Chapter 8 : Onward To The Future!

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'Eh? Am I done for? But this is only the first volume? I just met (Y/n) and now I'm never going to see her again...' Alex thought. "Lulu!" (Y/n) shouts. Suddenly a short, raven haired girl wearing a blue ragged cloth with a pair of cat ears and white fluffy scarf come and swoop him up. "W-who are...?!" Alex stuttered.


Third Person P.O.V

"Alex! Thank goodness!" Samara shout once Lulu put Alex down (roughly) on the ground (duh...) (Y/n) is trying to calm herself from reliving the nightmare again. "Thank you so much! But... Who are you?" Samara ask Alex's saviour. "We have lived 6 months together and you do not recognise me?" She replied. "It is I... The stray cat to whom you showed kindness... I am Lulu!" "W-what! Y-you're human?!" Samara exclaim shockingly. "B-but why... How... But you were a cat!" She stuttered out. "She's cursed. She is able to be half-human now because of the holy water she just drank. Of which I've taken some sample of." (Y/n) interrupt. "Y-you know her?!" The three of them (except Lulu) shout to (Y/n) and she just smile. "I was - am - an adventurer too. One day I entered a pyramid to look for treasure... But the goddess Bastet's curse turn me into a cat. I learned that one of the Ramesses II's wives was entombed in the pyramid... The hieroglyphs I found in the pyramid said that drinking the holy water that Ramesses II his with the Golden Chariot Would undo the curse. So I went to the places where adventurers gather to listen for clues. But no one knew the location of the Golden Chariot. Hungry and exhausted, I fainted in front of your father's tavern. There you took me in. Then, (Y/n) comes and talk to me. I don't think she understand but surprisingly she can. I told her my stories and she decoded to help me. And then Alex appeared. I did not think an idiot like him would know where the Golden Chariot was." Lulu told them while the building start to fall.

"I hate to interrupt, but this place is gonna collapse!" Ali shouted. They continue to run until they arrive at the big gap again. "We've gotta swing back over again! Everyone grab on tight!" Alex said. They all cross first except far (Y/n). After they go she make a big jump and arrive at the other side perfectly unharmed while the others watch her with awe. "Focus!" She shout and they continue to run. While they're running up the stairs (my worst enemy) Ali stumble a bit and fell. "W-wait f-for me..." He said trying to keep up. "Hmph." Lulu go to him and carry him like a sack. "Wow!" Samara said. "Your strong!" Alex exclaim. They continue to ran. Once they are at the entrance (which is now the exit) the entrance/exit started to collapse and (Y/n) without thinking pushed them all out of the pyramid.


And the entrance collapse. "(Y/n)!" They all shouts. They look at the sand in which have a pyramid before. "Wave Shock!" They hear and the ground are sliced in two. (Y/n) come out of it and takes a deep breath. "Fuh! That is the first time I ruin and ancient... Ruins." A ba dum tss was heared out of no where and the group just look at her with a blank face. "What?" She ask and they all come towards her for a hug! "You're alive!" They all said. Once they release her they all fall to the ground. "We... We made it..." Alex declare. "We were nearly buried alive though." Lulu said.

"Drat! All our work finding the treasure... All gone!" Alex shouted in frustration. "Be thankful that we are still alive!" Samara scold him. "I
... Managed to grab a few jewels..." Ali suddenly said. "I was going to keep these for myself... But without your help, I wouldn't made it out alive. So, here! If you sell these, your family's financial problems should be taken care of." He hand the jewels that are as big as his palm to Samara. "Actually... All the damage at your tavern... Geb ordered me to do all that. I've been so bad, and her you saved me... I'm really sorry!" He confess. Samara just stare at him in silence. "You can turn me over to the police. I won't run away." He said again.

"It's alright, Ali. But when we get back, you need to help us fix all the stuff you broke!" Samara accept his apology. "And I'll accept this jewels." "Thank you so much!!!" Ali said while crying anime tears. "Oh, and Lulu..." Samara began but stopped when wmshe didn't see her. "Eh, she was here a second ago..." She muttered and look around. "(Y/n)'s gone too!"she shout. "How could they leave without saying goodbye?!!!" Upon hearing this, Alex's heart break a little but he paid no mind to it. He just met his childhood friend back and now, that maybe won't see each other ever again... Or so he think. 'A curse huh? I'll have to be careful not to get turned into an animal too.' He thought. "Er... Can three people fit in your airship? I came here by grabbing on it's rear fin." Ali said to Alex. "Then go back the same way!" He easily replies. "How cold!"

Back in town, the jewels were sold and the money used to repair and renovate Amon's tavern. Ali gave his evidence of Geb's crime to the police and Get was arrested. Ali ended up working at Amon's tavern. Without Geb's interference, Amon's business improve and more customer keep coming everyday.

"Hurry! There are many customers waiting!" Safiya shouts to Ali while Ali just replied with 'Yes ma'am.' He is so much happier now that he have a good job with a good pay. "Is that brat Alex still asleep? Wake him up and put him to work!" Safiya shouts again. "Yes mum!" Samara simply replies. She goes to Alex's room and knock. "Alex! Wake up sleepy head!" Hearing no answers she open up the door of his from and see nothing. Panic began to make it's way to her heart. 'Maybe he went to repair his air ship!" She thought to calm herself down without noticing her father is behind her. "Looking for Alex? I saw him sneak out before dawn to his airship and fly away." Her dad, Amon told her. "What! Without even saying goodbye!" She shout. "Well I figured he didn't want to make a fuss about it leaving so I didn't call out to him." Amon try to reason with her which only make her cry. "First Lulu and (Y/n)... And now Alex! All of them ran off just like that!" She sob. Amon look at his daughter with a gentle smile. "Don't cry. Trust me, I'm sure we'll hear about them in the adventurer bulletin soon enough. Because I believe in the future they'll be incredible adventurers that will change the world!" He said.

-Meanwhile on Alex's airship-

'I saw such incredible things on my first adventure... An army of mummies, a huge crocodile mummy, a stone statue all came to life... And magic! Grandpa was right. Adventuring and treasure hunting need not only stamina, but intelligence too... If only I could have gone adventuring with grandpa...' Alex writes in his journal. "Where should I go next?" He ask no one in particular. "Maybe the Great Wall of China has some secrets for me to dig up? Or the ocean." He talks to himself. "How about Greece?! A cheery voice suddenly said. "Mm-hm, that sounds good too..." He reply not realizing anything until it make it's way to his brain. "Eh! Who..." He turns around and saw Lulu. "You! Aren't you... Samara's cat Lulu?!" He yelled. "But that's not your voice just now..." He thought about it. "It's me!" (Y/n) suddenly come out of Lulu's hair on top of her head.

"What are you two doing on my airship!" He ask. "You have potential as an adventurer. So I am hoping that you will help me." She said seriously. "The holy water that could lift my curse was destroyed along with the pyramid. But I have not given up. There are many more mysterious treasures in the world... And one of them could make me fully human again." "So you need my help to break your curse? No can do. I travel alone. Free with no strings attached. By the way, you have (Y/n) don't you?" He replies. "Aaaw! Come on Alex! The more the merrier!" (Y/n) try but it didn't work. "Don't worry, let me handle it." Lulu said and started to smirk. "Do not forget that we saved your life in the pyramid. You owe us." She said. A tick mark appear on Alex's cheek. "That's blackmail!" He argues back only to be ignored. "So our partnership is agreed, yes? Meow~" She purred with an evil face.

(Y/n) just sigh looking at her friends. 'It's been a long day! At least we've escaped the wrath of the mummy." She thought.

-The End-


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Author'a note!

So this is the last chapter of volume one! Don't worry, I'll be making the second book! It will be called...

Lair of The Cretan Minotaur

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