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🦄Unicorns or Dragons?🔮🔥
Which one is your favorite?
Answer in the comment section!!!
Aphmau's POV:
Before either of us could attack, a noise came from the behind the door to the rear side of my opponent. It startled her, and distracted her, so that I had enough time to bang the vase against her head, hopefully knocking her out.

The glass shattered, and a piece of glass cut her forehead. A thin stream of blood flowed from the cut, down the side of her nose onto her lips.

She did not, however, pass out. She simply licked the blood off of her lips as she stumbled a few feet, dazed by what I had just done to her. Taken aback, she dropped one of her swords in shock.

The woman gained control of her balance, unfortunately, and got back into a fighting stance, with a wicked smile plastered across her face.

She didn't pick up her other sword though. She knew that I would attack by tackling her in that time if she tried to pick it up.

Okay, so I used my only weapon, and all I did was knock ONE of her weapons out of her hand.

What am I going to do now? I tried to think clearly, but it was hard to think at all because I was so focused on how scared I was.

The woman shuffled closer to me. The hairs on the back of my neck rose.

The woman was right in front of me, about to swing her sword. Instead of moving left, right, or backwards, I moved diagonally, backwards to my left.

Garroth taught me about that. He told me that if someone got closer to me in a fight, that I should step diagonally because no one sees it coming.

Society is all about straight vertical and horizontal lines. Our streets and houses are many times, like that. In a city, you don't usually see a diagonal row of buildings.

Everyone steps backwards or to their left or right. It was safe, but it wouldn't buy you enough time.

It was a good thing that I moved diagonally too, because she was fast.

The woman whipped around, but not quick enough. By the time that she turned around, I had already grabbed another weapon, a coat hanger.

Adrenaline continued to pump through my blood.

The woman glared at me for even daring to pull the trick on her.

I smirked.

"Don't you guys want me alive? So that you can torture me until I tell you where the relic is?" I asked.

The woman did not answer, but she leaped forward, not close enough that her sword could reach me, but I still flinched. That's an understatement. I jumped backwards like I had just seen a ghost.

Sadly, I stumbled over her sword on the ground. Luckily, I didn't fall, but the action made me look weak, and it gave her more time to act.

The woman laughed hysterically. "Wait-" she continued to laugh. "Y-You are the o-one that L-Lord G-Garte fears?" She asked between laughs.

I growled in anger at the fact that I wasn't intimidating enough. I couldn't help but smile a little at the fact that Lord Garte actually fears me.

Wait, this is it. This is my chance to prove that I was needed down here. This is my chance to prove to myself that I'm a good person, and I should actually be alive right now.

I need to end this, peacefully.

"What's your name?" I asked. I relaxed my shoulders, but I kept my weapon up and ready.

I gave the woman a smile. A genuine one.

"-And why would I tell you that?" She questioned. She scoffed.

"You don't want to work for Okasis, do you?"

"No, I don't. I have to do it to survive though."

"Do you feel brave with a sword? Do you feel brave killing others?"

"Yes. I may not feel good about it, but I feel strong, and I feel brave."

"Don't. If there is a sword in your hand, than you are a coward. If you have a weapon better than your opponents, it is also cowardly, and frankly, it is just not right. You want to fight someone even though they can't fight back? It's like fighting someone tied up, fighting someone if you have already won, or like fighting a bug. You, my friend, are a coward."

"Who are you- to call me a coward?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"My name is Aphmau, and I survived death itself. I'm a lord, and I'm a peacemaker."

The woman rolled her eyes. "I'm stronger than you. What's preventing me from killing you right now?"

"Yes, you are stronger than me. Why flash the fact around though? We both already know that, so why was it needed to be said out loud? It was because you needed to feel better about yourself. Cowardly."

"See, why am I not killing you? You just continue to insult me."

"I'm not insulting you. I am teaching you. Is it not true?" I asked.

Silence. She didn't answer me.

"It would be unwise to kill me," I said.

"Yes, everything you said is true," she admitted.

"So drop your weapon, and so will I."

She hesitated, but in the end, she dropped her weapon. It clattered to the floor, just as I dropped mine and it hit the ground with a clang as well.

"If I remember correctly, Lord Garte said that you have killed with a sword before," she said.

"I did, but things changed."


"I'm still alive, and I need a reason to be. Otherwise, I don't deserve to live. I think that there has been enough violence. I'm going to try to end this peacefully, unless if it is necessary to use violence."

"Ha! Do you really think that Okasis will stop fighting if you attack them with "love" and "peace"? Wake up darling, we aren't in a fairy tale. This is real life."

"Who says that we can't make it a fairy tale? Just because it hasn't happened before doesn't mean that it can't. Now, what is your name?" I asked again.

"Look, you can't win this war. It's not possible."

"I'm not looking to win this war, I'm looking to end it."

"As peacefully as you can?"

"As peacefully as I can."

"Aphmau, there are thousands of soldiers out there who will attack you. I don't see any army of yours, and you are far away from any of your allies. How are you going to even end this war? They don't want to end it. They just want to win, and they won't stop fighting until they do."

"Yeah, but are those soldiers really willing to fight, or are they just scared? Fear can do horrible things to people."

"So can hope," she blurted.

"You haven't answered my question yet. I've told you who I am. Now, who are you?"

"My name is Alana. Now, what is your plan? How will you end this?"

"With you. You are going to be one off the few people who are brave enough to switch sides and fight on the right side, even though it is losing."

"-And what makes you think that I will help you?"

"You didn't kill me. You aren't one of those sick monsters in Okasis."

"The name is Alana," she finally said.

"Alana means peace, like the name of the ultimate peacemaker, Irene."

"Heh, I'm done being a coward. I guess I'll join you, then I can redeem myself, be on the right side, and live up to my name," Alana said. She chuckled awkwardly, probably because she was scared. However, she definitely was brave, even if she did some uncourageous things.

"Wise choice. Thank you for joining the Phoenix Alliance."

"The Phoenix Alliance?" She asked, puzzled. She nervously tapped her fingers against her thigh.

Doesn't Okasis see that their soldiers are humans? We aren't robots. We all get anxious, and we all fear something.

"That's what I call it. They are all willing to fight Okasis of it comes to it, and I'm sure that many others are willing to fight, and not just as in fighting with swords, magicks, and fists. Some of them are willing to just go around and make speeches. It will make a difference."

"How are you so sure that there are others?"

"Alana, be honest with me, who doesn't hate Okasis? 90% of the people working for Okasis don't want to. You hate Okasis too."

"I guess you are right. However, all of those silent people are silent because they are scared. They will only speak when they have the courage."

"We can get their spirits up, I promise. Now, did anyone follow you here? Do you have a tracking device on you?"

"No. Okasis trusts me. Big mistake on their part."

"They actually trust people?" I asked.

"I've worked for them my whole life, and I've never failed a mission. I'm one of the best people they've got. You must be some real big shot of they send me out."

"I don't know. I don't have magicks and I can't fight. Okasis isn't scared that I will win with peace, so why are they scared?"

"I don't know. It's something about that relic though. It holds a great power," she said.

I gulped, swallowing down my fear. I had the relic. The relic went into my skin. I am the relic now.

-But I can't tell her that.

Not yet.

"Apparently, if you do this spell with this key thing on the relic, then you have not only all of the powers of Irene, but also a couple of powers from some of the other divine warriors. No one knows what the key is though, or how to use the key on the relic," Alana explained.

"Then I'll keep it hidden. We can't let them get it," I whispered.
Im sorry that I didn't write this part very well. I feel like I'm getting worse at writing. 😂😂 At least I tried.

Thanks for everything, guys. I hope you guys have a great day or night! Love ya guys. Bye!

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