there wasn't much to do. The silence of the forest allowed her to be alone with her thoughts, which she appreciated after the hectic year they all had. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt an object bump into her leg. It was cold, and felt like metal. It didn't have much weight to it though. She looked down and saw very strange sight. It was some sort of robot. It was orange and white, and looked to be about the size and shape of a soccer ball, and it had a small half-sphere shaped object on top of it. The half sphere, which acted like a head, looked up at Mothra with it's eye-like camera.
"Huh... what are you?" She asked.
The robot responded with some strange beeping noises. To her surprise, Mothra was able to understand it.
"Your name is... BB-8?" She asked. "And your a droid... from space?"
BB-8 beeped and whistled in agreement.
"Oh. Well, I'm afraid you're a long way from space." Mothra explained. "You're on Earth. But I'm sure you can find a way back to where you came from."
BB-8 looked down and made a low, sad sounding beep. Then it shot back up as if it remembered something. It made a thankful beep and rolled off.
"Good luck, BB-8!" Mothra called. BB-8 stopped and looked back. It stuck a blow torch out from its side and moved it up and down as if it was waving back. Mothra giggled at this, and the little droid continued to roll away.

"Tell me you have some good news." Kylo Ren grumbled behind his mask.
"The BB unit has been spotted." The First Order general replied. Kylo looked up at the screen upon hearing this. Now he was interested.
"Where is it?" He asked. The screen in front of him zoomed through the galaxy before landing on a planet he'd never seen before.
"He was last spotted on a planet known as Earth." The general said.
"Earth..." Kylo thought. He had heard the name before, but he'd never been there himself.
"Orders, sir?" The general asked.
"Ready the Storm Troopers and prepare for light speed." Kylo ordered. He would find this BB unit no matter what. The map to Luke Skywalker would be his.
"One more thing, sir." The general said. Kylo turned his attention back to the screen.
"The BB unit was spotted with a girl." The general continued. The screen now showed a picture of a girl with short white hair with a brunette streak and bright blue eyes. Kylo studied the picture for a while, and realized this girl was not human. He also felt that she had a strange power, but she was definitely not a Jedi, let alone a force user.
"Find her." Kylo commanded. "She'll make the hunt for the BB unit easier."
The general nodded and got to work. Kylo turned and walked back down the hallway to his chambers. As he did so, he activated his lightsaber and gave it a few swings in his hand. Finally, he would finish what his grandfather had started long ago.

Mothra had just finished her walk, and began to wonder about BB-8. Where had he come from? He said he came from space, but where exactly? And what even was he? Mothra simply sighed and shrugged, knowing that she would probably never receive an answer for these questions. Suddenly, she heard something. It was pretty loud, but a bit muffled. It sounded a bit like an explosion. Mothra looked into the sky, and she saw a massive triangle shaped object. It was so large that it nearly covered the sun. Just as Mothra began to wonder what this object was, she heard another sound. It almost sounded like a plane, but much higher pitched. She saw that the sound was coming from a group of circular shaped objects, which she guessed came from the triangular monolith in the sky. Eventually, the objects got louder and louder before the sound stopped completely, along with the objects themselves. Mothra could see the objects better as they got closer, and saw that they were most likely some sort of ship. She guessed that the triangle in the sky was also some sort of massive ship. Maybe Ghidorah got his hands on some new technology. She was about to run and find Godzilla, until she heard yet another sound. This one was a voice.
"Don't move, and put your hands up." The voice sounded filtered, and Mothra quickly saw why as she turned around. The voice was coming from a figure in strange white armour. He was holding a gun at her. Many others like him were doing the same thing.
"By the command of the First Order, you are under arrest." The figure said again.
"The first... what?" Mothra asked. "What am I getting arrested for?"
"This is your last warning." The figure commanded. "Put your hands up, and do not move."
"Uh... no." Mothra said, pulling out her knife. "And there isn't much you can do about it either."
"Well, they could shoot me." Mothra thought, but she kept this to herself. As expected, the armour clad figures raised their guns and began to shoot. Oddly enough, the guns fired lasers instead of bullets. Mothra was able to block most of the fire with her knife, but the ones she didn't simply missed anyway. This went on for some time, as Mothra was too confused to just fly away. Suddenly, all the lasers stopped in mid air. All the figures quickly but shakily stepped back, all getting into a single file line. Mothra was still confused.
"Okay, can somebody tell me what the hell is going on..." She began. Her confusion reached its peak when she found that she could not move. She was completely paralyzed. And soon, she realized why. It was the same reason the lasers stopped moving. It was because somebody with an extreme telekinetic power was nearby. Even more powerful than Mothra. As she wondered who this person could be, he revealed himself. He was tall, and dressed in all black, including a hood and a small torn up cape. Most intimidating however, was his mask. It was silver and black, with a pitch-dark visor protecting his eyes. Mothra couldn't see his face at all. He walked up to her until they were face to face. He was much taller than Mothra, but she could reason that he was a little bit shorter than Godzilla.
"Where is the BB unit?" He asked.
"You're looking for BB-8?" Mothra asked. Evidently, she could still talk even though she was paralyzed.
"Yes, and you will tell me where it is." The stranger commanded. Mothra didn't appreciate his tone, and showed it with her facial expression.
"You know, you guys don't seem like the friendliest bunch." Mothra said. "So no, I'm not gonna tell you where BB-8 is."
The stranger brought his mask close to Mothra's face. Way too close. She tried to look away, but she couldn't move her head.
"You do realize I could kill you right now, right?" The stranger threatened. "Do you even know who I am? I am Kylo Ren, the leader of the First Order. And you will tell me where the BB unit is."
Mothra was certainly more intimidated now, but she still didn't budge. Partially because she coudln't move. Kylo stood himself back up and walked around Mothra. Once he was behind her, she couldn't turn her head around to see him. She only heard a loud crackling noise, as if a bolt of lightning struck right behind her, and she felt an intense warmth on her back. Then, a blade made of pure read crackling light appeared next to her head, dangerously close to her neck. Now she was terrified.
"Tell me where it is now." Kylo Ren ordered. Mothra still didn't budge. Partially out of not wanting BB-8 to fall into the hands of these guys, and also because she was too scared. Suddenly, the blade of light disappeared, and the crackling noises stopped. Kylo Ren had de-activated it.
"Fine. I have other ways of getting what I want." He hissed. He placed an hand near Mothra's head, and suddenly, everything went dark.

Rodan and Anguirus stood wide eyed and jaw dropped as they watched this scene unfold from the bushes. Suddenly, Godzilla approached them.
"Hey guys, what's going on?" He asked.
"The coolest thing ever!" Rodan exclaimed.
"What?" Godzilla asked.
"Kylo Ren just kidnapped Mothra!" Anguirus explained. Godzilla raised an eyebrow.
"Who did what?" He asked.
"Kylo Ren." Anguirus continued. "The bad guy from the new Star Wars movie! Apparently he exists! Star Wars is real, dude!"
Godzilla rolled his eyes. He and the others had seen the new Star Wars movie the previous week, and Rodan and Anguirus had been raving about it since then. They were completely obsessed.
"So the bad guy from a fictional sci-fi movie kidnapped Mothra?" Godzilla asked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Pardon me if I find that hard to believe."
"Yeah, check it out." Rodan said, pointing up. Godzilla looked up, and saw a group of tie-fighters heading towards a massive star destroyer.
"Okay, let me get this straight." Godzilla said in disbelief. "Star Wars is real, Kylo Ren kidnapped Mothra," He looked back down at Rodan and Anguirus, now with an angry look on his face.
"And you two just sat and watched while it happened!?" He asked.
Anguirus and Rodan looked down sheepishly. "Maybe..." Rodan mumbled.
Godzilla face palmed. "Great. Just great." He walked away, and then came back with a large super energy tank. He punched it, puncturing the metal, and the energy flowed into him. In a bright flash, he transformed into Super Godzilla. He turned to Anguirus and Rodan.
"I'll deal with you two when I get back." Godzilla said. With that, he flew into the air and sped off towards the Star Destroyer. Rodan and Anguirus simply watched.
"Dude, I just realized something." Rodan said. "Star Wars is apparently real now, so that means the prequels are real."
"So?" Anguirus said.
"That means Jar Jar Binks is real." Rodan explained.
"Dammit." Anguirus groaned.

When Mothra woke up, she found that she was strapped down onto an upright table. She couldn't move, aside from her head. The room was cold and quiet, and the atmosphere was made even creepier by the fact that Kylo Ren was standing across the room, facing her with crossed arms. Mothra furrowed her eyebrows.
"You know what I want." Kylo said. "And you're going to give it to me."
"Look, I'm just gonna tell you right now. I have no idea where BB-8 went." Mothra said.
"You're lying." Kylo hissed. He activated his lightsaber again. Mothra realized that this was the crackling red light blade she had seen earlier. It was quite impressive. The blade was complimented by two smaller blades acting as a cross guard hilt. He aimed the blade at Mothra.
"I could get the answers out of you using this," Kylo explained, "but I have a much more effective way of getting information."
"Why do you want BB-8 so bad anyway?" Mothra snapped.
"That droid holds the map to Luke Skywalker." Kylo explained.
Mothra raised an eyebrow. "Wait, Luke Skywalker? Like, from Star Wars? I actually haven't seen those movies, even the new one."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Kylo said, de-activating his lightsaber, "but it is now time to end this little game."
He began to walk towards Mothra. Once he was within arms length, he raised a hand close to Mothra's head. He showed no intention of touching her, so Mothra had no idea what he was trying to do. That was, until she suddenly got a bad headache. The headache increased more and more. She realized what he was trying to do. He was using his telekinesis to torture her mind.
"Two can play at that game." Mothra said. She closed her eyes, and used her own psychic powers to block him out. Kylo gave a frustrated grunt, and telekinetically broke her psychic barrier. Mothra groaned and tried to move her head away, but she was stuck in Kylo Ren's grasp.
"Your powers are no match for the force." He growled.
He was right. Mothra kept trying to block him out, but nothing was working. Her headache increased more and more. It felt like her mind was being ripped apart.
"This can end if you tell me where the BB unit is." Kylo threatened.
"Stop right there, buddy." A voice said from behind him. He stopped torturing Mothra and looked over his shoulder. The door behind him had been cut open, and the two Stormtroopers guarding the door were knocked out. The figure standing in the door held a long blade that he evidently used to cut the door open, and it was glowing bright blue. But this was no lightsaber. Despite this, Kylo sensed a strong aura from him.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"My name's Godzilla, and you messed with the wrong Kaiju today." Godzilla replied. Mothra smirked smugly at Kylo.
"Oh, you're in for it now." She said. Godzilla looked past Kylo and at Mothra.
"Don't worry, Mothra. I'm gonna get you out of here." He assured.
"So, you know each other?" Kylo realized. "Then perhaps you know where the BB unit is."
"Forget about the BB unit." Godzilla said. He knew he was talking about BB-8, but he decided not to let Kylo know this. "How about this. If you fight me and win, I'll tell you where it is. If I win, you'll let Mothra go and leave."
Kylo looked back at Mothra, then back at Godzilla. He made his decision.
"Fine." He answered. He activated his lightsaber once more. "However, I wonder how your metallic blade will hold up against a my saber."
He lunged at Godzilla, striking downward with the lightsaber. Godzilla blocked with his sword. Kylo assumed he would simply cut through the metal, but to his surprise, the blade did not cut through. Mothra was surprised as well.
"I'd say it holds up pretty well." Godzilla smirked. He kicked Kylo in the chest, sending him back with a grunt. He had charged his blade full of atomic energy, effectively making it function the same way as a lightsaber. Kylo looked back up at Godzilla, with a look of anger behind his mask. He thrust his arm out, using his force ability to push Godzilla back into a wall. He slammed into it so hard that he intended the wall. He got back up and ran at Kylo, holding his sword in a defensive stance. The blades clashed again and again, sending sparks of red and blue energy out.
"Do you really think you can defeat me!?" Kylo growled.
"I don't think, I know... Ben." Godzilla said. He knew Kylo Ren's real name from watching the movie. As Kylo heard his true name, he stopped and backed up a little bit. This gave Godzilla and opportunity to send an atomic blast at him. Due to the sword being charged up, the blast was much more powerful, and sent Kylo across the room. While he was incapacitated, Godzilla ran over to Mothra and began to undo her bindings.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked.
"Yeah, a bit, but I'm fine." Mothra answered. She rubbed her sore wrists. On the other side of the room, Kylo Ren began to stand himself up. His mask had fallen off, but he didn't care. He turned to Mothra and Godzilla, rage present in his eyes.
"How did you know my name?" He hissed. Mothra heard him and looked over in his general direction.
"Whoa, that's what he looks like without your mask?" She asked. "He's kind of hot, actually..."
Godzilla raised an eyebrow and looked over at Mothra.
"You do realize I'm standing right next to you, right?" He asked. Mothra blushed and rubbed the back of her head. Godzilla turned back to Kylo Ren, who was standing back up. He stared intensely at Godzilla while activating his lightsaber.
"You didn't answer my question." He growled. "How do you know my real name?"
"I just do, okay?" Godzilla answered. He thought it would be better to not let someone know that they're a fictional character in another universe. "Look, I won, so you have to hold up your end of the deal."
Kylo brandished his lightsaber again and began to charge at Godzilla.
"I expected something like this." Godzilla muttered. He got into a battle stance, ready to fight with the Sith warrior once again. However, Mothra quickly stepped in front of him. Before Godzilla could question this, Mothra thrust her hands out, sending Kylo Ren into the wall again. This time, he didn't get back up. Godzilla could hear a muffled groan escape his mask, assuring that he was still alive.
"He'll be fine." Mothra said. "But he won't remember any of this."
"Well in that case, we should get out of here." Godzilla suggested. Mothra nodded in agreement, but Godzilla had something else to say.
"Wait, you were surprised when he took off his mask." He said. "Didn't you see the new Star Wars movie?"
"No, I haven't seen any of them." Mothra admitted. Godzilla paused and looked at her with a surprises and slightly disappointed look, making Mothra a little bit embarrassed.
"Okay, we don't have time to deal with that now," Godzilla said, "but we will talk about this when we get back."
Mothra laughed nervously and nodded. Suddenly, Godzilla's communicator rang. Jet was calling. Once Godzilla saw this, he quickly answered.
"Godzilla, something really weird is going on." Jet said.
"I know. Kylo Ren from Star Wars just kidnapped Mothra." Godzilla answered.
"That's not what I was going to say, but it is part of it." Jet explained. "Someone's been messing with time and space. I don't know exactly what happened, but the end result is that our universe has collided with the Star Wars universe."
"Oh, okay, that makes sense." Godzilla said sarcastically. Jet rolled his eyes.
"It's fine, I figured out a way to permanently separate our universes." Jet continued. "So if you're interacting with anything Star Wars related, I'd suggest not touching it. It'll disappear soon, and I don't know what'll happen when it does."
"Um... Jet?" Mothra chimed in. "We're on a star destroyer right now."
Jet paused for a few moments. "Uh... then you should try to find a way off. Soon."
Almost as soon as he said this, the metal interior and floor of the star destroyer, along with Kylo Ren's unconscious body, faded out of existence. Mothra was able to keep in the air through flight, while Godzilla fell. Luckily, they weren't to far above the ocean. Godzilla landed safely into the water and swam to the surface. Mothra flew down to him.
"Are you alright?" She asked.
"Yeah, fine." Godzilla replied. "Let's just hope that was the last universe collision we have to deal with."
Suddenly, Godzilla's communicator rang again. It was waterproof. He pulled it out, realizing Jet was calling them again.
"Hey, Godzilla, I got some bad news." He said. "I managed to find a way to separate our universe and the Star Wars universe, but there are still a few universes which seem to be colliding with ours."
"I spoke too soon." Godzilla muttered.
"It'll take me a while to fix them all, so don't be surprised if you encounter something somewhere it shouldn't be." Jet continued.
"Thanks, Jet. We'll keep an eye out." Mothra said. Jet nodded and closed communications. Mothra looked back at Godzilla.
"So what now?" She asked.
"Now we head back to Monster Island and wait for the next universe collision." Godzilla said. He began to swim back to the island, while Mothra flew overhead. They both thought about who they might meet next. Characters from movies, video games, tv shows, and comics flew through their minds. As much as they were dreading it, they were also kind of looking foreword to it.

The End

AN: So yeah, I've pretty much set it up that any character from anything can crossover with Godzilla Warriors. If you want to see Godzilla or anyone to fight someone or something, feel free to request it. (To clarify, this only counts for more outlandish crossovers. For example, Marvel properties and Pacific Rim don't count, but something like Star Wars, Mario, Kingdom Hearts, and stuff you wouldn't normally expect Godzilla to crossover with do count.)

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