Kaiju Classroom Lesson 2: Aliens

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Description: In this instalment of Kaiju Classroom, Ghidorah and Gigan talk about the various extra-terrestrials in the Godzilla Warriors universe. I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.

Ghidorah's text is in italics, Gigan's text is in bold

Greetings, earthlings. I am your future ruler, King Ghidorah. Or at least I would be, if it weren't for Godzilla constantly interrupting my plans.

I'm Gigan, and I'm also here.

In this universe of ours, there are many species of aliens and other "extra terrestrials" as you apparently call them. Gigan and I are only a few, but there are many others. And today, we are going to teach you about them.

Hold onto your fedoras, internet, because you're about to learn something.

Gigan, behave yourself.

Yes, sir.

Now, let's start with my species. I hail from Venus. Don't bother trying to get there yourself, you'll be incinerated before you can touch the surface. Being closer to the sun than Earth, Venus is scorching hot. My species is extremely heat tolerant, but even we have our limits. Most of our buildings are underground and cooled using water. Yes, there is water on Venus. Despite that, we're very similar to humans. There are a few other differences, however. First, many of us are able to fly and have limited control over a certain element, myself included. A rare mutation also exists within my species, which grants the individual fortunate enough to have this mutation with large bat-like wings. My brother Desghidorah had this mutation. Also, every 100 member born of my species will be a Kaiser. This means they are able to unlock an alternate form of themselves which is taller, more powerful, and has wings. My other brother X was a Kaiser.

Then there's the Xillians, which hail from the planet Gorath. It's the planet halfway between Krypton and Tatooine. I'm kidding of obviously, I have no idea where it is. I'm technically not even a Xillian anymore, but that's a long story. Anyway, Xillians don't have the same powers or strengths as Ghidorah's race. But what we do have is technology. Gorath is filled with airships, mechs, flying cars, hover boards, and pretty much anything you'd expect an alien to have. Also, the whole Kaiser thing comes from Gorath.

What do you mean?

I mean the reason Kaisers even exist on Venus is because of radiation generated from Gorath. The whole "every 100" thing is just a coincidence.

...I was not aware of this.

Well, now you know. The Xilians also made the first MechaGodzilla to defeat Gojira, but that happened a few years before I was born.

My race and Xilians aren't the only aliens in our galaxy, however. For instance, there is also SpaceGodzilla, a product of Godzilla's cells mutating inside of a black hole.

I hate that guy.

Understandable. But the radioactive crystals created along with him contained the life-giving cells which caused the creation of two members of my army, Krystalak and Obsidius. Krystalak was actually from another alien species before SpaceGodzilla's crystals grafted themselves into his body. Obsidius is a different story. The crystals that created him fell into a volcano, which hardened and crystallized into living lava rock, which combined into Obsidius.

Then there's my girl, Biolante. She's technically not an alien, but part of her did come from space. She was created when a radioactive meteor carrying plant life from another planet crashed into Earth. The irradiated cells combined with human and plant cells from Earth, and eventually evolved into a humanoid female. An incredibly sexy humanoid female...

Gigan, focus.

Right, sorry. I was too busy thinking about how ridiculously hot Biolante is.


Okay, back on track. Sorry.

*Sigh* The things I have to put up with... Anyway, another alien on our side is Hedorah. He was created by alien cells combining with the massive amounts of pollution on Earth. This is a similar case to Destroyah. You see, before I arrived on Earth, humans were trying to take out Gojira with a device called the Oxygen Destroyer. The plan failed, and the Oxygen Destroyer was sent into space, where it combined with more alien cells to form Destroyah.

You're being kind of vague with the "alien cells". Can you be more specific?

Well, the truth is, I'm not quite sure where these cells came from. Though it is possible they originated alongside SpaceGodzilla, or at least from the same black whole with created him.

Huh. Either way, there's still a few more aliens out there in the universe, and a lot that we don't know about. I heard talk that some guy named Dogolas attacked Earth a while ago, but we don't really know anything about his species, if he even has one.

I'll have to meet this Dogolas at some point.

Oh, and another thing. We've been experimenting with alternate dimensions and universes recently, and we found this one where weird creatures exist. And our research shows that this dimension is slowly forming a gateway, or "breach", to reach our dimension.

Now now, Gigan, we don't want to spoil anything.

Oh yeah, sure. Sorry, readers. You're gonna have to wait to find out more about that.

For now, though, it appears that's all the time we have. If there are any other things you'd like to learn about us or any other Kaiju, leave a comment. That's not a request, that's an order from your future ruler. Until then, class dismissed!

You can go back to your One Direction fan-fiction now.

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