Chapter 7 : The Riddle Of The Sphinx

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"Giga Punch!" (Y/n) shout and punch the dinodile from above. At the same time Anubis also punch it. It seems the dinodile already cross the light that is surrounding the treasure. The impact of their punch crack the floor and send chills to  her friend's spine. 'S-she's so strong!' Alex thought. "They who enter the light without passing the test shalt be judge by Anubis!" The Sphinx said. 'So this is why they said don't go to the light...' (Y/n) thought.


Third Person P.O.V

"So that's what happens when you step into the light..." Alex said. "Yup. And we find it the hard way..." (Y/n) reply. All of them is looking at the dinodile. "NO MERCY!" The Sphinx suddenly said. One of the Anubis move and block their way out. "W-why is the Anubis statue blocking the way out?" Ali ask. "To keep us from leaving without passing the test, I'd wager." Alex answered his question. "WHAT!" Ali shouted. "Nothing to worry about! We just have to pass!" Alex said easily. "Why are you so relaxed?! If we get the answer wrong, we'll be flattened!" Ali shout again. "Yup. As flat as a pancake!" (Y/n) said to scare him more. "But isn't it exciting! The feeling of danger and the anxiousness!" "W-what is wrong with you guys?! You're all crazy!" The thin boy shout. "It wouldn't be an adventure if there was no danger... And that's why adventures are fun!" Alex exclaimed. "Sphinx! We accept your challenge! What is your test?" He ask bravely.

"I shalt speak once and once only. A knife cuts off a piece of cloth from a square scarf. How many corners does the scarf have left?" The Sphinx said. (Y/n) and Alex's brain start turning. "How can you be so calm?! Can you really count on that brat?!" Ali whisper to Samara. "Well... At first I thought he was all talk and no action... But he's right every time so far. So, I'll believe in him. Besides, we have the Princess of Magic here. What could go wrong?" She said enthusiastically. "Yes! We've figured out the answer!  The answer is uncertain!" Alex yelled. "If you cut from a corner to an edge, then 4 corner will remain. If you cut from corner to corner, 3corners will remain. If you cut of the tip, 5 corners will remain." (Y/n) explained. "...... Correct." The Sphinx announced. The Anubis statue began to kneel. "A worthy master for the Golden Chariot hath appeared. My duty is finally done... Now I may go to my internal rest." The Sphinx stopped moving. "What happened?" Samara ask. "It looks like... She turned into stone..." Alex said. "Anyway! It's safe now, so let's look at out loot!"

They all ran to the treasure with Lulu in front of them while (Y/n) ho to the Sphinx. 'Poor Sphinx. She waited so long for a worthy master for the Golden Chariot. Probably a thousand years.' She thought. "You've done a great job. May you rest in peace." She whisper. "(Y/n)! Come here!" Alex called. "Coming!" Once she's there she saw Lulu is drinking from the golden cup. She just smile. "Well, it looks like you found your treasure! But let me take it as a sample." She took out a test tube and take some of the water. "Lulu! Don't drink that! Eww!" Samara said. ((Y/n) couldn't blame her honestly. That water may be there for a thousands of years.) "So this is the real Golden Chariot that Ramesses II rode to victory." Alex said while staring and poking the chariot while Ali is looking at the diamonds that we're as big as his palm. "Wow... Even after thousands of years, this chariot is still sparkling!" (Y/n) said. "Maybe the Pharaoh won by dazzling his enemies with it's gleam!" Alex note. "Ahahaha! That's possible!" Ali laugh. "Yeah, that can be a pretty good theory." (Y/n) said laughing along.

"But how do we load it out of the pyramid?" Alex ask Ali. "Let's load it up with treasure first." Without realizing the dinodile is still alive. "Look out!" (Y/n) shouts as she pulled all of her friends with her. Lulu that is still drinking also flee bit not before looking disappointedly at her treasure. 'The dinodile didn't die after that punch?  It's pretty strong.' (Y/n) thought. "Re-quip!" She chant as her outfit change. (Pic above)

(This is her sword.)

"Wave slash!" She chant and swing her sword. The dinodile's head falls on the floor and it started to crack. 'Shoot.' (Y/n)  thought. "Oh no the floor! Waa-aah! The floor's caving in!" Alex alarmed. The floor started to fall apart. 'The floor already got damaged when Anubis and (Y/n) punched it!  Now the crocodile's fallen through it, it's totally wrecked! And the sand under is soft like quicksand... If we fall into it, we won't be able to climb back out!' He thought and as if reading his thoughts, (Y/n) shout. "Think about it later! We must get everyone to safety first!" "Kyaa!" Samara slipped. "Samara!" Alex shout while using his ropes and tie it to an edge. He manage to grab her hand before she really falls. "Don't let go and don't look down! Just climb up." Alex said while Ali is running around panicking and (Y/n) is trying to help Samara. "The chariot and the treasure is all gone!" Ali shout. "That's what you thinking! Life is on the line here!" (Y/n) about annoyed. Suddenly the floor cracked and Alex began to fall. "Alex!" (Y/n) and Samara shouts.

'Eh? Am I done for? But this is only the first volume? I just met (Y/n) and now I'm never going to see her again...' Alex thought. "Lulu!" (Y/n) shouts. Suddenly a short, raven haired girl wearing a blue ragged cloth with a pair of cat ears and white fluffy scarf come and swoop him up. "W-who are...?!" Alex stuttered.


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