Marvel Crossover: Snap Aftermath

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Description: The remaining Kaiju who survived Thanos' snap track him down with a plan to bring everyone back. But things go horribly wrong...

In a blur, the attack began. Komi and Baragon grabbed his left arm. Muto and Rodan grabbed the right. And finally, Mothra delivered the final blow, slicing off his arm at the elbow with her brother's elemental katana. Thanos screamed in pain as his arm fell to the floor. The scream ended as Mothra delivered a hard kick to his jaw.
"You don't get to scream!" She snapped. "You don't get to show pain after the pain you've caused."
Thanos growled as blood dripped from his lip. "Who are you?" He demanded. Rodan sent an elbow into his giant, purple head.
"We're the ones who's friends you killed, bastard." He spat. "And now, we're bringing them back."
"And then, we're gonna kill you." Muto added. Then, Thanos did something nobody expected; he chuckled. He was laughing.
"What's funny?" Komi demanded.
"Might as well kill me now." Thanos smirked. Mothra's eyes narrowed. She kicked over the gauntlet on the ground, attached to his severed arm. It was damaged from the snap, which had happened just days earlier, but it appeared much more damaged than it should have been. When it turned over, her eyes widened. The Infinity Stones, the glowing ingots of pure infinite power that powered the gauntlet, were gone. All that remained were empty holes.
"Where are they?" Mothra demanded. Thanos just laughed. Mothra was on her last nerve. He grabbed his collar and pulled him close to her face.
"ANSWER ME!!! WHERE ARE THE STONES!?" She shouted. She wanted to shove her blade right into Thanos' smug purple face, but she needed answers. Finally. he spoke.
"Gone." He whispered. "I destroyed them."
"Bullshit! You just used them yesterday!" Baragon said. They found out where he was due to the energy signature from his location, It was the exact same as the signature released by the initial snap.
"I used the stones to destroy the stones, fool." Thanos explained. "The work is done. I did what I set out to do. I no longer needed the stones. Nobody did. In time, you will thank me."
"Thank you for what?" Muto spat. "For killing trillions? For causing all this pain? Why would we thank you for that!?"
"Because I saved you." Thanos explained.
Mothra turned around, facing away from Thanos. She stared at the ground with a furrowed brow. She hadn't thought he would have done something like this. Rodan saw her expression and walked over to her.
"Hey, he could be lying." He said. "Don't rule that out. We'll tear the place apart and search this entire planet until-"
Mothra's teeth gritted and she let out a yell of anguish, sorrow, and pure hatred and rage as she flew towards Thanos. She stuck the blade of the elemental katana through his chest, making him scream in pain once more. She wanted to kill him. She really, really wanted to kill him. But more than that, she wanted him to feel pain. She wanted him to feel every ounce of pain he had caused her.
"You took Godzilla from me!" She screamed, twisting the burning blade inside his chest. Through his pain, Thanos looked up at her, holding back his pained expression.
"I don't care." He growled. And that was it. That was all Mothra could take. She screamed once again and drew the blade upwards. She was going to slice Thanos in half, slowly. She wanted to make sure his death was as painful as possible. But before she could do any real damage, a voice called to her from the doorway.
"That's enough!" It commanded. Mothra stopped her blind rage, and turned around, only to see King Ghidorah standing in the door. His face conveyed he wanted nothing to do with her, or any of the Kaiju in that room. His eyes were planted firmly on Thanos.
"The honour of the Mad Titan's death belongs only to me. Step aside." He demanded. Mothra wanted to refuse, but she could sense his pain. He hadn't just lost half his army, like she had. He lost everyone. Even Slattern. As much as she hated Slattern, she knew how much she meant to Ghidorah. Behind his mask, there were tears in his eyes.
"Don't make it quick." Mothra said, turning off the blade. Thanos panted as the others dropped him on the ground. He placed his remaining hand on his chest, which now had a smouldering hole in it. Ghidorah eyed him up slowly.
"I expected more from the Mad Titan." He muttered. "When I heard the name Thanos, I imagined a mighty warrior king. But you... you are no king."
"And neither are you." Thanos chuckled. Ghidorah punched him in the face, his gauntlet scraping skin off.
"You took everything from me." Ghidorah hissed.
"I did you a favour." Thanos spat back. "Go ahead, kill me. It doesn't matter. I won. My actions can never be undone."
Ghidorah didn't think twice. In one slash of his blades, Thanos' head was on the floor. Mothra was surprised, to say the least. She was expecting him to kill Thanos, but not like this, and certainly not this soon. She looked up at Ghidorah, who was already walking out the door. Then she looked back to Thanos' headless corpse, and back to the door as it slammed behind Ghidorah. She ran after him, watching him slowly walk down to his ship.
"Ghidorah wait!" She called. Ghidorah stopped in his tracks and looked back at the goddess as she flew towards him. She landed in front of him, all her anger at Thanos gone from her expression, replaced now with apologetic sorrow.
"We all lost someone to that monster." She said. "You and I even lost the ones we loved..."
"What's your point?" Ghidorah spat. Rather than answering, Mothra hugged him tightly. It took Ghidorah aback, but it felt nice.
"You've lost far more than I have." She said. "I know we were enemies before, but... we should put that behind us now. You could join us, and help us to fight whatever the next threat may be."
Ghidorah hesitated a moment, before removing Mothra from his body. He turned away from her before she could see his face. He breathed in deeply before speaking.
"No... no, I don't think 'friendship' is a priority for me right now." He said. He paused a moment longer, and slowly turned slightly towards Mothra.
"Thank you for the offer." He said. Mothra could see a small glimmer of wetness dripping down his face below his eye. Before she could say anything more, Ghidorah turned and walked towards his ship. Mothra breathed a sigh as it took off towards the sky. Ghidorah had been her enemy for years, but she felt truly sympathetic for him. But there was no way to bring anyone back from Thanos' genocide. The stones were gone, Thanos was dead, and hope was nonexistent. Not just for Mothra, but for everyone in the universe, nothing would ever be the same.

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