Chapter 8: Love Moments

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I was at the location for my last ever photo shoot. I was getting my hair curled and my makeup done when Dave came over. People probably think we have attachment issues, because when I say we go everywhere together...I mean, everywhere. "Guess what?" He said looking at his phone.

"What?" I asked looking up at him.

"Wayno just called. I just got booked for a show in Tokyo. Ain't that crazy!"

"That's crazy forreal! I told you you're gonna be making major moves this year! Give me some!"

"That you did!" We did our handshake ending it with a kiss.

"So when is it?"

"Two weeks."

"Two weeks? That's soon. That means I can't go!" I pouted.

"Why not?" He asked frowning up his face.

"I have to go with Vince Staples to his Sprite commercial in California."

"Welp, didn't nobody tell you to take that Def Jam job. I'm going regardless."

"You really gonna go without me? I wanna go to Japan too." I said poking my lip out.

"Hell yeah! I got money to make. Especially with how much adopting Malachi is going to cost. I'm only going to be gone a couple of days, B."

"Fine, whatever! I need to make the flyer."

"You act like I'm leaving tomorrow. Don't get in your little funky ass attitudes!" I rolled my eyes. Once I was done with hair and makeup Brittany gave me the "outfit" I'm wearing. It was really just a black crop top with black bottoms. "So I was told you need to oil up," Dave said grinning holding a baby oil bottle up.

I laughed, "C'mon then!" He squirted the oil into his hands rubbing them together then rubbed it on my arms. He bent down putting it on my legs. I looked down to see him licking his lips as he moved up to my thighs. After he went to my butt. He started to massage my ass. "Alright! How much time are you going to spend on that one area?"

"That area requires special attention," he said still rubbing it. I laughed pushing his hands away. He stood up looking me up and down kissing my cheek. "I'm so fucking lucky!" He mumbled with his lips still to my cheek. He pulled away saying, "When your stomach gonna start getting a little bump?"

"You don't see that hump?" I said turning to the side. He laughed shaking his head no. My stomach was so flat before it's still very small. It really just looked like I just ate or something. Tori still told me not to pose turned to the side and to suck in if I needed to. I went to the area they told me to so we can get this photo shoot started.

"Don't forget to show them cheeks, baby!" Dave yelled making me laugh. Most men wouldn't want their woman showing any skin and here he is encouraging it. "Turn around like this..." He said turning around then whipping his head around dramatically. I died laughing, but did it.

"Fierce!" He yelled. I laughed a little shaking my head. He's over here stealing the photographers job. Once we were done we looked at the pictures on the computer. Dave pointed to the screen saying, "I told her to do that!" He sounded so proud.

I changed back into my clothes then we left driving home. "I have a feeling that's not going to be your last shoot."

"Why you say that?" I asked looking over at him.

"I don't know. You seem like you enjoy it. Why not get paid for something you like?"

"Yeah, but I'm not trying to do that forever. Being half naked and sexy. The money is cool, but I prefer the respect I get working corporate or from being a business woman. Ain't no respect in that in my eyes!"

"And why not? You look good and people are willing to pay to see it. The lack of respect shouldn't fall on you. It should fall on the consumer. Their the one's paying just to look at someone."

"You don't feel a way about me being nearly naked showing my body to other people besides you?"

"Not at all! You saw how I was cheering you on. I don't give a fuck! Ima support you in anything, period. I'm like, 'yeahh that's my wife!' I show people your pictures like 'yup, that's all me!' Look at my screensaver." I grabbed his phone and it was a picture from my Hawaii shoot. "These new pictures bout to be my new shit! We need to get some pictures blown up and hang them in the house." I smiled leaning my head against my fist. I've never met a man so supportive in my life. "I'm your screensaver too, right?"

"Uhh, yeah!" I said unlocking my phone changing it quickly to him. It was really me. Is that bad?

"Fucking liar! I saw you just change it."

"No, I didn't. I was checking my instagram. See, it's you babe!" I put my phone in his face. He looked away from the road looking. He sucked his teeth not saying anything. "Tomorrow's Malachi's birthday, I'm so excited! I worked so hard on this party. I hope he likes it. I hope everybody likes it."

"I'm sure they will. You gotta see the gift I got him. It's fucking lit!" He said smiling.

"What is it?"

"You'll see tomorrow when I give it to him."

I smacked my lips, "You suck! We need to go pick up the cake."

"You paid for that too? B, you should've told me. You don't have to pay for all this stuff by yourself."

"I wanted to, Dave." He looked over at me putting a smile on his face.

The Next Day
September 14th, 2016

Today is Malachi's birthday and also the birthday party. After taking my shower I did my makeup, put my hair in a top knot bun then put my dress on. From going to the place earlier to take the cake everything was setup and ready. The party starts in an hour. I grabbed the lotion going into the living room to see Dave still sitting on the couch playing some game. I sighed clapping my hands together loudly to get his attention. He looked over at me. "Yo, why is your ass not getting ready? Get off that damn game and get ready!"

"I couldn't figure out what to wear." He said looking back at the screen continuing to play.

"So, you decided to play the game? Get your ass up and go take a shower! I'll sit your outfit out on the bed."

He got up walking towards me, "Is that how you're going to talk to our kids? You're mean as fuck!"

"Well quit acting like a kid. C'mon, put some pep in your step!" He smacked his lips going to the bathroom while I went to the closet. What would this man do without me honestly? I pulled out a Jersey, jeans, and Margiela sneakers. It's just a kid party, so it's not that serious. I put it on the bed then went to the closet to get Malachi's gift out so I don't forget it.

After 30 minutes he finally came out ready. The place is just in Upper West Side Manhattan, so it shouldn't take long to get there. I slid on my Versace sandals, grabbed my Chanel bag and the gift. "Who's car are we taking?" I asked as we walked to the living room area.

"Yours. I already put Malachi's gift in your trunk since you have the bigger car."

"Is the gift that big?" He nodded then grabbed my keys. We went to the parking garage to my Land Rover sport. As we drove my phone rang. "Hello?" I said putting it on speaker because I knew it was our adoption attorney.

"Hello, Bernice. It's Rick calling to inform you that you and your husband passed the monitored in home visit. Usually the process for standard adoption can take months, so they can't just say Malachi is yours. BUT they can say due to his current living situations it's a given you'll be able to adopt him. We'll talk about setting a court date to make it legal roughly in January or February. Until then he can visit you without supervision from the agency. We also advice you to have a room setup for him."

I looked over at Dave who was smiling along with me. "Okay, thank you Rick. We'll be in contact."

"No problem. Tell the little one Happy Birthday!"

"Will do, bye." I hung up. I immediately hit my Milly Rock along with Dave who dabbed. We laughed doing our handshake. "The good news just keeps coming." We pulled up to the place called Apple Seeds getting out. I took my gifts in, but Dave was being all secretive with his. I made sure everything was in place from the decorations to food, games and the cake. The party is car themed because I noticed he likes car toys a lot.

"This shit ill! You did a good job, babe." Dave said coming over to me. He looked at the cupcakes that either said Malachi, Kai, Lil Freaky or #Freaky4ever then at the cake.


The party was now in full effect with family members and friends who came out with their kids. I was talking to my dad. I haven't seen him in a minute, so I needed to tell him the news. "I got something to tell you Pop's," I said wrapping my arm around his shoulder.

"What?" He asked looking up at me. I pulled the ultrasound picture out of my pants pocket handing it to him. "Who's is this? Now, I don't know what anybody told you, but that ain't my baby!"

I died laughing at his stupidity even though he seemed serious. "Pop's, I know because the baby's mine."

"You lying?! You knocked Bernice up? My man!" He said hugging me as I chuckled when we parted I looked towards the door to see Ezekiel and Brittany walking in. He left for school in Texas a couple of weeks ago, so I'm wondering why he's back.

"I have arrived! The one everybody has been waiting for!" Zeek shouted announcing himself. I laughed going over to him dapping him.

"What you doing here, bro? You supposed to be in Texas getting your learning on, boy!"

"You know I couldn't miss my only nephew's second birthday. He's practically a man." We both chuckled, "Speaking of lil man...Where he at?"

I nodded my head in the direction. "You know he's attached to Bernice's hip at all times. That's his favorite now."

"No offense, but we all know why. He just like laying on them titties. Look at him!" Sure enough I looked back and as B held him he had his head resting on her chest. I bust out laughing. I pulled my phone out taking a picture posting it with the caption:

Mood, I feel the same way birthday boy😂 #GotMilk #MamaB #LilFreaky #FreakyForever

"He over there stealing my spot!"

We both chuckled, "Where do I put this?" He asked holding up a gift. I showed him to the gift table. After playing games and just everybody mingling it was time to cut the cake, sing happy birthday and open gifts.

They made me stand up and talk. "I just wanna thank y'all for coming out. It's very important from this day on out that Malachi knows he's loved. This is a boy who has lost both of his parents and he doesn't even know it. He never even got to meet his father, who is my cousin and somebody I consider my brother. That's why my wife and I are going through the process of adopting him. Shout out to my wife who put this together," B shyly smiled. She really hates the spotlight. "I'ma end this by saying Malik and Melissa are missed, but they left a gift on this earth, Malachi."

At that everybody broke into singing happy birthday. After that we cut the cake and opened gifts. I was just waiting my turn because I'm giving my gift last. After awhile I realized almost all the gifts were opened I went to get his gift.

"You are too much, yo!" Bernice said when she saw it. I laughed as Malachi screamed for my mom to put him down. She did and he went running to his gift.

"Car! Car!" He screamed. I swear that's his favorite word. I picked him up putting him in. You know I had to get him a matching Porsche Panemera like mine. Except mine is black. Bernice actually bought it for me for my 28th birthday this past June. I usually would've felt a way about her buying me something so expensive, but I gladly took those keys. Bernice is just a giving person. Plus, it's my baby.

"No roof on the Porsche and that's sour I'm steaming, loud pack got me leanin' out. All that I know is get money!" I rapped from my song Talk laughing. "Skrrt off, Kai!" As the car started to move he laughed.

. . .

The party was finally over. The people who owned the place were probably mad because for a kid party it was pretty turnt up. That's just how my family is. I was waiting in the car for Bernice when she finally got in rapping my lyrics, "Do the Rari or the phantom. Now these bitches call me handsome. Got no time for no romancing. Hit it from the back on camera. Bend it ova let me see it!" She was really into it too doing the gun fingers. You know that shit girls do when they're feelin' it.

I laughed saying, "You in Mrs. East mode?" starting the car. "You have a good time?"

"Everyday, all day. Of course I did as long as Malachi did. That little car you got him is so cute!"

"I'm sure he had a good time. He prolly won't remember it, but the memory from pictures and videos is all that matters. You really did your shit on this one!"

"Thank you!" She said smiling.

"Like I'm for real. That's not even your child and for you to do that...You real. That's why I fell in love with you. I honestly can't wait for you to have my kids. You're gonna be a great mom."

She smiled even wider putting both of her hands on my face, "You think so?!"


"I hope so. I'm just trying to be better than my mother."

"You will be. I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed her multiple times before backing out of the parking spot.

"You never told me how going to see your mother went."

"It went good. She apologized and gave me her reasoning and that's all I ever wanted. Guess what she said?"


"When I told her we got married she said she knew I liked you. AND that she knew the exact day that we had sex for the first time. She said I was different," B said putting finger quotes with the word different.

I laughed, "That walk was different, that's what! You were probably going through it, huh? Mad I left and you couldn't get another taste."

"Shut up!" She said hitting my arm.

"Seems like she's a nicer person."

"Yup, I might actually start visiting her more." B said sighing looking out of the window.

"You should, you should."

It was quiet for a minute. Quiet was never awkward between us. "Can I tell you something? Promise me you'll understand where I'm coming from and hear me out..."

"Yeah, of course. Tell me!" As soon as she said that my phone started ringing. "Sorry, hold on just one second. It's Momma." I hit answer, "Wassup, ma? What's wrong?"

"Come get your father. He's over at my place drunk trying to get that old thing back. Listen..." I could hear my dad singing and slurring the lyrics to I Miss You by Teddy Pendergrass.

I died laughing then said, "Alright, I'm coming." My parents still haven't gotten back together. Come to find out my dad cheated on my mom. I wasn't mad, that's their business. For some reason my mom just didn't want to outright divorce him. Some days they were like the old days, other days they hated each other. I hung up asking Bernice, "Now what were you going to tell me?"

"Nothing, never mind. Let's go get Pop's before ma kills him."

"You sure?" She nodded her head as I turned towards the direction of my mother's house. Now I wanna know what she wanted to tell me. But I knew better then to bug Bernice about something when she's not ready.

Do you think Bernice will really tell Dave? Comment / Vote🌹✨

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