Mothra Comes Out

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Description: In Godzilla Warriors book 6, Mothra revealed that she was bisexual. But originally, I planned to reveal the fact in a short rather than a main series story. This is the original short I wrote before book 6, and how I originally intended for Mothra to come out.

It was late. Everyone on Monster Island was asleep, except for one. Mothra was still awake. She tossed and turned as she lay in the bed she shared with Godzilla. She smiled as she thought about this. It still felt strange saying that she and Godzilla shared both a tent and a bed, even though a few months had passed since they made the decision to share the tent. As she rolled over and saw Godzilla's sleeping face, her smile fell. She had been questioning some things lately; things about her life and how she felt about her relationship with Godzilla. She needed to relax, and decided that a glass of water would help. There was a natural fountain on the island that pumped water from a nearby freshwater lake. She decided that she would get a drink from the fountain, and then head back to bed. She got up quietly, being sure to not wake Godzilla, and slipped on her kimono. Once she was out of the tent, she flew, rather than walking to the fountain. It was dark and quiet, and the sound of the water running was quite relaxing. She knelt down next to the fountain and took out a small cup. After collecting some water in her cup, she took a long drink. The water tasted good, but it didn't help her relax. Rather than just water, Mothra decided to prepare some tea instead. She grabbed a small teapot she kept near the fountain, and placed it at the bottom of the fountain. While it was filling, she took some tea leaves from a small bag inside her kimono. After the teapot was filled with water, she held it in her lap and heated it by producing a small amount of fire from her hands. The flames lit up the area, and Mothra realized she was not alone. Komodithrax was approaching her, rubbing her eyes and yawning.
"Oh... Hey, Mothra." She said.
"Hi, Komi." Mothra greeted back, nodding as the water in her hands began to boil. Mothra and Komodithrax had become good friends lately. Komi always said that as the three female Kaiju on the island, her, Mothra, and Muto had to stick together. She sat next to Mothra on a stone bench near the fountain.
"What're you doing up so late?" Komi yawned.
"I was just getting some tea." Mothra replied. "I figured it might help me sleep. What are you doing up?"
"I heard someone coming around here and thought I'd see who it was." Komi said back.
After Mothra finished preparing the tea, she poured a cup for herself and offered one for Komi, which she gratefully accepted. The two girls sat on a bench near the fountain, talking and sipping their tea. As they talked, Komi noticed something. She noticed that Mothra looked a little uncomfortable, even a little upset. She scooted closer to her.
"Mothy, are you feeling alright?" She asked. Mothy was a cute nickname for Mothra the Komi had made up. Mothra liked it, but asserted that Komi was the only person who could use the nickname. She wouldn't even let Godzilla use it.
"Besides my insomnia, I'm fine." Mothra replied. "Why do you ask?"
"You just seem kind of... off, you know?" Komi said. Mothra blushed. Truthfully, something was wrong, and she knew it. But she didn't want to discuss this particular problem. Suddenly, she glanced at what Komi was wearing. She was wearing her regular black high-cut shirt, but her sleep wear included a pair of white gym shorts. For some strange reason, Mothra liked the shorts, even if they were just pyjamas, and she had never noticed how tight Komi's shirt was.
"Uh... Mothy?" Komi said. Mothra quickly looked up at her, the blush on her face intensifying.
"Hm?" She asked.
"You're staring at my boobs." Komi chuckled. Mothra realized she had in fact been staring at Komi's breasts, and her blush went into overdrive. If Komi could see her face a bit clearer, it would be bright red. She averted her gaze and looked straight ahead, but Komi noticed her hands were shaking.
"Okay, something's definitely bugging you." Komi said. "C'mon, you can tell me."
"Well... okay." Mothra finally relented. She breathed in deeply before confessing. "For starters, Godzilla and I have been going steady lately. I mean seriously, everything is really great. I love him, and I know that he loves me."
"Alright, so what's the problem?" Komi asked.
"I'm not done." Mothra continued. "Even though I still love Godzilla, lately I've been finding myself... attracted to other people."
"Oh, Mothra, that's normal." Komi replied, trying to comfort her friend.
"Yeah, but I've been finding myself attracted to..." Mothra sighed deeply before she finished her thought."...I'm attracted to other... girls."
Komi froze. That was not what she expected to hear come out of Mothra's mouth. She placed down her cup and turned to Mothra, facing her directly. Her face was completely serious.
"Mothra... you're bisexual?" She asked.
"I guess I am." Mothra replied. She took another sip of her tea and sighed. "God, it feels good to get that off my chest. Do you think I should tell Godzilla?"
"I think that would be the sensible thing to do, yes." Komi nodded.
"Do you think he'd be mad?" Mothra asked.
"I doubt it." Komi shrugged. "In my admittedly limited experience, most guys don't care if their girl likes other girls. In fact, sometimes, I think they like it."
Mothra smiled. Komi had given her some confidence in her situation. She finished her tea, but she had something else to ask before she left.
"Um... Komi?" She asked.
"Yeah?" Komi replied.
"I just want to try an... experiment, but only if you're okay with it." Mothra explained.
"Okay..." Komi said, a bit hesitant now.
Mothra turned to Komi and looked her straight in the eye. "Can I kiss you?" She asked.
Komi's eyes widened as she blushed. She fought the urge to laugh at the awkward situation, as she didn't want to hurt Mothra's feelings.
"That's an... odd request." Komi replied.
"I've just never tried it, and I want to see what it's like." Mothra said. She sighed, slightly but noticeably deflating."I'm sorry, that was too much to ask."
"Pfft, no it wasn't." Komi chuckled. "I'll do it, sure."
"Really?" Mothra asked excitedly, bouncing up and down slightly.
"To be honest, you wouldn't be the first girl I've kissed." Komi said, winking. Mothra blushed, both at the situation, and at Komi's comment. She took a deep breath to get herself ready.
"Okay... alright... let's do this." She breathed. Komi nodded and leaned in. Mothra hesitated, and then slowly began to lean in as well. She closed her eyes, and continued to lean in until her and Komi's lips touched. She gave a small squeal of surprise. The feeling was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. One thing she noticed was that Komi's lips were much softer than Godzilla's, and she wasn't as aggressive as him either. It felt strange, but good. In fact, strangely enough, Mothra felt as if she was kissing herself. After a few more seconds, the two girls pulled away. Komi was fine, but Mothra was blushing and looking away.
"So, how was your first time kissing a girl?" Komi asked.
"It was... good." Mothra replied. "Weird, but I liked it."
"Well, for what it's worth, Godzilla's a lucky guy." Komi said. "You're a damn good kisser."
"Thanks. You too." Mothra chuckled nervously. "So... you said you've kissed other girls?"
"Yeah, sometimes." Komi explained. "I'm not bi or anything, but in my experience, girls are better kissers than boys, maybe excluding Zilla."
Mothra nodded, taking her words to heart. She felt much better now. The tea helped her to relax, and now she was getting tired.
"Thanks for doing that, Komi." She said. "I'm gonna go to bed now, but maybe we could do this again? Not the kissing part, I meant the drinking tea part."
"Honestly, I'd be fine with either." Komi replied. They bid each other goodnight, and Mothra walked back to the tent. As she walked through the path, she ran into someone else. Godzilla was walking up the path. He smiled when he saw her.
"There you are." He said. "I woke up and didn't see you. I figured you might be out here."
"I was just getting some tea to help me sleep." Mothra explained.
"Oh. Are you feeling alright?" Godzilla asked in a concerned manner.
"Yeah, I think I'll be okay." Mothra replied.
"That's good." Godzilla nodded. "C'mon, let's get back to bed." He started to walk away. Mothra agreed, but wanted to say something first. She needed to get it off her chest.
"Um... Godzilla?" She began. "There actually is something I need to tell you."
"Sure, what is it?" Godzilla asked, continuing to walk.
Mothra inhaled deeply, gathering her courage."...I'm bi." She practically blurted. Godzilla froze for a few seconds before turned back around to face her and responding.
"You're bi? Like, bisexual?" He asked.
"Yeah. I like both guys and girls." Mothra nodded. "And... I just kissed Komodithrax."
"Oh. I see." Godzilla said. It was a lot to take in. Mothra could tell he was still conflicted.
"I still love you as much as I ever have, I'm just also attracted to girls." Mothra explained. "You're not mad, are you?"
"No, of course not." Godzilla replied, smiling and hugging her understandingly. "I'm not gonna be mad at you for something that isn't your fault. You can't change who you are." He leaned down and kissed the top of Mothra's forehead, making her sigh contently.
"And you're not upset that I kissed someone else?" She asked, smiling herself now.
"Well, a little bit, to be honest. But you're still happy with me right?" Godzilla asked.
"Absolutely." Mothra replied. "To be honest, I've never been happier."
"Then that's fine." Godzilla nodded. "And if you ever feel like you need to do something with a girl, that's fine too. As long as you're happy, I'll support you."
"Thanks, but I think you're enough for me." Mothra said. "Besides, I don't have any girls in mind right now. At least, no available girls."
Godzilla understood what she was hinting at. "Komi, right?"
Mothra sighed and smiled. "Yeah." She admitted. "Even though we kissed, she's not really into girls. Even if she was, I don't want her to break up with Zilla."
Godzilla nodded. He noticed Mothra rub her eyes and yawn. He could tell she was pretty tired.
"I think you need some sleep." Godzilla said. "It's been a weird night for you."
"You're right." Mothra agreed, yawning again. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Godzilla. "I'm too tired to walk, carry me." She muttered. Godzilla chuckled.
"Sure, Mothra." He said. He picked her up and carried her on his back. She placed her arms over his shoulders and nuzzled her face into the back of his neck. She practically fell asleep right then. Godzilla smirked. At first, he was conflicted when Mothra confessed her orientation. But now he was certain that no matter what, she loved him. And as long as she was happy, he was too.

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