Chapter 6: Pt.1

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As the next day came Y/N was walking to the academy he had one thing on his mind, is Koneko ok. He got a text from her that she wasn't feeling well so she's staying home and resting. So now he'll have to go through the day with out seeing her, it saddens him but he understands why. But before Y/N left for school his sister told him she wants him to come training with her after school. Y/N agreed because he doesn't want his fighting skills to get rusty, plus he thought he might impress Koneko with his fighting style, since he heard she trains too. Inside his sacred gear Ghidorah can feel his worry so for now he's staying quiet and letting him sort his thoughts out. Once Y/N made it to school he seen a few other students backing away from him, even if he looked at them they would turn away not looking at him. He even noticed many even started shaking or sweating, or both. Y/N was a little saddened from everyone doing this to him, but once he seen Akeno, so he decided to go over and say hi.

Y/N: "Akeno!.... Umm Akeno?"

She heard him and seen him walking toward her.

Akeno: "O-oh u-u-um Hi Y/N what a-are you doing h-here."

He walked up to her and she even started to shake and averting her eyes away from him. When he got closer her shaking worsened and her lips began to quiver, from how she was acting Y/N couldn't figure it. Until Ghidorah broke him from his thoughts.

Ghidorah: "I'm sorry to say this partner, I can sense a great amount of fear coming from her."

Y/N: "Wait how is she scared?"

Ghidorah: "It's seems she frightened of you. I'll look into while your studying, for now just avoid everyone if possible."

Y/N mentally sighed and he looked down and dawning a saddened.

Y/N: "Alright.

Y/N: "Umm s-sorry I bothered you Akeno."

He walked passed her but Akeno tried to grab his arm and apologize for what she did but some deep within her mind kept telling her not to even touch him, along with that and her fight or flight instincts were firing off. Once Y/N finally reached the door and went inside she fell on her knees and she was heavily breathing. Once she finally composed herself she slowly stood back up still hold a small bit of fear in her face. She then hugged herself trying to figure out what she felt.

Akeno: "W-What the hell was that?!"

Timeskip to Classroom

Y/N was sitting doing his assignments from his last class of the day, as he was doing that someone Interrupted the classroom. Y/N looked who it was and it was Kiba.

Kiba: "Sir can Y/N L/N come with me please? The president of the ORC wants to see him."

Teacher: "Yes he can, Mr. L/N you may leave, but I expect you to bring in your assignment later on."

Y/N: "*gets up* Yes sir."

Y/N grabbed his papers and other stuff then slung his backpack over his shoulder. Y/N walked over to kiba then stretched his arm out.

Y/N: "Welp, lead the way."

Kiba then walked with him to the ORC building. Y/N looked at Kiba worried if he's feeling fear too.

Y/N: "So, what does Rias want with me?"

As Y/N thought Kiba broke out of his thoughts and was definitely shaking just a little bit but Y/N can tell he was holding back alot emotion from his face.

Kiba: "I'm n-not sure why?"

Y/N couldn't tell if Kiba was telling the truth or lying, deep inside a tinge of anger and sadness rose up, from that the Alpha aura became stronger. The AOE (Area is Effect) engulfed the entire school. Humans cannot feel it getting stronger but the supernatural can. They can also see it but Y/N I behind Kiba who is now visibly shaking now, he then hugs himself tryin not to let Y/N notice.

Kiba: "Jeez is it getting c-cold in h-here or is it j-just me."

Y/N: "Nope, just you."

In Sonas Office

While Sona is working on some paperwork a sudden rush of fear overcame her and her fight or flight instincts kicked in. She then went to a room where her peerage is but when she got their she seen all of them in all over came with fear. Most of them were on the floor or on the chairs and couch. She then seen Tsubaki in the corner of the room shaking and holding her head with her eyes wide open, Sona never seen her like this before and normally she's her calm and collected queen but now shes cowering in the corner like a child. Everyone seen Sona and they all looked at her hoping she might have an answer.

Everyone: "President what is this?!"

She was literally stumped at the moment, she couldn't figure out an answer.


Back with Y/N and Kiba they were almost to Rias's main room in the ORC Ghidorah talked to Y/N again.

Ghidorah: "Partner, I'm afraid to tell you why everyone is frightened of you is because of me."

Y/N: "Wait, why's that?"

Ghidorah: "It's one of my abilities I didn't know I had. I had to look deep within and I found it, it's a controllable passive ability called Alpha Aura. If you wondering what it is, think about a pack of wolves and the Alpha of the pack is the boss, all the both fear and respect who it is. But I think this only focuses on the fear range. I'll figure out how to turn it off in a few seconds."

Kiba and Y/N continued to the ORC main room, once they reached it Kiba was still shaking in his shoes. While he opened the door Y/N seen both Rias and Akeno at her Rias's desk. Y/N looked at them and they definitely were frightened by him from the shaking but they kept the happy look on their faces.

Rias: "G-glad you can m-make it Y/N."

Y/N and Kiba walked in the room and the girls shook more when Y/N walked closer to them. Y/N sat on the couch and he asked Rias something.

Y/N: "Hey Rias quick question and be honest with me."

Rias: "S-Sure."

Y/N: "Are you afraid of me?"

Rias stiffened up at the question and her brows began to quiver.

Rias: "N-no don't be silly, I'm not."

Y/N: "I said to be honest with me. Now answer it."

Rias: "As I said I'm not...."

Suddenly with lightning like speed an astral version of a Ghidorah head shot out of Y/N's right shoulder and stared at Rias within a few inches from her face.

Ghidorah: "Answer my partners question......... Now."

Rias couldn't even answer now she had do much fear flowing in she couldn't even speak. Then Kiba slowly got up and tried to talk to Y/N.

Kiba: "Y/N p-please let's just calm down and..."

Y/N looked at him dead in the eyes with an angered look on his face.

Y/N: "Sit .... Down."

Without question Kiba sat down.

Kiba: "Atleast please tell us..."

Y/N: "Shut.. Up."

Kiba: "Shutting up."

Then Y/N focused back on Rias.

Y/N: "Answer me Rias."

Rias: "YES I AM."

Y/N then had a hurt look on his face then sighed.

Y/N: "Hey Ghidorah is it done yet, I'm kinda feeling like an ass here."

Rias: "What are you talking abou..."

Y/N: "Shut up."

Rias: "Shutting up."

Ghidorah: "The aura should be gone in... 3....... 2........ 1."

Then instantly all the aura Y/N was emitting was gone within a second. Then Rias slumped over on her desk, Akeno fell on her knees, and Kiba fell over on the couch. Everyone was breathing heavily and sweating, Rias looked up at Y/N with the astral Ghidorah head next to him still hooked to his back.

Rias: "Y/N, what the hell was that?"

Ghidorah: "I believe I am to blame for that. Y/N's body is being accustomed to my powers and abilities, that one you all felt was recently unlocked, aswell as one I didn't know I had."

Y/N: "I'm sorry you all had to go through that, I kinda felt like an ass and a bully there."

Ghidorah: "Yes, compose yourself Rias, I think from what that blonde said over there you wanted to talk with my partner here."

Rias: "O-oh Yes that."

Rias then finally composed herself and sat both of them sat across from one another.

Rias: "Why I wanted you here is because I want you apart of my peerage Y/N."

Y/N went wide eyed and pondered his decision.

Rias: "If need be I can tell you what it means."

Y/N: "Umm no it's fine Ghidorah filled me in on that stuff along with sacred gears and the factions."

Rias: "Oh he did?"

Ghidorah: "Yes I did. While I was on my travels to find a wielder I told Y/N about the supernatural world."

Rias looked at Y/N and he nodded.

Rias: "So Y/N what's your decision?"

Then the astral head of Ghidorah looked at him.

Ghidorah: "I'll go with whatever you choose partner."

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