Marvel Crossover: Snap

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Description: Thanos, the Mad Titan, has collected all the Infinity Stones, and erased half of the universe. This includes characters from the Godzilla Warriors universe.


"I told you. You would die for that." Thor growled, pushing Stormbreaker further into Thanos' chest. The Mad Titan released a shout of pain as the blade sunk deeper into his flesh. This pain was well deserved. Not even a few minutes ago, he had ripped the Mind Stone from Vision's head, killing him instantly. Now he had all the Infinity Stones in his possession, but before he could snap his fingers and end half of the universe, Thor, in a last ditch effort, threw Stormbreaker, his new axe, at him. And it worked. Or so Thor had thought. Thanos was gravely wounded, but he was still alive. He looked up at Thor, a pained expression on his face.
"You... should..." Thanos muttered. The pain and blood loss was almost too much for him to speak.
"What?" Thor demanded. Suddenly, a malicious grin spread across Thanos' face, and he glared up at The Asgardian.
"You should... have gone for the head." He hissed. Thor's eyes widened as he realized what Thanos meant. He hadn't noticed that he had raised the Infinity Gauntlet, and watched in sheer horror as the Man Titan snapped his fingers.

Monster Island:

"Godzilla, get out here now!" Anguirus shouted. Godzilla and Mothra had been watching the battle of Wakanda from a SHIELD camera drone on their communicator. Watching Thanos defeat the Avengers, or what remained of them, without barely a hinderance, and use the Infinity Stones with such startling results, was actually kind of scary.
"I'll be right out!" Godzilla called back. He was about to head for the door, but Mothra stayed behind for a moment. He looked behind himself at her, and saw her blank, emotionless expression.
"Godzilla... if Thanos comes for us next..." Mothra said, clearly deep in thought, "we'd be able to beat him, right?"
Godzilla had to think about this. In truth, he had no idea. He hadn't even thought about it. He didn't want to either.
"Yeah..." He nodded. "Yeah, I think so."
With that said, he ran out the door of his tent, followed by Mothra close behind him. The two saw a helicopter crashed into the island. Everyone was standing around it. Godzilla approached it, looking for a pilot to see if they needed help, but there wasn't one. There was some sort of dust or ash on the seat, but besides that, there was no trace of anyone.
"What in the hell..." He said.
He was snapped out of it when he heard Battra gasp behind him. He turned around, only to see something shocking; Battra was disintegrating. Literally, his hand was crumbling into dust before his eyes. The rest of him followed quickly soon after.
"...What is this..?" He said before he completely disappeared. Everyone was too shocked to say anything, especially Mothra and Leo. The siblings looked at each other in mutual distress, until Leo suddenly looked down at his own hand. Mothra looked as well, and saw that Leo was also disintegrating.
"Mothra, I..." Leo began. He reached out for her, but it was too late. He was nothing but dust before he could reach her. Mothra backed up slightly as she began to shake. Both her brothers had just disappeared before her eyes. Tears flowed freely down her face as she fell to her knees.
"No... no... please, no..." She whispered, falling to her hands as well. Godzilla was just as disturbed. The realization of what had happened hit him. Thanos had won. Whatever he was planning, he had achieved it. He looked over his shoulder just in time to see Rodan drop to his knees as well, looking at the spot where Radon was standing. Like Leo and Battra, she was nothing but dust. Rodan simply shook his head in disbelief, looking at the ashes that used to be his lover.
"Oh shit..." Anguirus said. "Rodan, I... I'm so sorry, I..." He suddenly saw his hand, which was crumbling into dust like the others. He could barely get another word out before he was completely dissolved. Godzilla tried to say something, but he couldn't. There was nothing that could be said. While he took this in, Zilla and Komi held onto each other tightly.
"You're okay, right?" Zilla asked.
"Yeah... I feel okay." Komi said. "How about you?... Zilla?... Zilla?" As she turned back to him, she gasped and dropped the pile of dust Zilla had become. The entire island fell silent. Half of their team had just disappeared before their eyes. The only ones left were Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Baragon, Muto, and Komi. Anguirus, Battra, Leo, Radon, and Zilla were completely gone, erased from all existence.
"Godzilla... what's going on?" Baragon asked. Everyone left looked to him for an answer. Godzilla turned away from them. He knew what was happening, but he couldn't bring himself to find the words. After a long while, Godzilla finally turned to face them.
"Thanos. He won." He said before his body also turned to dust.

Ghidorah's Ship:

Ghidorah's cape fluttered behind him as he rushed to his throne room. Gigan followed quickly behind him.
"Whoa, what's the rush?" Gigan asked, trying to keep up with his leader.
"A large release of energy has just occurred on Earth." Ghidorah explained, someone panicked.
"You think it was that Thanos guy?" Gigan asked.
"I have no doubt in my mind." Ghidorah said. He entered his throne room, with Gigan following him in. Ghidorah sat on his throne and opened his holographic screen, only to see exactly what was happening on Earth. There was destruction everywhere. People were dissolving into dust, and with this brought endless devastation.
"It's as I feared." Ghidorah said. He looked at other planets in the galaxy, and sure enough, this was happening everywhere; not just Earth. Ghidorah removed his helmet and dragged his hair back, trying to keep himself sane in the face of this horror.
"Gigan warn the others." He ordered. No answer. "Gigan. GIGAN!"
As he shouted, he turned around to face him, only to be met with nothing. Gigan was gone, replaced with a pile of dust, along with two metal arms. Ghidorah's eyes widened.
"No..." He whispered. He got off his throne and ran, not caring about his helmet. He rushed past the living quarters of his army, opening every door on his path. He looked inside each door, seeing every single member of his army crumbling into dust. Biolante, Hedorah, Kumonga, they were all gone. There were only two small amounts of hope left in Ghidorah. He opened his wrist mounted communicator, opening the communication channel between himself and Destroyah. He was in the lab at the time rather than his quarters.
"Destroyah, can you hear me?" Ghidorah asked. No answer, only static. "Destroyah, if you can hear me, answer now. That's an order!" Still no answer. Sweat was practically pouring down Ghidorah's face. He opened up another communication channel. The last ray of hope in him relied on this one last shot.
"Slattern, can you hear me?" He asked. Yet again, no answer. Ghidorah breathed in a shaky breath before speaking again. "Slattern please, not you too... please answer me." Again no answer. Ghidorah shook in his sadness and fear. There was nothing he could do. He could kill Thanos, but that wouldn't bring his army back. He released a pained sigh as he placed a hand against the view window at the end of the hall. After a long time, he finally looked up at the new galaxy before him. He was alone. And for the first time in his long life, he felt real dread.


Thanos limped out of his ship, which he had flown back to his homeworld of Titan. He was still wounded, but the power of the Stones was healing him. He breathed a deep sigh and sat down on his landing ramp. He had done it. The universe had been halved, and he was to thank for it. He knew the pain this would bring to its inhabitants, as he too felt it. He had lost loved ones in his quest as well. But that didn't matter. He would heal, as would the universe. And in time, they would thank him. But for now, he watched the sun rise over Titan, and smiled, content that his destiny had arrived. The Infinity War was over.

The End...

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