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WARNING!!! This will be a gruesome story
Note: Unicorns are awesome, and so are you!!!
???'s POV:
Hundreds are dead.
Hundreds of bodies lay scattered on the ground. Some lay in groups, piling up like mountains.

Am I dead or alive? I don't know.

Where am I? I glance down at one of the dead bodies, and see the face of a little boy.

He's Aaron's son.

Hold in the tears. I need to hold in the tears. Heaven knows what happened last time I shed a tear.

I'm walking in a field of my sins.

Who killed these people?


Among these people, I do not see Aphmau's face.

Irene saved her. She's alive and well. So, the shadow knight I sent to kill her didn't kill her.


She needs to live anyways, to balance the good and evil in the world.

Irene knows that with me, it isn't in balance.

Maybe I should be dead. Maybe Irene shouldn't save me.

Why though? Why is she even giving me a chance?

Oh, right, because I was forced to do all of this. She's giving me a chance because I was tortured, mistreated, and not loved. She's giving me a chance because I never got one.

Everything isn't what it seems like.

Thats what they call me.

Well, maybe I'm just a child; lost and afraid. I'm obedient and I do what I'm asked. Maybe I'm just a child wearing the mask of a demon.

I never got a real childhood. My eyes have seen horrors no child should see. My ears have heard pain that no child should even dare to think of. My skin knows pain more than it knows the way it feels when air blows against it.

They say that these things make us stronger. Yet, do they make us better?

I still don't know what love is. I don't know what joy is. I don't know what normal is. I've felt so much pain, both physically and mentally, that I don't remember what it was like to not feel that pain. Did I ever not feel the pain? It's all blended together. When my father throws me against the wall, I'm used to it. I don't cry anymore, and not just because I'm not allowed to.

What is "normal" for me?

Being tortured, being beaten up, being lied to, being forced to do things, being abused, being forced to kill people, etc.

Since this is normal, I don't feel the pain anymore.

I don't care if I hurt or kill people. That's what I do everyday. I'm used to it.

Or am I? Why am I holding back tears as I look at these people that I murdered?

Why can't I kill my brothers?

Why did I hesitate when I tried to kill Aphmau?

Why am I glad that she is alive?

Why do I feel these weird new feelings inside?

I want to hide in a corner with my face looking down. I'm ashamed.

Yet, what is this other feeling?

It's so new to me.

I feel warm inside, and my stomach is turning.

Am I sick? Did I eat something bad?

What is this feeling, Irene?
Well guys, that's it! I will be starting this book on Wednesday! I hope you guys have a fantastic day! Love ya guys! Bai!

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