Garmau One-Shot: New Years Kiss-Part 2

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Hey guys, it's  GarmauUnicorn! I just wanted to say a couple of things:
Again, this is not related to my "Going Home" garmau  fanfic. This is just like a side story. So, I hope you guys enjoy the second part of this! Bai!
We had been walking in silence for a couple of minutes, and we were now walking on a path in the park that was just down our street. Neither of us even dared to speak a single word. I glanced down at my hand, and realized that I had been holding Aphmau's hand this whole time.
           "Before I say what I want to say, I want to show you something," Aphmau said as she picked up her pace, and continued to drag me along the stone path. A huge grin was stretched across her face, and her white teeth flashed. Then, her grin changed into a mischievous smirk.
              "Garroth, I dare you to loosen up and try to catch me," Aphmau exclaimed.
              "That is a lame dare but whatever, I'll try to catch you," I said as I bit onto the corner of my lip. A smirk appeared on my face.
                "You'll never catch me!" Aphmau shouted as she began to run, with her hair flying back behind her in the wind.
               "In your dreams!" I shouted back. I started to sprint after the swift woman.
              I wasn't any where close to Aphmau. I saw her turn around the corner of this rocky hill, and then she disappeared from my sight. Then, I couldn't hear the giggling of my friend any more. It was so silent. I started to walk around the corner where she disappeared to. Where did she go?
                "A-Aphmau?" I said. My voice lingered in the air, without a single noise as an answer.
                  Finally, I peered around a tree, and saw her hiding behind some bars on a playground. She was standing there, peering out of them, trying to find out where I was. So, I decided to sneak up behind her. I made sure that I was completely silent when I did so. Luckily, the snow was soft and fresh, so it didn't crunch under my feet.
               I silently stood behind her, and watched her look around ahead of her to see where I was. (Dang, Garroth has some real ninja skills)
               "Got ya!" I said as I stepped forward and reached out to tag her. The only problem is that there was a fallen branch, and I tripped. Aphmau fell back onto the ground, and I landed right on top of her.
              "Hello clumsy," Aphmau joked.
              "Hello beautiful. Did you know that you are a bad hider?" I asked. I could feel her breath on my face.
              "Did you know that you are blushing?" Aphmau remarked as she poked my nose. I swear, I just got even more red.
              "You look like a tomato," Aphmau said. I just burst into laughter. I noticed that Aphmau was blushing as well.
             "I could say the same about you," I whispered. Then I continued, "don't worry though, it's cute when you blush." This just made Aphmau's face get ten times more red.
               "I told you that I would get you. Now you aren't going any where with out me getting to tickle torture you," I said. Sparks continued to fly through my body as I just stayed laying on Aphmau. Aphmau smirked before she rolled, so that I was now laying on the ground, with her on top of me.
                 "Oh really?" She questioned.
               "You're cute when you blush too," she remarked. I could still feel Aphmau's breath on me. Too be honest, I never wanted this moment to end. I gazed into Aphmau's light brown eyes, as I gave her a small smile.
            I could have sworn the distance between us shrunk. Our lips were centimeters apart.
          Aphmau leaned her head forward, and she smashed her lips against mine.
Sorry for the short part but Dang, this one-shot is getting long. I will post the next part soon. Hope you enjoyed! Love ya guys! 😋
Today's question:
What is one goal you have for 2016?

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