Okasis is Back B****es! Part One

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Just look at the title. Yes, Okasis is back; Back into Aphmau's life that is. Even though it has been fifteen years, she still can't escape that dreadful place.

Guys, I don't like to swear, and I don't swear. I can't even type up a swear word. However, my characters cuss. A lot of people in the world swear, so it would just be weird to have none of my characters swear. So, I'm sorry if you aren't comfortable with these words. Again, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to make my characters more realistic.

Aphmau won't swear much. If she does, they'll be baby bad words. Aphmau is a GG in real life, and she never cusses so, I'll make her the same in this.

"Even after fifteen years, I can't hide from Okasis. I want to be the one who burns down that h*** hole."
I dropped the snow globe to the ground. It didn't matter, it was unbreakable.

Me and Summer stood there in aghast, out jaws dropped so low that a bystander would think that they weren't attached to our face.

Our eyes were wide in fear, and none of us moved. We just stood there, trying not to move a muscle. However, we all knew that we have were trembling. Okasis was our worst nightmare.

Lilly clearly knew what the Okasis symbol was, because when she saw the symbols everywhere, she ran over and hid behind me and Summer.

The symbol of Okasis was a star that resembled Irene, with a circle around it, resembling how strong and "safe" Okasis. At the end of each point of the star, which was was white and purple, there were 5 spots, resembling the current royal family. Lord Garte's spot was at the very top, and it was black. Garte's wife's spot was to the right, below Garte's. Hers was a silver color. Zane's was right across from his mother, and his spot was was a fiery red.

Vylad, who Garroth loved dearly, but didn't talk about very often, had his spot at the very bottom to the left. His spot was green.

Then there was Garroth. His spot was across from Vylad's, and it was a bright vibrant blue, which was identical to his beautiful eyes, that could make you fall in love with him at first glance.

I can't think about those eyes right now. I need to focus on this. It felt like hours went by in the silence, when in reality it was probably only two minutes. We just stood there, frozen like statues, and terrorized.

"U-umm... S-Summer... I th-think we should go and invest-i-i-gate," I stuttered.

Summer snapped out of her state of shock, and nodded. Me and Summer walked inside warningly, with Lilly walked behind.

As cautious as we were, we couldn't help but be curious, and pick up the papers on the ground. They all had writing on them. I carefully picked up the first paper closest to us and the door, and read it.

Dear Lady Aphmau and Lady Summer,

We know that you are there Aphmau. We know that Summer is protecting you. Yes, we know that you are still alive. We have spies...
This is why you shouldn't trust anyone Aphmau. For in this little game of war, friends become enemies, and enemies become friends. Heroes become villains, and villains become heroes. Everyone has secrets, don't they? Maybe a villain becomes worse than an enemy, they become the most demonic thing to man-kind. A friend. Maybe you get closer to someone, and when you have given all of your trust to them, they backstab you and leave you heartbroken.
Now, to continue with this letter, follow the trail of papers and read them in order. At the end we have a surprise!!!

We then continued on, reading the notes one by one.

Page two:
Good. Good. You have decided to play this little game of ours. There is no turning back anymore. You have something we want.

Just then, as we read the last word, the door slammed shut. Summer sprinted to the door, but it was locked from the outside.

Page three:
You are our prisoners now. You won't be released until you play the game. Until you reach the end, and receive your surprise.
What do we want? We want Irene's relic. The one that Aphmau stole from us. That relic belonged to Zane.
We also want Aphmau. Let's just say that there is a very special someone back in Phoenix Drop, who loves her so much! That person is Lord Garte's son, Garroth. Garroth is so happy with Aphmau! He loves Aphmau! Well guess what, Garroth doesn't deserve happiness. We will suck every last bit of it. You thought this war was over...
Well, you're wrong.
It's not.
We are coming after you and the relic.

Page Four:

Aphmau, we will charge you with many crimes, and the punishment for any crime with us, is death.
If anyone tries to help you escape us, or if anyone refuses to hand you over, then we will charge them with the same crimes, and they will also be punished by death.

We were in the kitchen by the stairs now. Page Five:
When you die, and you will, Garroth will be devastated and broken. Oh yeah... He thinks that you are dead. We sent him a letter this morning, talking about how you tragically passed.
I'm sorry it has to be this way. He will never know that you were still alive.
Oh! We have a great idea! What if, oh what if we take both of you to Okasis, and just as Garroth sees you alive, we kill you.
We see it now. He runs up to hug you, filled with happiness. However, little does he know that as soon as he touches you, a sword will be plummeted into your heart.
If he doesn't go up to you, if he isn't happy with you being alive, then you get to live, if he does, and he is happy, you die.
Oh how great that is! To die or stay alive, and have it so that the one you love doesn't love you back?
If he loves you, then you're dead.

Page 6:
We also told Garroth that if he doesn't turn himself in, that we destroy all remains of Phoenix Drop, and kill everyone who has ever lived there.

Okasis may have spies, but they obviously don't know that I have a magic snow globe, and I already know all of this. They don't know that I sent a message to Garroth, saying that I'm alive. However, if Okasis does have spies, they will probably see Garroth receive the message.

There is a button on our snow globes that alerts us if the message needs to be heard in private, where no one is. So, I'll alert him that the message is private and he needs to be alone to hear it.
Don't worry, this is just part one! I'll be posting part two later! I hope you enjoyed! Love ya! Buh-Bai!

1.) Who do you think are spies? Do you think Aphmau has met the spies yet or not?

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