Field trip!

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Jacklyn's POV

My alarm clock beeps annoyingly at 5:30 in the morning. The loud and deafening beep filled my ears...

Please...just five more minutes... please!

"Jacklyn, your stupid alarm is yelling at you..." Loki said, muffled and lazily.

"Yeah... it's a field trip today... that means I have to wake up early." I said as I tried to get out of Loki's grip, but he refused.

"Wait until six... please?" He said as he held me close in bed, his arms around my hips.

"No, I can't."

As soon as that escaped my mouth, he cursed, then finally let me go.

I got ready while Loki kept on sleeping in bed. He was use to sleeping until six, which afterwards led to breakfast and a morning run.

This was not the case when a field trip was in order. Loki kept sleeping, calmly and like an angel. He was so peaceful... I almost hated to wake him up...

Nah! It's time for me to be the "bad guy". I got a feather and started tickling his feet. He was actually quite ticklish, which he hated it so much when I tickled him.

"Enough! Enough! Stop it!" He screamed as I kept tickling his feet. "Then get up, lazy god!" I yelled and he sat right up and tried to take the feather from me.

"Enough, Jacklyn! Please!"

"Then get dressed and get ready, we got to go for a field trip!"

"Fine! Just give me two seconds!" He said he got up and out of bed, his chest exposed and only wearing his green shorts. He quickly used his magic, which made him fully clothed. Loki had black jeans, a green shirt, green zip up hoodie, complete with black converse.

He started to like clothing on Earth, having a different outlook on mortal clothing.

"There, I'm ready." He said looking me up and down. "You look as beautiful as ever, darling."

I had blue button down shirt, bootleg jeans, and brown high-heeled short boots. He smiled as he looked me over, causing him to come over and hold me in his arms. He combed through my brown hair with his fingers, myself placing my head against his chest.

I then realized a crucial detail, it's a school field trip day, and we have to hurry on counting all the students before we take them.

"Loki, we can laze around another time. Right now we better get going and help out on preparations."

"Fine..." Loki sighed, then let me go. "We can sit on the bus together, alright?" He nodded and smiled as I walked away.

Once we got all the kids on the bus, and started on our way, I got to sit with Loki and talk.

"Where are we going? A field?"

"No,silly! We are going someplace, and that someplace is the local science museum!"

"I bet you're excited about that, since you are a science teacher."

"Of course I am! It's going to be wonderful!" I said very excitedly. Loki smiled as I geeked  out over the science museum we were going to.

"What will be at the museum?"

"Probably many exhibits on different fields of sciences. It's going to be amazing!"

I was probably the most excited adult on this trip overall. Though Jean was into science, more on biology and forensics than anything. Logan could have cared less, but he knows I love the sciences. Scott was the same way, but he did try and learn something on these kind of field trips. Storm was usually like a tour guide for the children, but this time, this is my field. So this time I got to be the tour guide and teach.

Once we got inside from off the bus, Scott and Jean hand in hand, Logan walking in front of Loki and I, and Storm with the Professor in a standard wheel chair. I loved it when we would take the Professor places, he would get out of the mansion and enjoy places like museums.

The Professor would have been in his electric wheelchair like normal, but that wasn't always transportation friendly, plus, his looks extremely futuristic, and we wanted to blend in as much as possible.

We got in and now we were going to explore.

"Alright everyone, listen up. We are going to do something different today, we are going to be splitting up in groups with all the different teachers. If the teachers want to pair up, you should do so now." I said and they got into pairs, the only one without someone was Storm. She wanted to be by herself, Logan and the Professor were now together, Scott and Jean, and Loki and I.

"So, we are going to be counting by fours. And then we will split into groups. Ones with Storm, twos with Logan and the Professor, threes with Scott and Jean, and Loki and I will be taking the fours."

Then we were split into groups, each of us taking a different path.

"Why did you split up the groups?" Loki asked as he walked right beside me.

"It's more manageable, besides, I like dealing with a classroom number of kids."

"Classroom number?"

"A standard classroom amount of kids. That's about 20 kids?"

"Makes sense."

We traveled all around the museum, seeing rocks and minerals, weather maps, and even hands on experiments. When others or Loki would ask a question, I would try and answer and explain it.

"Why do you like science so much?" Loki asked when the group of kids were checking out the science demonstration about liquid nitrogen and cryogenics.

" I just got really interested in it. Sometimes I wish I could figure out what Stryker did to me. But I just don't like science because of that, I love science because... it just makes me feel, less of a freak."

Loki then looked at me, then wrapped his arms around me. He set his chin on my shoulder and whispered in my ears.

"You are not a freak. Don't ever let anyone tell you that." Loki whispered. "I love you no matter who or what you are."

"Five minutes until we go back to the bus." The Professor said in my head.

"We only have five more minutes then we gotta get on the bus." I said and Loki let go of me and we walked over to the science demonstrations. The guy that was handling the liquid nitrogen made ice cream and gave each of us some ice cream on a cone.

"Why couldn't we do this in class, Miss Jackyln?" One of the kids asked as we walked away from the table and headed toward the entrance.

"I don't have liquid nitrogen, but soon I will be making rock candy in Chemistry." I said as I licked my ice cream.


"You'll just have to see."

"Wait... there is rocks made out of candy?" Loki asked and I smiled and laughed.

"It's called rock candy, it's not actually a rock." I said as we went onto the bus and we started heading home.

"So any favorite parts about today's field trip?" I asked Loki and he started smiling.
"Learning science from you."

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