Lord Summer

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I sat up fast with a sudden jerk, and I felt myself bump my head upon a hard surface above me.

"Ow," A voice said from above me.
I looked up to see a young woman with long soft pink hair towering above me, with her hand clutching her temple. Her arm and hand blocked her face, so that it was hidden from my sight.

"Sorry," I mumbled. I reached up for my own head, which was in pain. I let gravity work upon me, and I fell backwards onto the soft bed below me with a grunt. I stayed silent, and so did the woman as I sunk into the memory foam mattress. My eyes were now closed, and I chose to try and relax before re-opening them.

The air smelled of sweet vanilla. Actually, it smelled like Kawaii~Chan's maid café back in Phoenix Drop.

Phoenix Drop. What happened? Am I in Phoenix Drop? Is the woman above me Kawaii~Chan?

No, I'm not in Phoenix Drop. I'm in Jelene village. The woman above me can't be Kawaii~Chan.

My memory of the past day came back to me. Irene brought me here.

I re-opened my eyes and saw the woman, as she sat down upon the foot of the bed with a concerned look.

The pink-haired woman had bright blue eyes, and she was wearing a short playful white dress. She was also wearing a flower crown of peach, white, and pink roses. I studied her, and noticed that there were hints of blonde hair twined into the pink.
(The picture of her is the picture above)
She was fiddling with an object in her hands. I took a closer look at it, and noticed that it was a box. For some reason, it looked familiar. However, the woman laid the box on the bench at the bed, and it was out of sight, so I couldn't see it.

"Hello miss," I said as I sat up with my back against the headboard. I yawned, and I tried to pretend that I just woke up and I never bumped her head. "My name is-"

"-Good morning Aphmau," the woman said, interrupting my sentence.

"Wait, how did you know that my name was Aphmau?" I asked.

"It's complicated. A lot happens in fifteen years..."

"Fifteen years?!" Millions of thoughts raced through my mind. Levin must be 9 now and Malachi is 15. (pretend that minecraft years are different, and Levin and Malachi are still young.) I missed Levin growing up, and Malachi becoming a young man. What about Phoenix Drop and all of my friends?

"Yes. You have been gone for fifteen years. Where were you?"

"I was gone for 15 minutes. 15 years passed... Wow," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's complicated. I'll explain later. I'm sorry, but who are you?"

"My name is Summer Montgomery, the lord of this village. I can't believe I found you."

"That's a pretty name. I'm sorry, but I don't remember meeting anyone by that name. Do I know you?"

"No. You don't, but I know you."

"Clearly. How long have I been out?"

"Three days."

"I see..."

"How are you alive?"

"What do you mean?"

"The old high priest Zane, sent out a message from the Irene's dimension, saying that you died, because he killed you. That, you died three days ago, the day we found you. He said that he was still trapped in the dimension. What is the Irene's dimension?" She asked. She gently pulled a strand of hair from her face and looked into my eyes.

"A place you don't want to go. Irene created the dimension for herself. We got trapped there, and well, every minute there is a year here. That is why I was saying that 15 years passed because I was there for 15 minutes," I explained.

"But how are you still alive?"

"Irene saved me when I was about to die, and brought me here. Zane thinks I'm still dead though. I guess a copy of my body is there. My question is, is how did Zane send a message?"

"I don't know. Three days ago, we just received a letter from O'khasis. Apparently, Zane had this device in which if he clicks a single button, it tells that his target has been killed. You were his target. They tried to track him but they couldn't, which means that he is still trapped there."

"Interesting. O'khasis has some pretty advanced technology."

"They do. Now, how did Irene save you?"

"I'll explain later. Can I please have a drink?"

"What would you like? I have tea, coffee, milk, water, orange juice, apple juice, and soda."

"I'll have some tea please."

"Of course," Summer said. Summer strode out the door gracefully, and off to the kitchen she went.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, and slowly pushed myself up. My eye caught the sight of my backpack, which laid in the corner of the room. While Summer was gone, I quickly slipped the snow globe from out of it, and carried it off to a single chair in the opposite corner, which was next to the bed. As I made my journey over there, my eye caught the box sitting on the bench. It was a music box. Levin's music box to be exact. In shock, I dropped the snow globe, and I watched the snow globe plummet to the ground. My flustered self dove and scrambled to catch it, but I wasn't fast enough.

Oh no. My last chance of getting home is going down the drain.

Yet, to my surprise, as the snow globe touched the ground, it did not break. It was still in tact.

I let out a huge sigh of relief, and thanked Garroth in my mind for making the snow globe durable and clumsy Aphmau proof. In one swift movement, I gently laid my snow globe on the nearby dresser, and focused my attention onto the thing that made me drop the snow globe in the first place.

Levin's music box. My son's music box.

I heard the door behind me, to my back, slowly creak open, and I could feel Summer presence. I could feel her just standing there, just watching me in my state of aghast and wonder.

"I guess I should explain to you on how I know you, Phoenix Drop, and your sons, Malachi and Levin," Summer whispered behind me. She walked over to the center of the large bedroom, and placed two mugs of tea upon the small round table there. Then, she sat down on one of the two beautiful white dining chairs that were pushed in beside it.

Summer smiled and said, "It all began fifteen years ago, on the day you and the others disappeared..."
I know it was short. I know I haven't updated in 15 years, but I've been really busy. I'm sorry. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

I was also wondering if the whole thing with Levin and Malachi being young still makes sense. I just really want Levin and Malachi to still be young. Hopefully it will all make sense next chapter.

Also guys, I'm sick. To be honest, I want to sleep or die in a hole, but i wrote this so I won't be murdered. Love ya!

1.) Should I make a book just for one-shots?
2.) Who is your favorite MC character that is a child? I love all of them!

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