Friends even after death

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Hey guys! I'll be posting two parts today. The part with all of your characters will be in the next part. I didn't want to make one really really long part, so I'm doing two short ones today!

"I ship it."
-Aphmau 2016
(Summer is saying this as they drink tea)
"I came in search of your son, Malachi, for I had heard that he was no longer a ghost, and that he was human again. You see, a long long time ago, when Malachi was still alive, we became great friends. We spent every day together. We went on so many adventures together. He was 7, and I was 6, but that didn't keep us from adventuring. We were guaranteed to be friends for life. However, a few weeks before his death, an accident happened, and Me and my family died. I became a ghost, and haunted our home town. My family members didn't become ghosts . I have the same powers as Malachi, and I would show people their darkest fears. Then, Malachi died and became a ghost, but unlike me, he was attached to a place. He had to stay in that dreadful castle. I saw him die. I was traumatized and I still am. Me and Malachi continued to be friends as ghosts. I would travel with the castle and him, to keep him company, for hundreds of years. One day, a great and powerful witch came to the castle. The strange thing was, was that we couldn't show her her greatest fear. Her mind was clear of any fear at the time. We trusted her, so we told her our story. We told her about how we died and become ghosts. The witch, wanted to help, and she, being the powerful witch she was, was able to conjure up a spell that could bring us back to our human form. I know, it is crazy. She is the most powerful witch that I've ever seen. The witch was able to turn me back into a human, but Malachi... He was different. She couldn't make him human unless he was able to be free of the castle. The witch tried endlessly to save Malachi, but it was no hope. The witch told Malachi her name, but not me. She told Malachi that he was special. She told Malachi that there was hope for him. For she could see the future. She did not tell him his future though, she just gave him hope. She also told him to never tell anyone of her presence, for there were many big powerful and evil people after her. The witch had to complete a mission that would safe the world, and those people were trying to stop her. Malachi promised to keep her secret. I, too, never spoke of her presence there until today. The witch still tried to save him. She made so many potions and spells, but they didn't work. The only thing that could unbound him from the castle was a priest, and there were no priests in the area. We searched and searched and searched. But, by the time we got back to the castle, the castle was gone, and so was Malachi. I lost my best friend that day, but I got to live. The witch told me that this was meant to happen, but she also told me that it wouldn't be the last time that I got to see him. The witch left to complete her mission and I never saw her again. I didn't return to the Jelene Village, our home town. I stayed in a camp with a bunch of travelers. About a year later, you saved Malachi and brought him to Phoenix Drop. I had no clue where Phoenix Drop was, because it was so far away and it wasn't too big of a village like O'khasis. But, I wasn't going to give up. I was determined to find him. So, I left the camp and began my journey. I traveled day and night. Eventually, I also heard of the news that he was a human again. My best friend for hundreds of years, a human again! So, I kept traveling. Finally, I arrived at where Malachi, Levin, and Zoey were, on the day that you left. Yes, I was only "8" as a human when I went searching for him, but I was a lot older as a person. 608, to be exact. Malachi was 609 when I got there. He told me of his story. He introduced me to Levin, and Zoey. I was so happy to see him, and he was happy to see me too. It was supposed to be a day of joy, until we found out that you were missing. I stuck with Levin, Malachi, an Zoey. I got Malachi through the days without you. He spoke very highly of you, his mother. We continued to be friends, like the good old days. He told me so much about you. Zoey would tell us of your adventures, and how you were such a great lord. From then on, I aspired to be like you, to be a great lord. About a year ago, I received a letter saying that my father was apparently supposed to be lord, but he died. They found out that I, his daughter, was still alive, and they wanted me to become lord of Jelene village. I accepted. After all, it was my dream come true. They wanted me, even though I'm only 15 as a human. (As I said, I still want them to be young, so I'm making minecraft aging different, k? I'm making it so that people in minecraft age slowly, so its like she is 30 in our years, but her body is 15. Levin is 9, even though in our he is 21. So levin is still a kid, and Malachi is 15. Get it? If you don't please tell me.) I had to leave Levin, Malachi, and Zoey. Before I left, Levin gave me this music box. Malachi and Levin said that I should tell them right away if anyone recognizes this box. Levin loved that box, but he wanted to find you more than anything. I promised to keep on a lookout for you. Zoey told me what you looked like. Oh, and how are Zoey, Levin, and Malachi? Levin, oh he is so grown up and mature like Malachi, even though he is only nine. Malachi has really rubbed off on him. Malachi, he is the same old brilliant and loving Malachi. He is still my amazing best friend. Zoey, is still that caring human being. She told me of the others, like Garroth. She showed me a picture of Garroth. Levin looks so much like him. But, we have no time to spend hours talking about how great they all are. Here I am, the lord of Jelene village, my hometown, with this music box and you. We need to get you back to Phoenix Drop, back to your sons. But first, I should show you around the village." Summer explained. She took a sip of tea and let me take it all in.

My first thought was, OMG, Malachi had a secret girlfriend this whole time and he didn't tell me? Seriously? I'm his mom! He should've told me! Ok, I'm overreacting. They are just friends... For now. I thought all of this as I stared out the window.

"I ship it!" Wait, did I just say that out loud? It would be a cute ship though. They have known each other for hundreds of years, they are close, and they are best friends. I know it is cliche, but I really want my son to be with his best friend! Should I call it, Malummer? Sumalachi? WHAT SHIP MAME?!?! (Dang Aphmau ships this hard.)

I took a deep breath, and continued to stare out the window, hoping that Summer didn't hear what I said, or see that I had a huge mischievous smirk plastered across my face.

"Ummm... What did you just say, Aphmau?" Summer asked.

"Nothing!" I quickly said, trying to hide my face which showed that I was lying. "I just said that I'll sip it, my tea, as I think about all of this..." I said.

I frowned, taking another sip of the sweet mint hot tea. It trickled down my throat, and even though it was hot, it felt soothing. "I'm really sorry for what happened to you two. It's terrible. I can't even imagine. Sometimes I forget how young Malachi was when he, ummmm... died, and became a ghost," I said.
"I guess, I don't really know what to say.." I whispered.
"I am honored that you wanted to be a lord like me. I appreciate this. I'm sorry that I'm not expressing it at this moment, it's just that this is a LOT to take in. This is all so crazy and hard to process! It's been 15 minutes for me, and 15 years here!!! I-I don't know what to say," I continued to explain.

"It's ok. You don't have to say anything. You'd be surprised at how much can be told and expressed in the silence," Summer whispered as she looked out the window too. We both stayed silent for a few minutes, enjoying the peaceful moment. The ocean roared as waved crashed against the tall jagged rocks on the shore. A sliver of tan sand could be seen when the waves shrunk back, before they rolled over the sand once again. It was a bright sunny day, like the day I left. The sun beat down upon the water, causing the water to glimmer, and reflect the light of the sun. The sun, which looked like a yolk of an egg, was just setting behind the horizon. It was almost as if the sun had exploded, and orange, red, pink, purple, and yellow colors came out of it, dripping onto the once blue sky, painting it. It was later than I thought. The water was crystal blue. The only I could think about as I saw the beautiful blue color of the sea, were Garroth's eyes. Garroth was my best friend and I was determined to be his friend for as long as I live. I survived death. Irene brought me back to Earth. If I survived that, me and Garroth's friendship can survive. Well, is it a friendship? Or a relationship? Not a relationship, but a possible blooming one, hopefully. It was a flirtatioship. One that I hoped turned into something more. Yes, the truth was out. I wanted to be more than friends with Garroth.

Fifteen years.... It has been fifteen years! I have missed so much, and I don't want to miss anything else. What happened to Phoenix Drop? What happened to my friends? What happened to O'khasis after Zane left? Is it still a powerful village? Is Garte still the lord? Will they search for Garroth? I sighed, looking back out at the beautiful sight of the bay out the window. So many questions...

"Aphmau, just calm down. I know that it is a lot to take in. Just, put it off your mind right now. You need to relax. How about we go to the cafe and get some refreshments?" Summer asked.

"That sounds nice, thank you Lord Summer," I said.

"You're welcome lady Aphmau," Summer said, grinning.
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! Remember, I will be posting a second part today, so stay tuned! Love ya!

1.) Do you ship Malachi and Summer?
2.) We need a ship name for them. Any ideas?

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