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"I promise."
Garroth's POV:
"Garroth... She'll be fine. Aphmau is one tough cookie," Laurence said. He was still frowning though, so it wasn't reassuring.

"It should've been me to stay back there and fight Zane," I said, pulling my blonde hair out of my face.

"We can't change the past, Garroth," Laurence said, as he we walked around the new Phoenix Drop.

"The world needs her," I said.

"Well, Aphmau thought that you were important enough, so that she would lose years of her life here."

"Why does she have to be so good-hearted?"

"Ha! Would you rather her not?"

"Aphmau changed the world for the better ."

"Yes, Aphmau changed the world for the better. The world needed a hero and there was Aphmau, the hero. She just practically sacrificed her life for us, and for our safety. This is just what Aphmau was meant to do," Laurence said, tearing up.

"I'm going to miss her," I said, wiping a year from my eye.

"Me too. She loves you, you know that, right?"

"Yes, I know. I love her too. She loves you too."

"She loves me, but not like that. She loves you in a different way, Garroth. A way I wish she loved me. You're one lucky man."

"But now she is in a different dimension fighting off my evil brother. She's either going to die, be trapped there forever, or be saved by us years from now."

"We'll get her back. I know it. I promise."

"Promise is a big and strong word Laurence."

Laurence chuckled, and slapped me on the back.

"I promise," Laurence said with a smile.

Then, we saw Dante sprinting up to us. He looked so distraught. Me and Laurence stopped, and watched Dante fall into the ground, looking defeated.

"D-Dante? Are you okay? What the h*** happened?" I asked, kneeling down to him. When I first met Dante, he was pretty young. He was quite a bit younger than me. But now, he was a couple of years older. I would say that he is more mature, but he isn't... At all.

Dante was silent. He was on the ground, sobbing. He was a freaking mess. He had a crumbled letter in his hand; A letter, with a familiar symbol on it.

It was the Okasis royal family symbol.
News from Okasis. This can't be good.

"DANTE!! What happened?!" I said, shaking him. Laurence had run off to go find Kawaii~Chan, his apparent wife.

"A-Aph-Aphmau," Dante said between sobs. I snatched the letter out of Dante's hands, and began to read the letter.

Dear Phoenix Drop villagers,

          We are sorry to inform that your lovely previous lord, Lord Aphmau, has passed. We have had news from High Priest Zane from the Irene's dimension, that he himself killed her. We have also heard that our Lord, Garte's son escaped the dimension and is taking refuge in that stupid disgusting village of yours. If you don't turn him over, we will destroy all remains of Phoenix Drop, and kill every living thing that has ever lived there. We hope that all of you die and rot in h***!!! You will forever be ours!

The Okasis Council

I dropped the letter, and let it crumble up and fall into the mud. I stood there, frozen.

I collapsed to the ground next to Dante, who was now just sitting there, frowning.

Aphmau is dead.

Tears fell down my cheeks quickly, dropping onto the ground like rain. I rocked back and forth, holding my legs in.

This is all my fault.

Dante wrapped his arms around me, trying to comfort me.

I should've been the one to die.

My knees were soaked in tears, and as I weeped, I pulled at my hair.

My best friend is dead.

I ripped out some of my blonde hair, and let the clumps of hair mixed with blood fall into the mud with the letter. Dante had to force my hands down. I yelled and shouted at him to let go, but he didn't.

"S-she's g-gone," I said as my voice cracked in mournful woe.

She died for us.
She died for me.

Finally, Dante lost grip of me, and I flung away. I sprinted for the forest. I knew where I was going despite the fact that it was overgrown.

Before I could reach it, I slammed into Laurence.

"G-Garroth? What happened?" Laurence asked, holding onto my shoulders as I continued to sob.

How am I supposed to live without her?

"You b-broke your p-promise," I said. I fell into Laurence's arms, and continued to cry into his shoulder. His shoulder was soaked like my knees, but he didn't seem to mind. He didn't know what was going on, but he still comforted me.

I failed at being her guard.
My heart broke.
I loved her...
She's dead.

She's the most beautiful, intelligent, kind, caring, generous, strong, brave, funny, and good-hearted person that I've met.

I should have told her I loved her sooner. Now it is too late.

How will I survive without my best friend?
I remember when I made her a flower crown.
I remember Donna and Logan's wedding night,
And when I gave her that snowglobe.
Oh, her beautiful smile when she saw it...
I will never see that smile again.

We went to the Fall festival and she fell on me.
I almost kissed her.
I should have kissed her.

My helmet broke.
I let her see my face in the mines.

I went to that reception in formal wear at Donna's wedding for her.
We danced all night.
I almost told her that I wanted to be with her.

We used to walk together and talk.
Now it is silent.
She made me that guard house.
Phoenix Drop is in ruins.
I caught her when she fell from the treehouse she made...
And I fell for her even more.
We played with Levin and Malachi...
And I wished that Levin and Malachi were my sons.

Now she is dead.
And it's all my fault.
I was jealous. Laurence told me the kiss didn't happen. I should've known.
It's all my fault that she is dead.
I can't even look at myself anymore.

What am I to do?
I'm incomplete without her.
She did so much for me.
How am I going to pay her back?
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this sad part! Love ya! 🦄💙
1.) What was your reaction to the Neighborhood Play: Part 3: The kiss?

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