Valentines Day 2017: Date Night 2

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Description: Anguirus and Cherno celebrate their first Valentines together by going on a double-date with Godzilla and Mothra.

It was 6:00 PM. Anguirus had gotten bored with playing videogames, and now he was going to get something to eat. He made his way to Godzilla and Mothra's tent. They had a small refrigerator which usually had food in it. Anguirus often stole food from them when they weren't around. He opened the tent flaps, only to see Godzilla and Mothra on the other side. They seemed to be getting ready for something. Dogzilla was also in the tent, and ran out to greet Anguirus when he saw him. Anguirus knelt down to pet Dogzilla before standing up to greet Godzilla and Mothra.
"Oh, hey guys." Anguirus said. "Um... do you guys mind if I grab something from your fridge?"
"Sure, go ahead." Godzilla replied. "We're going out tonight anyway."
Anguirus nodded and entered the tent. After opening the fridge, he registered what Godzilla had just said.
"So where are you guys going out?" He asked.
"We're going to this cool sushi restaurant in Tokyo." Mothra explained. "It just opened. I've wanted to go there for a while, and Godzilla's taking me tonight."
"Cool. What's the occasion?" Anguirus asked, opening a soda.
"...It's Valentines Day." Godzilla said. Anguirus nearly spat out the soda. He had completely forgotten about Valentines day. He just started dating Cherno Alpha, a Jaeger who worked at the Japan Shatterdome. This would be their first Valentines together. He had been single for so long he hadn't gotten used to the idea.
"Oh, crap! I forgot I had to do something for Valentines day!" Anguirus said. Mothra gasped.
"You forgot? Anguirus, you can't forget Valentines day!" She said.
"It's not really that important..." Godzilla shrugged. Mothra glared at him, while Anguirus continued to freak out.
"What am I gonna do? Cherno's probably gonna think I'm a bad boyfriend." He said.
"Anguirus, relax." Godzilla said. "Just call her. Ask her if she wants to do something tonight."
"Maybe they could come to the restaurant with us?" Mothra said.
"Perfect." Godzilla said. "We've never gone on a double date before. This'll be fun."
"Okay... okay, I'll just call her." Anguirus exhaled. He found the communicator on Godzilla and Mothra's bed and picked it up. All the communication channels for the Jaegers were saved into the its memory. He selected Cherno's number, and the communicator began to ring.

Cherno leaned her face against her arm, staring at the screen in front of her. She took a sip out of the coffee cup she had next to her. The Shatterdome had been pretty quiet ever since the breach closed. No other major Kaiju attacks had transpired, so the only things the Jaegers were able to do was sit and wait for something to happen. Well, at least that's what Cherno was doing. Everyone else had gone home, but Cherno had decided to stay the night. Truthfully, she was waiting for Anguirus to call her. It was Valentines day, and she was hoping to do something together with him. She sighed, realizing this probably wasn't going to happen.
"You're still here?" A voice said behind her. It was Gypsy Danger, wearing his street clothes. He was about to leave for the night.
"Yeah. I want to watch out in case something happens." She said.
"Are you sure?" Gypsy said. "I mean, it is Valentines day. I thought you and Anguirus were dating."
"We are." Cherno said. "I guess he just doesn't want to do anything tonight. That's fine, I'm busy anyway."
"Uh huh..." Gypsy said, raising an eyebrow as he looked at the nearly still footage on the monitors. Suddenly, Cherno's communicator began to ring. Her heart jumped, and she scrambled to pick it up. She smiled as she saw Anguirus was calling her. She clicked the answer button, and his face appeared onscreen.
"Hey, Cherno, are you doing anything tonight?" He asked.
"I... no, not really." Cherno replied. "Why? Did you want to do something tonight?"
"Yeah, Godzilla and Mothra are going out tonight, and they wanted to know if you and I wanted to come along." Anguirus explained. "Y'know, like a double date."
Cherno was about to answer, but before she did, she looked over at Gypsy. She wanted to confirm it was okay for her to leave her station. He nodded, and Cherno turned her attention back to the screen.
"Yes, I'd love to." She said. "Just send me the address, and I'll meet you there."
"Great! See you then!" Anguirus said before he ended the call.

About half an hour later, Anguirus, Godzilla, and Mothra were sitting in the restaurant. They had only just gotten there.
"So when's Cherno gonna get here?" Godzilla asked.
"She said she'd be here in about five minutes." Anguirus replied. "...Huh. I just realized something."
"What's that?" Mothra asked, looking up from her menu.
"I don't know Cherno's real name." Anguirus continued. "I've been calling her by her codename this whole time."
"That is strange." Godzilla agreed. "But maybe she prefers that you didn't know her real name. I mean, she is a government agent after all. It makes sense that she'd want to keep some things private."
"Yeah, it's kinda weird that I can't call her by her real name." Anguirus shrugged. "Oh well."
A few more minutes passed, before a motorcycle pulled up to the restaurant. The driver removed her helmet revealing herself to be Cherno. She was in her street clothes, which consisted of dark green cargo pants, combat boots, a white t-shirt, and a black hoodie. She stepped in, and found the table Anguirus and the others were sitting. After greeting them, she sat down next to Anguirus.
"I didn't know you drove a motorcycle." Anguirus said.
"Well, we only just started dating. I suppose there's a lot of stuff you don't know about me." Cherno replied.
"Yeah... we were just talking about that." Anguirus said, rubbing the back of his head. Cherno raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" She asked. She didn't really like people talking about her behind her back. Anguirus realized he said something he shouldn't have, and struggled to come up with a response. Mothra piped up instead.
"Anguirus just mentioned that it's strange that we don't know your real name." She said.
"Yes you do. It's Cherno Alpha." She replied as she glanced over the menu.
"But that's a codename, right?" Godzilla asked.
"Originally. I mainly go by Cherno now." She explained. "The only people who know my real name are Gypsy and my family."
Anguirus nodded. He wasn't quite satisfied with the answer, but it was good enough for now. Eventually, a waitress came and took their orders. Soon after, their food came. Cherno wasn't used to Japanese food, so she ordered a simple bowl of rice. She had also ordered a bottle of saké for the table.
"You don't have to do that." Godzilla said.
"No, it's fine. I'm feeling generous tonight." Cherno smirked. As soon as the bottle came, Mothra reached for it, but Godzilla pulled it where she couldn't reach.
"Oh no, you don't." He said. Mothra pouted at him while Cherno looked at them confused.
"Mothra really can't handle her alcohol." Anguirus explained. "She gets completely hammered after a single beer."
"Good lord." Cherno said, a slight chuckle in her voice. She turned to face Mothra. "You'd barely last a second in Russia."
Mothra rolled her eyes. She noticed Godzilla chuckling and glared at him. Meanwhile, Anguirus was still struggling to make conversation.
"So, Cherno... how are things at the Shatterdome?" He asked.
"Not bad. There haven't been many Kaiju attacks lately, so we haven't had a lot to do." Cherno explained. "I assume you've been taking care of them?"
"Actually, it's been pretty calm for us too." Anguirus said. "I just got a PS4, so Rodan and I have been playing that a lot."
"What is a... PS4?" Cherno asked.
"It's a video game console. It stands for Play Station 4." Anguirus answered. Cherno's eyebrows fell a little bit.
"Hm. I always thought video games were for children." She said. Anguirus could have argued with her, but he didn't want to look like a nerd.
"Um... anyways, you mentioned you have a family. Do they live back in Russia?" He asked, changing the subject.
"Well, yes and no." Cherno said. "Most of them are dead."
"O-oh. I'm sorry." Anguirus said, looking back down at his food. This conversation wasn't going well. He had to think of something fast. He glanced up at Godzilla and got an idea.
"Hey, Godzilla, can we talk outside of a second?" He asked.
"...Yeah, sure." Godzilla replied, a little confused. The two got up and walked outside. When Mothra was sure they were gone, she grinned and reached for the bottle of saké.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Cherno asked. "Didn't Anguirus say you have a low alcohol tolerance?"
"Oh, he was exaggerating." Mothra said as she poured herself a glass. She downed the glass in one gulp. A few seconds later, she passed out onto the table. Cherno raised an eyebrow, realizing Anguirus was definitely not exaggerating.

Godzilla and Anguirus stood outside the restaurant, making sure Mothra and Cherno couldn't see them from the window. Godzilla could tell Anguirus was nervous.
"This isn't going well. I can barely keep up a conversation with her!" Anguirus said.
"Slow down." Godzilla advised.
"She probably thinks I'm such a nerd!" Anguirus continued. "Why did I mention the PS4?"
Godzilla rolled his eyes as Anguirus continued to freak out. He recognized his nervousness, but it was still ridiculous to watch.
"I should just break it off right now." Anguirus said. "She'd probably be relieved."
"Don't talk like that." Godzilla said, slapping him in the shoulder. Anguirus stopped freaking out as he rubbed the spot where Godzilla has slapped.
"Listen, I know what you're going through." Godzilla said. "Mothra and I may seem like the perfect couple most of the rime, but in the first week we started dating, I was just as nervous as you."
"You were?" Anguirus asked. He couldn't imagine Godzilla being nervous around anything, especially Mothra.
"Yeah, it's true." Godzilla explained. "On our first real date, I made a complete fool of myself. But Mothra assured me I didn't have to try so hard, and she was happy to just be in love with me. And I'm sure Cherno feels the same way about you."
Anguirus thought about what he said and nodded. He was right. Cherno did love him. And no matter what, she probably wouldn't stop.
"I get it. Okay, I think I'm ready to head back in." Anguirus nodded. The two walked back in, only to see Mothra face down on the table. Godzilla gasped and ran over to her.
"Oh my god, Mothra are you okay?" He asked, trying to shake her awake. She eventually woke up and looked at Godzilla. Her cheeks were completely red.
"Yay, Godzilla's back!" She said, hugging him tightly. Her speech was slurred slightly. Godzilla realized what was going on now. He wasn't worried anymore.
"You drank the saké, didn't you?" He accused.
"Only a little bit." Mothra said.
"She had a whole glass." Cherno explained. "Then she passed out, woke up, had another glass, and passed out again." Mothra pouted at her.
"Tattletale." She said, sticking her tongue out at her. Godzilla picked her up and placed her over his shoulder, making her yelp in surprise.
"We should probably cut this short." He said. "I gotta take Mothra home."
Anguirus nodded. They had already payed for the food when they ordered, so it wasn't a problem. Mothra was still a little frustrated.
"I'm not drunk, I'm just a little tired!" She argued. She weakly began to flail her legs, attempting and failing to kick Godzilla. "C'mon, put me down and I'll teleport us home."
"I'm definitely not doing that." Godzilla said. "If you try to teleport us right now, we'd probably end up inside a tree or something."
"I can still walk by myself." Mothra said. Godzilla shrugged and placed her on the ground. She took one step before falling over. Godzilla caught her before she hit the ground, and placed her back on his shoulder.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." He said. "Please just don't throw up on my jacket."
"I'm not gonna throw up-" Mothra before placing a hand over her mouth. "Okay, I might throw up."
Godzilla sighed, said goodbye to Anguirus and Cherno, and left the restaurant. Mothra waved at them as Godzilla took her out the door. After Anguirus and Cherno finished what was left of their food, they left the restaurant as well.
"So, what do you want to do now?" Anguirus asked.
"Well, if you still want to hang out, you could come over to my apartment." Cherno suggested.
"You have an apartment here?" Anguirus asked.
"Yes, all the Jaegers have one." Cherno explained. "At least the ones who work at the Japan Shatterdome do."
"Alright, sure. Maybe we can watch a movie or something." Anguirus suggested. "So how're we getting over there?"
"How do you think?" Cherno smirked, holding up two motorcycle helmets.

Godzilla put Mothra down on their bed and sat down next to her. She was practically asleep at this point, but she was still conscious enough to talk to him.
"That was fun. Let's do it again." She said.
"Just go to sleep, Mothra." Godzilla said, pulling the covers over her.
"But I wanted to hang out with Anguirus and whats-her-name." Mothra complained. She tried to sit up, but Godzilla gently pushed her back down.
"Just go to sleep." He repeated. "Do you want me to get you some water or something?"
"Yes please." Mothra giggled. Godzilla rolled his eyes and got up. Before he exited the tent, the communicator rang. Mothra reached for it, but Godzilla grabbed it and answered it before she could touch it. Anguirus was calling.
"Hey, is everything alright?" Godzilla asked.
"Yeah, I'm just letting you know I wont be coming back to Monster Island until tomorrow." Anguirus said. "I'm staying at Cherno's apartment tonight."
"Is that Anguirus? Let me talk to him!" Mothra drunkenly shouted from the other side of the room. Godzilla ignored her, but Anguirus was a little more concerned.
"Is she gonna be okay?"
"She'll be fine." Godzilla assured. "You have fun with Cherno. We'll see you tomorrow."
Anguirus nodded and the communication ended. Godzilla turned around to see Mothra was fast asleep and snoring pretty loudly. Godzilla smiled and placed the blanket back over her and kissed her on the forehead before leaving the tent.

It was past midnight now. Cherno's apartment was small, but it had a big living room. Anguirus and Cherno had finally found something in common; they both loved movies, especially action movies. They had stayed up until the early hours of the morning watching as many action movies as they could. Anguirus didn't realize how late it was until he noticed that Cherno was asleep. Once he noticed this, he looked outside and saw pitch black.
"Wow. We should probably get to bed, huh?" He said. Cherno didn't answer. "Oh right, you're asleep."
Cherno snorted lightly as she woke up. "No... no, I'm awake." She muttered, rubbing her eyes. "Lets just sleep here. I kinda like this. Plus, my bed is pretty small. I don't think it would fit both of us."
Anguirus nodded, and Cherno placed her head on his shoulder before falling back to sleep. Anguirus placed his arm around her before he began to fall asleep himself. Eight before he did, he heard Cherno mutter something.
"Sacha." She said.
"What?" Anguirus asked.
"My real name. It's Sacha." Cherno explained. "You wanted to know it, right?"
"Yeah... yeah, I guess I did." Anguirus replied. "So, do you want me to call you Sacha from now on?"
"Only in private." Cherno replied. "You're pretty much the only person alive besides Gypsy Danger who knows my real name, and I want to keep it that way."
Anguirus nodded and pulled Cherno closer. Right before they both fell asleep, they both had one last thing to say.
"Hey... Sacha?" Anguirus asked.
"Yeah?" She replied.
"I love you." Anguirus told her. The words felt strange coming out of his mouth, and it was strange for Cherno to hear it. Still, she smiled as she replied.
"I love you too." She said. And then they both fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.

The End

Happy Valentines Day!

Also Happy Single Awareness Day

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