The Phoenix Cafe

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"Good evening Jasmine," Summer said as she opened up the big door to the cafe. I turned to see a woman about my age, cleaning a booth table along a sort of half-wall. Jasmine had long shiny hair, which was ebony-black color. Her sparkling eyes were the same color. She was wearing a short plain mint colored skater dress, and a white apron over the top. She was also wearing a pear of black converse.

"Good evening to you to Lord Summer. Are you here to speak with me about personal matters, or would you like me to serve you your usual?" Jasmine asked. She was so busy into her cleaning, that she hadn't noticed me, standing next to Summer. Finally, Jasmine glanced up from her task and saw me. Jasmine suddenly looked flustered, and she quickly rushed over to me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there. Are you knew to town?" Jasmine asked, giving a warm smile.

"I'm actually just visiting. My name is Aphmau. It's a pleasure to meet you," I said.

"Jasmine. It's a pleasure to meet you too. I hope that you enjoy your stay here in Jelene village," Jasmine said, reaching her hand out. I obliged, taking her hand, and gently shaking it. I smiled back at Jasmine as she showed us to a booth. The whole time, Jasmine was smiling with glee. Joy radiated from her.

Me and Summer sat down, and Jasmine gave us some time to order.
When it was time to order, I ordered a coffee and cheeseburger, while Summer ordered a Coke and a plate of 4 hamburger sliders.

I examined the cafe. There weren't very many people there, but at what I had seen of Jelene, it wasn't a big village. There was a couple in the corner, sharing a shake, and a group of teenagers giggling in another corner, snacking fries and drinking small cokes. In the center of the room, there was a family having dinner.

By the looks of it, Jasmine was the only waitress working that day, and there was only one cook in the kitchen in the back. I couldn't catch the name of the diner when I came in.

Me and Summer were just sitting in the silence, enjoying the wonderful food that Jasmine just sat down on our table.

"What is this diner called again? I'm sorry," I said.

"The Phoenix Cafe," Summer answered.

"I'm assuming that you named it?"

"That is a story for another time."

"Jasmine is nice."

"She really is."
Yes, nothing happened in this part. Yes, it was short. I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed anyways. Love ya!

1.) How was your day?

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