Garmau One-Shot: New Years Kiss

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Guys, I'm soooooo sorry for not posting at all lately. I have posted for a week, and I'm sorry. But, by watching the new "My Street" episode called, "New Years Kiss," I have decided to make a one-shot/ side story. Note that this is totally unrelated to my book, "Going Home: A Garmau Fanfic."
This is my twist on the New Years Kiss episode! Hope you enjoy!
Garroth's POV

I think that this is the first time that we have ever argued. It was a silly topic, but to be honest, the fact that Aphmau didn't agree with my advice towards my buddy, Kenmur, hurt my pride. What was wrong with being forward? I know that I should have been more forward, and that was just my mistake. Maybe, if I confessed my feelings to Aphmau earlier, she would be kissing me tonight at midnight. But, she's probably gonna kiss Aaron. (who I despise. All the girls like him because of his abs, but I have abs too. If I walked around, acting like a mysterious hunk, wearing no shirt, then Aphmau would be all over me.) Maybe Aphmau will kiss Zane again. Ugh! Seriously, she had to kiss him. I'm totally cool with them being friends, but nothing more than that. At this rate, Aphmau will probably kiss Laurence, or even Dante.
           Kenmur was wrong. I wasn't going to get to kiss Aphmau like he said. While I was giving him advice on Emmalyn, Kenmur was saying how I should kiss Aphmau at midnight. He told me that Aphmau speaks highly of me, and he thought that she liked me.
           Now, Aphmau was saying how stupid my feathers looked. But... My feathers are beautiful! (Sobs)
Then, I just stopped. I stopped the stupid bickering. Aphmau, in all her rage yelled, "I've seen better feathers at Aaron's house!" Aphmau clenched her fists, and glared at me. Why was she so mad? It was just a stupid silly argument about the stupidest things, and here she is, looking like she's about to kill me. Now, she's trying to make me jealous? How dare she! Why is she so mad?
                No matter how much I tried, I couldn't be mad at her for trying to make me envious of Aaron. I just stayed silent, and watched Kenmur and Emmalyn kiss. They were my ship after all, but I was still too focused on Aphmau.
             "Why are you so mad at me? They still kissed in the end, and our ship happened!" I said, looking at her concerned.
            Aphmau glanced down at her feet, and her expression softened. Now, she just looked sad. Then, she looked up at the clock, which was ringing because it was midnight. Then, she put on a frown.
            "But not all of my ships happened..." Aphmau mumbled. I couldn't hear what she said.
            "Aphmau, did I say something that hurt your feelings? I really don't care about these feathers, they were just a joke..." I said.
            "No, you didn't say anything hurtful to me," Aphmau whispered as she continued to stare at the ground.
          I got closer to her, so that I could lift her chin with my hand.
         "Aphmau, I'm sorry if I did anything wrong," I said.
        "Garroth, you didn't do anything wrong!" Aphmau exclaimed as she moved my hand off of her chin.
        I sighed, looking down at the floor. I glanced up, to see Aphmau doing the same. Her face was hidden from her long black soft hair, which was like a curtain that blocked her beautiful face. I could only see a sliver of her eye.
       I reached my hand up, and tucked her hair behind her ears, so that I could see her face, but I instantly regretted it when I saw her frown and a few glistening tears that rolled down her cheeks. In one swift movement, I wiped her tears away from her cheek with my hand.
         "La-lady Aphmau, why are you so sad?" I whispered, as I gazed down upon my princess.
          "I-I just thought things would go differently..." Aphmau said as she looked up into my eyes. Her brown eyes were twinkling in the light. Her heart was filled with the stars of her compassion, love, and joy, and they shine through her eyes. But then, they didn't sparkle, and they were matte. She swallowed down her sorrow, and she curved her lips into a sad smile.
          "What do you mean? I don't like it when you're sad m'lady," I whispered. Emmalyn and Kenmur, both with giddy grins, had left the room, and they went to go chat with the others.
            "I need to go talk to Aaron..." Aphmau said. She gave me a light pat on the shoulder, and brushed passed me, only to stride over to the love of her life, Aaron. If only that was me. If only I was the lucky man with Aphmau. I mean, Aphmau and Aaron must be in some secret relationship. They hang out a lot, especially lately. I try to not be jealous. Yet, Aphmau never lets me hang out with her and Aaron, even if I just want to go to the coffee shop with them, and talk. So, they must be clandestinely dating. It's either that, or Aphmau just hates me. Heck, last week her, Dante, and Aaron were hanging out! Well, I guess it's my fault. Aphmau has already gave me and Laurence plenty of chances, but in the end, I'm always a jealous mess! Aphmau is better of without me. I think I should go take a walk, and think about all of this for a while. Maybe, I should've never moved here. Even if Aphmau and Aaron were dating, I shouldn't get in their way. As long as Aphmau's happy, I guess I'm happy too. I just want to see her smile again, for real. I don't want her to give me another sad smile, I want her to be overcome with joy! I just want her to be happy...
         Lately, Aphmau has just been avoiding me, and lately, I've just been making her angry. When I go on this walk, I need to find a way to make it up to her.
          I slipped on my snow boots, and opened the front door, stepping out into the chilled air. No one noticed that I left, which is good. Everyone was in the kitchen eating before I left. Well, except Aphmau an Aaron, who were talking in the hallway to each other as they sat on a bench. I swiftly closed the door, and proceeded to start my short walk.
I looked upon the stars, which freckled the night sky. The stars and the moon illuminated brightly this night, and their light made the snow glimmer. Oh how the starlight reminded me of Aphmau's eyes. I was madly in love. I was going bonkers because of this one girl! This one girl... That I couldn't have because I ruined my chance with my foolishness, jealously, and lack of confidence to do what my heart told me to. Maybe, I needed to let my heart decide what to do for once.
          Everything I look at reminds me of her. The Christmas lights that were still hung up, and hadn't been taken down, reminded me of her joy, kindness, and generosity throughout the whole year. This is why I love her. I should've spoken up when I said that I loved her earlier... Because it is true. I know I did something wrong. But what? Why is Aphmau so sad?
          The silhouettes of the bare trees rocked that in the wind gently reminded me of the way her long black hair flows in the wind. The white snow on the ground made me think of the pureness of her heart. The peaceful silence reminded me of her non-violent self, and the way she brought tranquility to all. Oh, and the fireworks, that lit up the sky far away on the horizon; that was the way I felt when I was near Aphmau. My heart lights like a firework, and my heart feels warm whenever I'm in her presence.
          I was now at Aphmau's house. I had paused, and now I was just staring at her home. The snowmen that her and Katelyn built were still up. This showed that Aphmau knew how to have fun. I always have fun with Aphmau. But, what am I to do now?
          I continue my stroll down the street, and now I arrived at Aaron's house. His miraculous lights were taken down. Now, his house just looked plain. It was so dark. The only light over here, besides the starlight and moonlight luminescence, was a small luminary or lantern of some sort that hung from a tree. Aphmau made that lantern. She made one for everyone in the neighborhood. Aphmau's aura hung there, like it was guiding me. She always guides people. She always helps people. She is the light of my life.
           A sweet lullaby was heard from Logan and Donna's house. They were having their own mini party with their children in the backyard. I guess that at the moment, they were playing a lullaby or soft slow song of sorts. They were playing a song as sweet as Aphmau. In the window of the next house, I saw a Christmas tree still up, along with 2 children dancing, with whom I believed to be, was their father. There was also a mother reading to another young child. The spirit of joy in the children's eyes mirrored the joy of Aphmau. The book that the mother and the other child were reading reminded me of how much Aphmau like to read. Especially about Irene. Aphmau is a brilliant and intelligent genius! I thought as I grinned at the sight.
           Now, I was at Zane's house. Zane's house had a lantern made by Aphmau hanging on the porch. Aphmau is good-hearted. After all, Zane was the grinch, and she showed him kindness.
            I wish I could do more for Aphmau.
            "Hey Garroth..." I heard a familiar sweet voice say behind me. I slowly turned around to see a shivering, coat-less Aphmau, who was sniffling as tears quickly dropped down her round cheeks.
            "Aphmau!" I say as I quickly take off my coat and wrap it around her. I didn't mind. I wasn't cold. After all, the cold never bothered me anyway. (😂😄😅😃😁🙂😐okay... No? 😐😔😢fine! I'll stop my stupid jokes!)
          "T-thanks," Aphmau said, still shivering.
          "I need to talk to you Garroth..." Aphmau whispered as another tear dripped down her moonlit face. She quickly wiped it away, and continued to walk up to me.
            "I need to talk to you about something as well," I said. I knew exactly what I was going to say.
            "Come and walk with me," Aphmau said, grinning at me. She grasped onto my hand and started to stride down the street. When she did so, I felt sparks , like fireworks, and warmth shot through my whole body.
        Guys, I hope you enjoyed part 1 of this mini side story/ one-shot! I will be posting part 2 soon! Love ya guys! Have a great day!
      Oh and today's question is:
Who are you most to least likely to ship with Aphmau?
My answer:
1.) GARMAU (Duhhh... 😍 times infinity)
  2.) Laurmau, okay guys, don't yell at me! I don't ship Laurmau at ALL, but if Laurmau happened, I wouldn't be as upset as if Aarmau happened. I think that all of us, GARMAU fans need to team up with Laurmau fans to destroy all other ships. GARMAU and Laurmau only!
3.) Aarmau (I really don't ship it. I just want him and Aphmau to be good friends)
4.) Tabmau (It's adorable)
5.) Travmau
6.) Vlyamau
7.) Danmau


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