Okasis is Back B****es! Part Two

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Just look at the title. Yes, Okasis is back; Back into Aphmau's life that is. Even though it has been fifteen years, she still can't escape that dreadful place.

Guys, I don't like to swear, and I don't swear. I can't even type up a swear word. However, my characters cuss. A lot of people in the world swear, so it would just be weird to have none of my characters swear. So, I'm sorry if you aren't comfortable with these words. Again, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to make my characters more realistic.

Aphmau won't swear much. If she does, they'll be baby bad words. Aphmau is a GG in real life, and she never cusses so, I'll make her the same in this.

"Even after fifteen years, I can't hide from Okasis. I want to be the one who burns down that h*** hole."
We were up the stairs now.
Page Six:
We have no idea how you survived. But we will get you.
How are you still alive?
We don't know.

Page Seven:
Now, we are going to play a guessing game. If you find out who our spies are by the end of the week, then we will expand the time in which you must hand yourself over.

Page Eight:
Two more pages till you get your surprise!
So, we know about that little, sweet, and oh so precious child that you have with you. What's her name? Lilly.
As I said, we have eyes everywhere. What will happen to her if you don't turn yourself over? Then, let's just say that we will take her on a picnic in the woods, where no one can hear her screams.

They wouldn't dare! Lilly wasn't reading luckily, so she wouldn't know about this. If I leave, then who will care for Lilly?

Page Nine:
Okasis is great. It is the all powerful and mighty city. We will destroy all that comes in our way.
We are going to create...
When everyone is dead, when the shadow knights take over and the chosen one dies, there will be...
We will kill the chosen one. We will destroy any last bit of hope that you mother f*****s have.
Okasis shall rule.

We are the...
Only ones who shall survive.
We don't need...
Kindness or love.
What do we have?
All the Shadow Knights on our side
We are...
We will...
Illuminate the world with fire.
We will bring...

We are...

We stepped into the last room upstairs, which was the bedroom that I woke up in.

There was blood everywhere, and a body laid on the bed. It was the body of a child... A little boy.

The sight was horrific, and I instantly covered Lilly's eyes. However, I realized that Lilly was crying.

We walked over to the last note, which was on the body, blood stained.

Page Ten:
We killed him. Lilly, you used to live in Okasis.
He was your brother.
We killed him,
About a week ago.
We held him as a prisoner for years.
He screamed out your name when he died.
Oh how the sound in our ears.
Pure pleasure.
The screams and shouts of the little boy. Oh, and how he kicked and squirmed and cried. He sobbed and yelled for you. He cried out in pain.
We watched him slowly die. His breathing got slower, and slower, and slower, until it suddenly stopped.
Then it was silent.
We looked at his limp body, sprawled across the blood stained floor, and we grinned.
This is the true wrath of OKASIS.
You have been warned.


I was still covering Lilly's eyes, so she couldn't read the horrifying note.

"A-Aphmau! Please uncover my eyes! I'm f-fine..." Lilly said.

Lilly is strong. She is mature, and she knows that she can handle this. I removed my hand from her eyes, just to see her automatically lift her hand up to her mouth in shock.

"J-Jackson?" Lilly asked, tears spilling from her eyes.

This was how the game worked. This horrible, terrifying, disgusting game. This is what Okasis wanted.

Lilly sprinted to her deceased brother Jackson, and picked up his small frail body. Jackson appeared to be about 12.

"Why is he here?" Lilly asked, crying over Jackson.

"L-Lilly," I said, reaching my hand out to run my fingers through her blonde hair.

Lilly's POV:

I tried to run from my past. I really tried.
Every time I begin to make friends, find a family, be stable, or be happy, things come spiraling down.
Every time I am fixed, I am shattered yet again.
Maxine understood me. However, we can only be relatable and not related.
Maxine looks at me and sees herself. Then, she is reminded of her pain. No one wants a burden like that.
No one wants me.
You see, life is like an endless roller coaster, with ups and downs.
I have a roller coaster, but mine repeats itself over and over again, like a circle, a cycle.
I'm way down at the bottom, but then I am lifted up, only to fall down, even farther. I always end up lower than I started. This is why I can't have good things in life.
On roller coasters, people love the thrill of going down, with the wind blowing in your hair.
Mine however, is a dangerous road, and the track is almost always broken. I always plummet down. I don't ride on the slope down, I fall. I just fall.
Yet I still have hope. As I go back up, I see a ray of sun, and I hope that this time, when I fall, I'll be okay, that a new part of the roller coaster of life will appear. But no, it can't be that way. All of the anticipation on the ride up, the happiness, the thrill, and the excitement at being at an amusement park, but then it is ruined.
Jackson was my brother in Okasis before he went missing. I never got to know if they found him or not, if he was alive or not.
Okasis is a dangerous place. Okasis is one of those drop rides like the tower of doom. I never liked those rides. Of course, I haven't gone to an amusement park for years.
Now Aphmau has to leave me or she dies. Anyone who helps her will be killed.
I don't care. I have nothing else to lose. I'm going to help her, and Garroth.
Aphmau is like cherry soda. I love cherry soda. Cherry soda is great and so is Aphmau. I want to stay with her. She is my friend.
I hope that one day she can be my mother.

Maybe, this is just how things are meant to be. Maybe I'm supposed to continue being shattered. Me and Jackson were really close. He was one of my best friends.

Shattered glass. It's actually quite beautiful if you reflect a light onto it. The shards of glass sparkle.

Yes, I'm not together. So maybe I'm broken and lost. Maybe I'm an orphan. But so what?

I was treated horribly. I just hope that everyone who treats me well isn't treated like I was. Like Aphmau. She doesn't deserve that. So, I'm going to help her.

I'm shattered, but I'm unique. Like everything else, when I am repaired, when I am fixed, I become stronger.
I'm strong. I can get through this.
For Aphmau.
For Summer.
For Maxine.
For Jasmine.
For Jackson.

I wiped away a tear, and stopped crying. Aphmau handed me the note that she just read. I read it.

Okasis is a place filled with monsters.
I can't believe they would do such a thing... To a child?

I should've been the one to die. I was the one who committed those crimes. I'm the one who-

Stay strong.
Remember what Maxine said.
Shattered glass is beautiful.
For Aphmau.

Even after all this time, Okasis still haunts me. I want to be the person that burns down that city of monsters and memories.

"I need to leave here for Okasis..." Aphmau said, frowning.

"Are you really going to go?" Summer asked.

"I don't have any other choice. If I stay, you guys will die, since you aren't turning me in," Aphmau said.

"I don't care. I'm helping you escape Aphmau. I know all about how to escape Okasis. I've done it many times," Lillh said.

"I'm helping you too," Summer said.

"Lilly, you are too young. You need to live out your life and find a family," Aphmau said.

"I've been through more than most 30 year olds have. I-I think I can handle this," I replied.

"You need a loving family," Aphmau said.

"I already found one, and I'm not l-leaving it," I said hugging Aphmau.
More parts coming soon!
Love ya! Adios!

1.) Would you let Lilly help you if you were Aphmau?

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