Friend Reunion

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I will be posting a part in this. But before that, I would like to sing a song for your guys.
The Wattpad Fangirl Song
By: GarmauUnicorn aka Ryan
(To the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)

Me, a Wattpader!!!
How I wonder how I have friends.
Up above realistic hopes,
My ships aren't sailing! (I know, it doesn't rhyme! #rebel)
Me a wattpader!
How I wonder how I have friends!!🎤

*applause* 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😍😍😍😍
The crowd is going wild!!!
I'm brilliant (sarcasm).

I'm so weird. How the heck do I have friends? Thanks for putting up with my weirdness, friends!!!

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Last Time on "Going Home: A Garmau Fanfic"

Jk, I'm too lazy to do that.
Aphmau's POV:
"Where is it?" Alana asked.

"Is what?" I questioned.

"The relic," Alana said.

"It's in a safe place. That's all that matters. Now, come on."

"Fine. Where are we going and what do I do?"

"I don't know what we are going to do today, yet. I just woke up."

"Okasis thinks that you guys have some mastermind plan."

"Maybe Okasis doesn't see us as a pile of dirt after all!!!"

Alana rolled her eyes and began to follow me as I walked down the stairs.

"How, Aphmau?" Alana asked.

"How what?"

"How did you make me stop fighting you and change sides so easily? 3 minutes ago I was your enemy-"

"And now you are my friend," I interrupted. "To answer your question, I don't know. I just realized that I didn't want to fight and that maybe fighting wasn't the best idea. I've been so caught up in fighting, but there must be a more strategical way to handle this, right?"

"I guess. Does this, happen often to you? Do you just meet people and make them your friends?" Alana questioned.

"Yeah, I do. I make friends wherever I go. Well, I try to."

"I haven't had a friend since I was 16. Lord Garte killed her, my only friend, my best friend. I haven't had one since then."

I stopped walking and I turned to face Alana. "I'm sorry, Alana."

"No need to be sorry. Okasis needs to be sorry. Lord Garte needs to be sorry."

"-And we will make them sorry."

"I thought that we were going to use fighting as a last resort."

"We will make them sorry in other ways." I whispered.

Alana nodded.

"What was her name?" I asked.

"Her name was-" Alana was interrupted by the noise of the front door opening.

Me and Alana turned the corner, into the hallway.

"Her name was..." Alana repeated.

Just as we turned into the living room, where the front door was, Alana said, "Maxine."

Maxine was standing at the front door.

"A-Alana?" Maxine asked. Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks. The sound of Maxine dropping her shopping bags was heard throughout the house.

"M-Maxine? It can't be you..." Alana said. Maxine nodded, as if to say that it really was her. Alana's jaw was dropped to the floor, and her face showed shock, confusion, and overwhelming happiness.

At the same time, both of them sprinted for each other.

They wrapped their arms around each other, embracing each other for the first time in so many years. Tears streamed down their faces, their silent joyful sobs broke the silence. No one asked any questions. They just hugged and rocked in each other's arms, holding each other.

The silence said it all.
Lord Garte lied about killing her. He set it up. It was all an act. There was no explanation needed.

"Maxine." Alana whispered against Maxine's lilac hair.

Maxine pulled away from the hug, only to look at her old friend. Maxine held onto Alana's hands, and she lightly squeezed them, showing how happy she was. "Alana!" She exclaimed. She smiled a grin so wide, that it reached from ear to ear.

Finally, they had calmed down and were able to speak to each other without breaking down.

"Where the h**l were you?!" Maxine asked.

"Where was I? Where were you?" Alana asked back.

"They told me that they sold you to a big city in another region called Noginu. I traveled there, which took a bloody month, and you weren't there!"

"They told me that you were dead, Maxine."

A tear fell down Maxine's cheek, for her friend.

"Alana... I'm sorry."

"Everyone needs to stop apologizing. It isn't your fault. I'm just glad to know that you are still alive, my friend," Alana said, smiling. Maxine smiled back.

"How did you get here? Why are you here? How long?" Maxine questioned. I had never seen Maxine so happy, and so well- not grumpy and blunt.

Me and Alana explained the whole story. Alana told about how she was supposed to come here to kill me.

"Let's get the others and figure out what we are going to do first," Maxine said. She stood up from the couch.
Guys, I'm sooooo sorry for the super short part. I think I spent to much time writing the song 😂. Anyways, I'm truly sorry. Next time I'll make a longer part.

Thanks for everything, guys. I hope you guys have a fantabulous (fantastic+fabulous) day or night! Love ya guys! Bai!

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