Chapter 6: Pt.2

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Y/N pondered her question to him about joining her peerage.

Y/N: "Well Ria's, as much as it's hard for me to decide, but I need a reason on why your asking."

Rias: "Well, right now we're going up against a group of people known as the Khaos Brigade. We seen that they have powerful allies. And right now we need them too to push them back."

Y/N: "Who are they?"

Then one of Ghidorahs heads looked at Y/N with a humming growl.

Ghidorah: "I remember hearing that name through whispers and thoughts while searching for a host."

Rias: "The Khaos Brigade is a terrorist organization filled with the old devil faction, fallen angels, and even humans. They were built to counteract all the pantheons from uniting and finally having coexistence with each other. They aim to disrupt us and try to tear us apart. In the end they're actually making us stronger, a common enemy, but...... it's the human that we have to worry about."

Both Y/N and Ghidorah looked confused on how normal humans are the main problem.

Y/N: "What, I thought humans didn't have any specific or special abilities?"

Ghidorah: "Same as I, besides if a sacred gear is resides in someone then it's a different story. Other then that humans are normal."

Rias: "Well these humans are different. They are decendants of past legendary/mythological heros, they even have their weapons and abilities, which makes them dangerous."

Y/N: "Well... *sigh* If any of those old stories tell are true, the hero's always win."

Then the two see one of Ghidorahs heads scoff with disgust.

Ghidorah: "What a bunch of shit."

Both Rias and Y/N looked at the one that talked confused, Y/N made a 'really?' looked on his face and the head spoke up again.

RightHead: "It's a bunch of shit I say. During my time of destroying and devouring planets I remember seeing one or many heros coming to fight me. But it always ends the same way, the world's destruction. Even if we come across them they will fall just like many others that faced me before."

Then the left head bit down on the right heads horns and pulled them make him stop talking, then they growled at each other.

LeftHead: "Stop it your making us look like the bad guy!"

RightHead: "Shut up we did what we had to do to stay alive!'


All three heads sigh because they all know the fighting won't lead anywhere.

LeftHead: "He's right, us fighting will go nowhere. Besides we are disturbing an important decision for our host right now."

All three heads look at Y/N who's still taking it in, he looked at the heads and smiled.

Y/N: "It's ok guys, right now just go ahead and vanish for now. *Looks at Rias* I'm sorry about these three fighting Rias."

Rias: "No it's actually, I don't know why it's kinda funny watching those three fight. Well I'm just curious, do you have a name for each head? All three seem to have a personality of it's own."

Y/N: "Yeah I did think of names for em. This, the middle head is Ichi, the right head Ni, then the left head is San."

Rias: "Hehehe Interesting names Y/N. Oh sorry we're getting off topic right now. So *lears throat* what's your decision Y/N?"

Y/N put his hand on his chin then looked up at the three dragon heads eagerly staring at him.

Ichi: "We'll leave you to it partner."

All three retreated into his back so Rias and Y/N can be alone. After a minute of thinking he finally made his choice.

Y/N: "Well Rias. I'll become apart of your peerage."

Both of them stood up and shook hands.

Rias: "Thank you Y/N, it's good to have more allies in this fight against the Khaos Brigade."

Y/N: "So, how do we do this?"

Rias went to her desk and pulled out one more pawn piece.

Rias: "This.... is my very last pawn piece, after this you be a devil and be part of my family."

Y/N nodded and rias had her piece float over to his chest and it went inside him. Somehow Y/N felt weird.

Rias: "Welcome to the Gremory family Y/N, is great to have you, and I'm pretty sure Koneko will be happy having you around allot."

Y/N: "And I'll be as well, its great to be with her."

Rias: "Well Y/N, do you love her?"

Y/N: "Hehe... You have no idea how much."

Then Y/N felt weird again towards the point of feeling a tad bit of light-headedness.

Rias: "Hey, are you ok?"

Y/N: "I..I think so?"

Suddenly the pawn piece shot out of Y/N's chest zipping by Rias almost hitting her stomach but hit a few things on her desk causing many papers to fly. Both shakingly looked over to the desk, but they see the pawn piece lodged inside the wall with some splintered wood around it.

Rias|Y/N: "Eh????"

Somehow Y/N felt an odd feeling in his head and in his stomach.

Ni: "Oh God that felt fucking bad, I think I'm gonna puke!"

Y/N: "Wait you can't puke your in my..."

Then he hears Ni puking on something.


Ichi: "Jesus fucking Christ you two are being over dramatic."

Y/N started to turn a pale green. Rias proceeds to dislodge the pawn piece out of the wall, still trying to process what happened with him she looks back at Y/N who is turning a pale green.

Rias: "Hey are you ok?"

Y/N: "Nope I'm fine!!"

Rias: "Then why do you look pale, did my pawn piece do something to you?"

Y/N: "Yeah I'm fine. But *points at his head* I don't think Ghidorah liked it and Ni's throwing up in my skull."

Rias shivered and mumbled "Ew." But then Y/N felt it coming too, he covers his mouth and felt his stomach churning.

Y/N: "I think I'm going to be next."

Ria's then spots her trashcan next to her desk and kicks it next to him.

Rias: "Here, here's a trashcan just in case.

Y/N thanks her for it but even he felt it coming, he quick grabbed the trashcan then proceeded throw up like Ni. After he was done Rias still looked at the pawn piece and still tried to think why his body rejected the piece but also made him a tad sick afterwards. She put the pawn away then looked at Y/N who is still pale green but some color was coming back.

Rias: "I'm sorry about today and it's possible that the pawn piece is making you feel this way."

Y/N a baggy of his homemade chocolate from his backpack and ate it to get the disgusting taste out of his mouth, he then stared at Rias with more color coming back to him.

Y/N: "I'm fine Rias."

Then San came out of his shoulder and stared at him inches away from his face.

San: "You look like shit, just as bad as Ni."

Y/N: "You *looks at Ni* Shut up and *looks at Rias* Rias I'm going to go home, I'm not feeling to well. Also sorry I can't be apart of your peerage, but that doesn't mean I can't be your friend and ally that helps you."

Rias: "Thank you Y/N that means alot, and yes go home and rest. Hopefully you'll be feeling better tommorow, maybe Koneko can visit you. She should be feeling better at the end of the day."

Y/N: "Thank you Rias, and I think seeing my kitten will help me feel better. Also sorry for the gear filled dibacle earlier, if *glares at Ni* SOMEONE could've told me of all of his abilities that wouldn't have happened."

Then Ichi and Ni popped out of his back pissed off


All three heads growled at him.

Y/N: "Umm S-sorry."

All of them huffed then disappeared leaving a shaking Y/N and Rias.

Y/N: "I'm... I'm finna go home."

Rias: "Y-Yeah, you do t-that."

Y/N grabbed his bag then he told Rias he'll see her tomorrow and he's going home to rest. While he walked home he put in his headphones connected to his phone and played music on the walk home, while arguing to the golden scaled blockhead inside his sacred gear. But almost halfway there Ghidorah warns him of a threat incoming, Y/N took out his headphones and heard footsteps behind him. He stopped and the noise behind him stopped then Y/N just sighed out of annoyance.

Y/N: "Why are you following me?"

Whoever it is didn't respond so Y/N turned around and came to find out it was a woman that looks like a white haired nun, with some revealing clothing. She also dawned an expressionless look on her face

Y/N: "Now who the hell are you, besides trying to catch atlot of attention with your clothing choice."

Not even responding to his question a big sword instantly came into existence with her right hand and with her left hand she created a magic circle readying an attack.

(Those of you who play MUGEN will know her.)

Nun: "I followed you from the school."

Y/N: "Ok now you just sound like a pedophile."

Nun: "Silence! I seen you colluding with those disgusting devil's! I dispise people like you that throw your humanity away to be with them. Now now I'm going to save you're soul by purging your body.

Y/N: "Umm.............. Wait Wat?"

Nun: "I'm going to save you by killing you."

She the went into a fighting stance then fires a ball of holy fire but Y/N ducks it barely hitting him. When Y/N looked back at her with an enraged look with energy crackling around her left hand.

Nun: "You have great reflexes, color me impressed."

Y/N: "Well I even have my up my..... metaphorical sleeves.

The Nun then charged at him with her sword raised, just as quick Y/N summons his gauntlet and blocks the sword dead in it's tracks. The Nun grew a smirk then held her sword with two hands.

Nun: "Astonishing, you have a sacred gear. But I don't remember seeing that specific gear anywhere."

The two continue to struggle in a battle of strength of pushing each other trying to dominate the other.

Y/N: "Dammit this woman is strong! But I got an idea."

Y/N then channels lightning through his gauntlet and it travels through her sword and he electricutes her making her shriek out in pain and falls on her knees. Then he reverse roundhouse kicks her in the face sending her back a couple yards on her rear. She slowly stands back up while groaning. Once she's fully up she pops her neck and smirks.

Nun: "Interesting, didn't think you can fight. At first you look like a little pipsqueak who can't even lift up 100 pounds."

Y/N: "As the old saying goes big surprises come in small packages."

Y/N then drops his backpack and to lose a little weight and so it won't be in the way. He then stood in a fighting stance that she has never seen before.

Nun: "Well you're interesting. Your unknown sacred gear, and that stance. Your interesting to say the least, you're one unique devil."

Y/N: "Oh this will get more interesting."

Y/N reeled his right hand back and purple flame roar to life in his hand.

Ichi: "I was wondering what this odd flame was in your head was."

San: "Shut up your ruining his moment."

Then the nun started shake and grew a fear filled expression with her sword shaking. She might not have know the stance, but she knew the purple flames were a danger, and lethal.

Y/N: "Where did all that bravado go."

The nun fired holy fire ball at him but he dodged it and Y/N ran at her then she fired more fire balls but Y/N kept moving left and right dodging them all.

Nun: "No stay away!!!!"

Y/N kept on dodging left and right.

Y/N: "Alright Ghidorah let's combine powers!"

Ghidorah: "On it partner!"

As Y/N closed in the scared nun then swing her sword downward Y/N dodged right and when he was right up close to her his eyes turned red with lightning inside them. As his roars with purple flames it also has lightning crackling inside it. Then Y/N did an upward slash of lightning and exploding flames, when the attack landed the nun was thrown into the air with her chest cavity open spewing blood out and sending her flying upward.

As she lands on the ground she groans and coughing out blood from her mouth. Then Y/N walks up to her and she slowly looks at him and coughs out blood.

Nun: "I...... t-thought all...... the Yagami's.... were dead."

Y/N: "No, not all of them."

Y/N then summons his flames on his left palm.

Y/N: "Rest in Peace."

He then threw the flame and it covered the nuns entire body and she didn't even scream or cry from it, she just accepted it. She was then no more just a pile of ashes on the ground that the wind blows away. Y/N clenches his fists and he proceeded to walk away.

Ghidorah: "Are you alright partner, have you ever killed before?"

Y/N: "........... Just twice, now with the that nun it's three."

Ghidorah: "Who were the other two?"

Y/N: "..........."

Ghidorah: "Well..... we'll just leave that alone for now."

Y/N walked home in silence, even Ghidorah stayed quiet.

(Timeskip to Home)

As Y/N walked up the steps he heard chuckling behind the door, so he opened the door with caution.

Y/N: "Hey sis I'm ho....."

What he seen next was his big sister and his sister-in-law laughing and making out on the couch.

Y/N: ".............Ah........A....Ummm Ahhh."

They finally see him and their faces turn red as tomatoes. Touka then slowly puts Rei on the couch and slowly gets up.

Y/N: "Ummm S-SORRY I disturbed you."

She slowly walked up to him with a blushing angered face with her arms crossed.

Touka: "...Y/N.... M/N....L/N....."

Y/N: "Yes Ma'am!"


Y/N: "Eh?!"

She then proceeded to slap Y/N repeatedly.


Y/N: "(Slap) Sorry (Slap) I (Slap) didn't (Slap) feel (Slap) well (Slap) I (Slap) puked (Slap) at (Slap) school (Slap)!!!"

She stopped her onslaught of slapping and seen Y/N with a completely pale face mixed with red from her vengeful slapping. She let him go and tried to apologise but she fell forward knocked out from the slapping of his angry, hot and bothered older sister.

Ni: "Jesus he can handle a fight against a crazy Nun but he is knocked out from being slapped by his older sister."

San: "Siblings are terrifying to have."

Ichi: "Yeah........ I have to deal with you bloody idiots."

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