Mothra and Senketsu (Kill la Kill Crossover)

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Description: Mothra finds a strange outfit and tries it on. She soon finds out that this outfit, named Senketsu, is alive, and can grant her immense powers. There's a catch, though; in order for the powers to manifest, Senketsu must draw Mothra's blood. But that's not the only catch...

Disclaimer: This story contains a large amount of nudity and sexual themes. I mean, what do you expect; it's a crossover with Kill la Kill. If you don't like Kill La Kill, you won't like this story.

Mothra furrowed her brow as she eyed the long silver case. She had found it on the beach a few minutes ago, seemingly washed up on the shore, and it had piqued her interest. With no idea where it came from, she took it back to her tent to investigate, but still hadn't opened it. She hadn't told anyone about it either. Her mind was conflicted over wether or not to open it. She ran her hand over the cases smooth texture. It seemed air tight; anything inside would still be dry.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt..." She said. "If it's something I shouldn't see, I'll just close it."
With her mind made up, she slowly unbuckled and opened the case. Two objects lay inside; a long red sword in the shape of half of a scissor, and some sort of outfit. Mothra pulled out the outfit first, and held it up in front of her. It was a dark blue schoolgirl outfit, consisting of a shirt, scarf, belt, and skirt. The trim and scarf were red, and a symbol resembling a yellow and red eye was stitched onto the left side of the chest. There was also a red glove with a large ring around the wrist, like a bracelet.
"How weird..." Mothra muttered to herself. "I guess I should put this back." She hesitated before acting on her words. "Or... I could try it on." She smirked.

Mothra spun around in front of her mirror. The outfit looked pretty cute on her. It fit almost perfectly, which surprised her a little.
"Godzilla's gonna love this." She giggled to herself.
As she looked in the mirror, she noticed something strange. The eye symbol appeared to move. Mothra ignored it, thinking she was just seeing things, until she heard a voice.
"Hm... you are not Ryuko..." It grumbled. Mothra froze and looked around the room, searching for the voice's source.
"Who said that?" She asked.
"I did. Down here." The voice said again. Now Mothra understood.
"The outfit is... t-talking to me?" She asked.
"Yes, I am." The outfit replied. The eye moved again, seemingly looking up at her, making her jump. "You can call me Senketsu."
"Okay, time to take this thing off." Mothra said. She grabbed the edges of the shirt, beginning to tug upwards.
"Wait!" Senketsu said. "I may need your help. I became separated from my previous owner, Ryuko Matoi. I need to find her again, but I can't do it on my own."
Mothra stopped removing the shirt, raising an eyebrow.
"So you can't move by yourself?" She asked. "That's what you need help with?"
"Not necessarily." Senketsu explained. "In order to survive, I need to feed on the blood of my host." Mothra's eyes widened. She stumbled and stepped back in shock.
"So you've been drinking my blood this whole time?!" She asked.
"No... at least, not yet. You see that glove you're wearing?" Senketsu asked. Mothra looked at her hand, which was wearing the red glove. A small key stuck out of the ring around her wrist.
"That key prevents me from drinking your blood." Senketsu explained. "But once I draw blood, I become more powerful, and by extension, I grant my host that power."
"What kind of power?" Mothra asked, narrowing her eyes.
"Trust me, and see for yourself." Senketsu insisted.
"And why should I trust you?" Mothra asked. She crossed her arms, but realized that this prevented her from seeing Senketsu's "eye". Instead, she placed her hands on her hips.
"Believe me, if I were lying, you'd know... I'm not very good at it." Senketsu explained. This made Mothra chuckle slightly. At least this blood sucking schoolgirl outfit had a sense of humour.
"Alright, but I don't really need more power right now, so you're gonna have to wait." Mothra agreed.
"One more thing." Senketsu continued. "If you're going to fight someone any time soon, use the Scissor Blade."
Mothra looked over at the silver case again, eyeing the red "Scissor Blade." She picked it up, giving it a few practice swing. It was much longer than her knife, but not as long as Godzilla's katana. It looked pretty cool, though.
"Why should I use this when I can use my knife?" Mothra asked.
"The Scissor Blade and I are made from the same material." Senketsu explained. "It's much more powerful in the hands of someone wearing me."
Mothra was confused, but she knew that if she asked questions, she'd probably just end up with more of them. She simply rolled her eyes and sheathed the blade on Senketsu's belt. Just then, she heard a voice outside her tent.
"Mothra, are you in there?" It was Godzilla.
"Y-yeah." Mothra called. "Did you need something?"
"Ghidorah's ship just appeared, and it's approaching the island." Godzilla explained. "We need you out here."
Mothra looked down at Senketsu's "eye", which looked back up at her.
"Who's Ghidorah?" He asked.
"Long story. The important thing is, I'm gonna have to fight him." Mothra explained. "And that means I'm gonna get to see what you can do."
"Uh... I forgot to mention something." Senketsu admitted. "There's one more catch. It's not too big of a deal really, but you should know..."
"There's no time to explain." Mothra interrupted. "We gotta go, now."
Before Senketsu could object, Mothra ran out of the tent. Godzilla was standing outside.
"There you are." He said. "Who were you talking too in there?.. And what the hell are you wearing?"
"It's just something I found." Mothra explained. "Don't worry, it'll help. Trust me. Now where's Ghidorah?"
"We saw his ship over at the beach..." Godzilla began to explain. Mothra ran towards the beach before he could finish. He raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"What's with her today?" He muttered. "Whatever. We have more important things to deal with."
He followed Mothra to the beach, where Rodan and Anguirus had previously arrived. Ghidorah's ship was slowly approaching, and would arrive in about a minute. Rodan and Anguirus were more focused on Mothra's new clothing.
"Nice outfit, Mothra." Rodan joked.
"Isn't it a little bit cold out to be cosplaying?" Anguirus added.
Mothra tried to ignore them, but she couldn't help but blush slightly. She was starting to have her doubts about Senketsu. To be honest, the outfit itself was a little bit skimpy. The skirt didn't even go past her knees.
"Senketsu, I'm having second thoughts about this." Mothra whispered.
"Just relax. My powers will only work if you're completely calm." Senketsu insisted.
"Well, looks like it's too late now." Mothra replied. Ghidorah's ship had just arrived, and touched down right above the water. The hatch on the deck opened, and Ghidorah stepped out. Gigan, Biolante, and Hedorah followed close behind him.
"What are you doing here, Ghidorah?" Godzilla snapped, drawing his sword. Ghidorah smirked and narrowed his eyes.
"We are here to destroy you, once and for all." He hissed. "And once we finish that, we are going to burn everything on this island to the ground, and take over the... um... are we interrupting something?"
Mothra blushed as she realized Ghidorah was referring to Senketsu. Godzilla and the others realized this as well. Rodan stifled a laugh, while Godzilla glared at Ghidorah.
"Lay off, Ghidorah. It's just clothes." Godzilla said.
"Sorry, we didn't mean to break up your role-play session." Gigan chuckled. Mothra's blush intensified, but her anger did as well.
"Mothra, remember. You must calm down." Senketsu insisted. "Now is the perfect time to activate my powers. Show them what we can do together!"
Mothra smirked, knowing Senketsu was correct. She drew the Scissor Blade and jumped in front of Godzilla. She pointed the blade at Ghidorah.
"Mothra, what are you doing?" Godzilla asked. She turned her head to face him.
"This outfit is more than 'just clothes'." She said. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing."
Godzilla hesitated, but eventually stepped back. Mothra turned her head back to Ghidorah, who seemed too confused to attack. Admittedly, seeing a Kaiju who was usually so sure of himself with such a look of confusion was pretty darn funny, but Mothra held back her laughter. She looked down at Senketsu, who looked back up at her.
"Ready for this?" She whispered.
"Yes. Pull the key out of the glove when you are." Senketsu instructed.
Mothra nodded. She took a deep breath and pulled the small key from the glove. She felt a small needle poke out from the glove and into her wrist, beginning to draw blood into Senketsu. Immediately after that, she felt an extreme warmth envelop her. She closed her eyes as Senketsu began to change and transform. She felt stronger, just as Senketsu had promised. The corners of her mouth curled into a grin. Finally, the warmth left her, and she opened her eyes. The Scissor Blade was still pointed at Ghidorah.
"Prepare to be defeated Ghidorah!" She shouted confidently.
"Uh... Mothra? What the hell happened to your clothes?" Godzilla called. Mothra turned back to Godzilla, and saw his confused and surprised expression. Similar expressions were on Rodan and Anguirus' faces.
"What?" She asked. She looked back at Ghidorah and his army. Gigan's eyes were wide, and he was beginning to remove his glasses. Mothra couldn't see Hedorah's face, but he had turned his head to the side and was seemingly laughing. Biolante's mouth was curled into a sneer, and she had her arms crossed. Ghidorah, on the other hand, was completely expressionless. Mothra suddenly got less confident.
"What's everyone looking at?" Mothra asked. She looked down at herself, and saw that Senketsu had completely changed. Her arms and legs were covered by long gloves and high-heeled boots, but those were almost the only parts of her that were covered. Her stomach, back, and the underside of her chest were completely bare. Her skirt had shortened to about half of its original length, leaving her backside almost completely exposed. Once she realized what she was wearing, she screamed and covered herself up with her arms and hands, dropping the Scissor Blade. Rodan could no longer hold back his laughter.
"Honestly, Mothra. I really thought you were above wearing that sort of outfit." Biolante huffed.
"I...I didn't know it was gonna do this!" Mothra tried to explain. But the others weren't listening to her.
"Actually, I think it's a pretty good look." Gigan said. Biolante responded by flicking him on the head. "What?" Gigan asked, rubbing his head. "It would look better if you were wearing it." Biolante flicked him again.
"Sheesh, Godzilla, you get to see that whenever you want?" Anguirus asked. Godzilla glared at him.
"Go make yourself useful and get Mothra something to cover herself with." Godzilla ordered. Anguirus nodded and complied, running back to Mothra's tent. Meanwhile, Mothra was silently arguing with Senketsu.
"You didn't tell me you were going to do this!" She whispered through clenched teeth.
"I tried to, but you wouldn't let me." Senketsu answered.
"Well can't you change back?! This is humiliating!" Mothra continued.
"I can't change back until I drain enough blood." Senketsu explained. "Because you're so embarrassed right now, I need to drain a lot. I'll probably remain in this form for another few minutes."
"Oh, well that's good to hear!" Mothra grumbled sarcastically. She heard Rodan's laughing get louder as he fell onto the ground.
"Oh my god, Ghidorah's nose is bleeding!" He said, struggling through his laughter.
"N-no, it's not!" Ghidorah insisted, wiping the blood away from his nose. "We... we've clearly been defeated this time. But we'll be back at some point in the future. Just... make sure to wear your regular clothing next time."
Senketsu looked up at Mothra again. "Now's your chance, Mothra." He said. "Don't let him escape!"
Suddenly, as if by some unseen influence, Mothra's shame disappeared. She no longer cared about what she was wearing. All she cared about was stopping Ghidorah. She stood up and pointed the scissor blade at him as her expression went from embarrassment to determination.
"No so fast, Ghidorah!" She shouted. Ghidorah and the others turned around to face her.
"You really want to fight, looking like... that?" Ghidorah asked.
"How I look doesn't matter." Mothra growled. "All that matters are my abilities, like the ones I'm going to use to defeat you."
Ghidorah shrugged. "If you insist." He said. He gestured towards Gigan, who transformed his arms into blades. He jumped into the air and landed in front of Mothra.
"Can't say I won't enjoy this." He grinned. Without another warning, he stabbed at Mothra with his arm blade. He moved so fast that it surprised him when Mothra was able to dodge his attack with little no no effort. Before he could react, Mothra kicked him in the back of the head.
"Wow... how am I doing this?" She asked.
"That is my power. Our abilities combine together as one to create something even better." Senketsu explained. "Since you're no longer embarrassed, the blood I've taken is more than enough to unlock my true potential. Now, let's show these evildoers what we can accomplish together!"
Mothra smirked. She swung the scissor blade multiple times, severing Gigan's arms. As he realized what had happened, Mothra kicked him again, somehow sending him flying into a tree nearby. The tree actually broke as he hit it, and the force had knocked him completely out. Next, it was Biolante's turn.
"I'll destroy you and that trashy little outfit of yours." She said.
"You're just jealous that you can't pull it off." Mothra mocked. Biolante gritted her teeth and raised an arm, making a large vine pop out of the ground. Before it could grab Mothra, she dodged out of the way and sliced the vine into pieces. Another vine erupted from the ground, but Mothra had another idea now. She grabbed the vine and flew into the air. Senketsu somehow made her fly even faster. She took the vine with her as she flew around Biolante multiple times, tying her up. Once she was completely trapped, she fell over and began trying to wriggle her way out of the vine. Ghidorah rolled his eyes and turned to Hedorah.
"Any ideas?" He asked. Hedorah raised his arms in defeat and began to walk away. Ghidorah growled and faced Mothra again.
"Fine. I'll handle this myself." He said, drawing his swords. He jumped off of the ship and onto the island, aiming his swords at Mothra. It had been a while since they fought one-on-one, and a change of outfit didn't change Ghidorah's mind: he was going to win, no matter what. Mothra took this as a challenge, and dashed towards him. Ghidorah did the same, bolting towards her. Godzilla fought the urge to jump in and defend Mothra. He knew this was something she had to prove herself. He instead watched at her scissor blade connected with Ghidorah's swords again and again. Unlike the others, he was actually a challenge. Finally, Mothra had to back up and catch her breath.
"He's gotten a lot stronger." Mothra noticed.
"But so have you." Senketsu reminded. "Listen, there's something else the scissor blade can do. It can transform."
"What? How do I make it do that?" Mothra asked.
"Just follow my lead." Senketsu said. Mothra could have sworn she saw his giant yellow eye wink at her. This was enough to give her confidence again. She ran at Ghidorah again, but this time something happened. Like Senketsu had mentioned, the scissor blade began to transform. The guard disconnected from the handle, forming a two handed grip, and the blade actually extended an entire foot in length. Somehow, it felt even more powerful than before. Mothra flew into the air, far over Ghidorah's head, and swung the blade straight down at him. The blade connected with Ghidorah, but it didn't kill him. It did knock him to the ground and render him nearly unconscious. He was still able to notice that his armour, helmet, and cape had all been destroyed. More accurately, they were all sliced directly into two halves. The only things left were his underclothes.
"I really didn't need to see that." Godzilla said, looking away.
"Yeah, me either." Rodan agreed. Anguirus just laughed. Mothra landed on the ground and the scissor blade transformed back into its regular form. She looked over her shoulder at Ghidorah, who was staring to get up. Once he realized he was nearly naked, he grabbed one half of his cape and wrapped it around himself. He looked at Mothra and glared, but there was nothing else he could do.
"I suggest you leave now." Mothra warned. Ghidorah growled, but realized she was right.
"Everyone, back to the ship!" He ordered. Gigan, who had woken back up, picked up his severed arms with the stumps he had left, and ran back to the ship. Biolante hopped back, since she was tied up by vines. Hedorah had gone back to the ship long ago.
"This isn't over." Ghidorah spat as he gathered his destroyed armour and helmet.
"Yeah, whatever." Mothra scoffed.
Ghidorah got on the ship, and the ship took off into the sky. Immediately, Rodan, Anguirus, and Godzilla started congratulating Mothra. She blushed and rubbed her arm.
"That was awesome!" Godzilla said. He ran up and hugged her, but felt a bit weird as he realized she was half naked. Mothra only chuckled as she saw him begin to blush.
"Thanks guys." She said. "But I don't deserve all the credit. It was mostly Senketsu."
"...Who's Senketsu?" Rodan asked.
"The outfit." Mothra explained. "It's alive. That's how it can transform and stuff."
Godzilla jumped as he saw Senketsu's eye move and look at him. Rodan and Anguirus noticed it too and reacted the same way. Mothra saw their responses.
"See? I told you." Mothra said.
"Um... hi, Senketsu." Godzilla said, waving nervously while looking at his yellow eye. Mothra giggled.
"I'm pretty sure he only talks to me." Mothra said.
"Not entirely." A voice said from behind him. It was accompanied by the sound of high heels clicking on the floor. Godzilla and the others turned around, only to see a figure backlit by a bright multicoloured light. They had to shield their eyes while they adjusted. The figure was an older teenage girl, probably around 18 or 19. She had long hair that hung down to her lower back, as well as a white military-style uniform. She was holding a katana in front of her.
"Where's that light coming from?" Rodan muttered.
"My name is Satsuki Kyurin." The figure announced. Her voice somehow echoed even though there wasn't much on the island for it to echo off of. "Senketsu belongs to my sister, and I've come to retrieve him"
Mothra looked at Senketsu's eye, searching for confirmation.
"What she says is true." Senketsu said. "I know this girl. She wore me once as well."
Mothra nodded and looked back at Satsuki. "I understand. I'll just head back to my tent and get changed."
"There's no time for that." Satsuki said. She picked up her katana and began to unsheathe it. Mothra's eyes widened as she saw Satsuki quickly approach her. In a blink of an eye, Satsuki had sliced Senketsu off of Mothra's body, leaving her in her undergarments. Her embarrassment quickly came back as she covered herself with her hands and arms. Meanwhile, Satsuki sheathed her sword and held Senketsu in the air in front of her. She smirked for a brief moment as she realized her job was done.
"Thank you for your time." She said. "I must be going now."
Without another word, Senketsu jumped into the air and disappeared into the clouds. A helicopter appeared shortly after. Godzilla guessed Senketsu was riding in it.
"Huh. What a weird girl." He remarked. He turned to Mothra, who was now completely red in the face as she covered her more intimate areas. "Are you alright, Mothra?" He asked.
"I want to go to bed now." She muttered.

The End

(Author's Note: It's been a while since I did one of these crossovers. I was working on this one for a while. I wanted to do other crossovers like this, but it's pretty hard to accurately write characters who already exist in other media. This one was hard because of the heavy sexual content. I was debating wether or not to release it, but in the end, I decided to do it. Also, I recently started watching JoJo's Bizzare Adventure. Once I watch more of it, a Godzilla Warriors crossover might happen. Maybe.)

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