Sweet Memories

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#lameintrolikeaboss #lazywriter #getonwiththestory
Aphmau's POV:
I woke up with a warm feeling inside of me. The feeling of Garroth's lips against mine lingered.

I was happier than ever. I hadn't known that I had wanted this for so long; and yet, even though I got to kiss Garroth, I wasn't satisfied. I wanted him right here, to be laughing with me as I make a string of puns. I wanted him.

Nothing could bring down my mood. Yes, of course, it was just a kiss. In someone else's eyes, that kiss might mean nothing. Yet, this kiss meant everything to me. We aren't in a relationship yet, and even though we both love each other, we need to take our time and not rush things. We need to work this out. Maybe Garroth isn't ready for a relationship. Maybe I'm not ready for a relationship. No, what am I saying? Of course I'm ready for a relationship, as long as it's with Garroth Ro'meave.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling giddily like an idiot. I also couldn't get out of bed. I just wanted to stay here, remembering that dream- that not-a-dream-but-I-was-sleeping-I-think thing. I wanted to remember the way that Garroth's lips fit perfectly on mine. I honestly didn't want that dream to end. It was the best dream (even though I know it wasn't a dream) I've had in my whole life.

It couldn't have been a dream. It felt so real.

It wasn't a dream. It can't be.

It was real, even though I can't explain how.

Has Irene blessed me for the millionth time? First she saved my life, then she brought me back to Earth, and then she let me see Garroth?! Thank you, Irene. I can't express how grateful I am.

I had to force myself to sit up. The sun shone through the slits of the blinds, and rays of light shone onto the floor. Through the light, I could see dust drifting through the air. The room smelled of pumpkin. I smiled. The scene was welcoming.

I didn't bother to go look for the others. I was the only one is the room, so I assumed that they were else where.

I scooped up my snow globe, and asked it to show me a memory of me and Garroth.

Flashback Starts

"Come on Garroth!!!" I yelled. I kept sprinting through the woods. I jumped over a fallen log, and dodged another tree. I was surprised that Garroth was so far behind me. He never was behind me when we ran. Garroth was a guard. He was strong and muscular. I wasn't out of shape, and I had some muscle from training with Garroth, but Garroth was definitely faster and stronger than me. He could beat anyone in the village in a race or battle. Even Laurence and Dante.

What was going on? Garroth didn't respond to my voice, and I couldn't hear his footsteps across the forest floor behind me.

I stopped running for a second to see if I could see or hear him. There wasn't a single trace of him. The forest was silent, and it seemed like I was the only living soul in it.

Fear rose in me. A shiver went down my spine. I wrapped my arms around myself, and stroked my arm up and down slowly. I could feel the small goose bumps that appeared on my arms.

The silence was scarier than anything. Where was Garroth? Did something happen to him?

My breathing sped up as I turned myself 360, trying to search for my best friend. My heart beat fast, and it seemed to pop out of my chest every time it beat.

"G-Garroth? Where are you? I'm scared," I said. I bawled up some cloth from my purple hoodie in my fist and squeezed it in fearful anticipation.

A branch snapped from behind one of the uniquely large overgrown trees of the forest that was straight ahead of me. I jumped up at least 20 feet high.

This was just like any other horror movie. I didn't want to be the idiot who died because they went towards the eerie sound; who went closer to the danger. I also wasn't going to be that one person who slowly backed away or went to go find a place to hide.

I was going to run, as fast as my shorter than average legs could.

I turned around, ready to dash away from the enemy. Of course, it was just a branch snapping, but I wasn't going to risk it. However, I only took one fast step forward, and I felt myself being wrapped up by something from behind me. Someone put their arms around my waist.

Was someone trying to kidnap me? I could tell by the look of the arm that whoever was holding on to me was a man. I squirmed and kicked and screamed.

I felt a strong hand gently cover my mouth. Even though I squirmed around, the man did tighten his grip.

"Shhhh.... Aphmau, it's just me, Garroth," Garroth softly whispered into my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck. Garroth placed his hands on my hips and rested his chin on my head.

"Garroth! You scared me!!!" I said. Garroth laughed.

"I'm sorry, Aphmeow," Garroth said. Garroth lifted his chin from my head and twirled a strand of my hair with his fingers. It felt nice.

"It's fine, Garroth, as long as you promise to not leave me again," I said, placing my hands on his.

"Okay m'lady. I promise," Garroth said. Garroth wrapped his arms around me again, and pressed his lips to the side of my head. Then Garroth picked me up and swung me over his shoulder.

"Garroth!!!" I shouted, giggling. "Put me down!!!" I playfully slapped his hand.

"Never!!!" Garroth said. Garroth took me off of his shoulder and swung me around.

I just kept laughing and laughing. So much to the point that my stomach started to ache.

"Garroth, I'm gonna die!" I said between another fit of laughter. Garroth placed me gently on the ground facing him.

I wouldn't stop laughing. I fell onto the ground, rolling in laughter. It was ridiculous.

Garroth watched, smiling, and when I didn't stop laughing, he joined in on the laughter. Laughter was contagious.

"Okay, come on Princess, let's go to the picnic spot," Garroth said. My heart fluttered every time he called me princess. The laughter finally died down. Garroth took my hand and pulled me off into the forest.

Flashback Ends

How could I have not seen this before? The way he looked at me, the way he touched me in little ways. The way I didn't mind if he kissed my forehead or hugged me.

I have loved Garroth this whole time.

I thought that I was falling for Laurence. Yet, I wasn't. I was falling for someone, but not for Laurence. I was falling in love with Garroth.

I smiled to myself. I hugged the snow globe lightly before I placed it on the nightstand.
Hey guys!!!! I hope all of you enjoyed!!! I hope you guys have a great day or night, wherever you may be! Love ya! Bai!

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