My fellow friends... I have failed you

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By the title, you guys are probably guessing at what this means.

I'm not updating today.
I'm sorry.
I've had loads of homework, tests, and projects since I've had to make up for being sick.
I also just got back from a 2 hour presentation for enrollment on my high school. I didn't want to go, but I had to, so I'm sorry.

I'm supposed to homework right now. It is 10:30 and I'm a morning person.

However, to make it up to you, because I have already ruined my schedule, I will be posting a part tomorrow, and 2 on Saturday.

I'm really sorry. I feel really bad. Trust me, if I could write I would. I love writing more than anything.

Now, I'm going to go cry in a corner. I'm so sorry. I understand if u don't ever trust me again. I have failed you guys. Hopefully, I will get better at this.

Love ya. Bai

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