Sick Loki

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Loki's POV

I was laying in bed, I had chills, and I was even shakey...

"Jacklyn... Why do I have to be sick?..." I moaned as I was wrapped up in many layers of blankets. I was so tired...

"How are you my sicky prince?"

"Like I'm about to die... you may as well tell my brother I am dieing and he will not hear from me at all anymore. I will miss you, my dear Jacklyn." She then put her cold hand on my forehead.

"You're burning up, Loki, and you are not going to die, you just have a cold."

"That makes no sense... I'm a Frost Giant,  a prince!"

"You still got sick though. Your Frost Giant heritage and your royal authority doesn't protect you from the common cold."

"Then why aren't you sick..." She then got up and got a thermometer and stuck it in my mouth. She gently placed it under my tongue, which felt weird...

"I have mutant regeneration powers, so I don't get sick, and neither does Logan." She said as she kept touching my forehead and checking the clock for time.

"You are lucky..." I growled, a little muffled by the thermometer in my mouth. She then took it out and looked at it. Coming to a conclusion that I had quite the fever.

"You have a temperature of 100°F. That's not good Loki. That means your brain right now is frying like bacon on a hot skillet." 

"That is so comforting, Jacklyn. You just had to crack a few jokes before I die from this thing you call a common cold."

"I told you, you are not going to die!" She told me and I didn't really believe her. I felt achy and sick for some time now. I was tired, sick to my stomach, and just not okay... I wasn't at all myself...

Why did I have to get sick? All these thoughts are making my head hurt. I fell asleep for a little while, but woken up by Jacklyn's enterence into the room.

"I hope this will make you feel a bit better." She said, setting a tray down on the nightstand. The tray had a glass of orange juice, some brown toast, and some orange slices.

"Why are you giving me all of this?"

"Because this will help you, plus you do need to eat."

"This is to delay the inevitable...?"

"Loki, you are not dieing on my watch. Nothing is going to take you away from me, and definetly not a cold. I'll be nurse Jacklyn until you feel better."

"But what about your students, you shouldn't waste your time with me when you have students to teach."

"I already got that figured out. Logan will watch you when I can't. His schedule is not as full as mine. So I will still be teaching but still taking care of you." Jacklyn said as she fluffed my pillow and removed a few layers of blankets.

"I'll be back in awhile." She told me, then handed me a book. The book had a white rose on its cover.

"What is this?"

"Reading material, it will keep you company when neither of us are here." She told me, about to leave.

"I'll be back in a few." Jacklyn said, kissing my cheek, then went out the door.

I was left with a book and breakfast... I started reading the book, which was quite interesting. The book was called Beastly. It was actually really intreguing. Then, Logan came in with a bottle of something and some water.

"Here, Jacklyn wanted me to give this to you." He said in his gruff voice, as he handed me a glass of water.

"Do you know how to take pills and read that label?"

"Of course I know how to read! But I'm not sure how much I need to take of this." I said as I tried to take the cap off, which wasn't working at all.

Logan took the bottle from me,opened it, took two red pills out and handed them to me.

"This is how much you take, you can't take anymore till tomorrow." He said, and I questioned that.


"Because you would overdose and die. And well, that would make my sister extremely depressed and then I would have to blame you for it."

"That was quite dark, Logan, even for me."

"Well, I want my sister to be happy, and you make her happy."

I smirked, Logan looking at me funny afterwards.

"What's so funny to you?"

I smiled my crooked smile. "How we are. The first day I came here you wanted me just to leave. You even threatened me. Now you seem to trying to be friends with me." I chuckled hoarsely. "You have changed."

Logan grumbled, then got right up to my face.

"Listen here, Loki. We're not friends. You are just Jacklyn's boyfriend and I am her brother. I'm just doing what a brother should do for his sister, look out for her and who and or what she cares about." He said as he set the glass down and walked out of the room.

He was so confusing... Why did he just give me that whole shpeal?  I didn't know and I didn't really care at the moment. Right now I was in bed, feeling terrible, and just falling to sleep very slowly...

Jacklyn's POV

"What happened to Loki?" Asked Rogue as she stayed after my class with her boyfriend, Bobby, the ice man.

"He's sick right now, lazing around in my bed right now thinking he is going to die because he has the common cold." I said as I organized the tests in alphabetical order.

"It must be terrible for him, being in a foreign place and getting sick like this."

"I can understand, but he will be fine, Logan and I keep checking on him every time we have a free period."

"That's good, I hope he feels better. He is quite a interesting person. I can see why you like him." Rogue said as she tucked the only lock of white hair behind her ear.

"Thanks, Rogue. Now you better get going. I wouldn't want you to wait in a long line in the lunch room because you were talking to me." I said with a smile. She nodded, herself and her boyfriend went out of the room, telling me they will see me later.

Now it was lunch time and I needed to get lunch for myself and Loki. I went into the kitchen and started boiling some water, both in a kettle and in a pot. I got some packaged noodles, dropped the whole block of noodles in, added the chicken seasoning package, and waited until the noodles cooked.

Meanwhile, I started setting up a tray to carry everything to have lunch with Loki in my room. Or should I said, our room since Loki has been in my room with me for his visit.

Once the noodles were done and the kettle whistled, I poured the noodles in a container, stacked bowls on each other, got some chop sticks on a tray. That was all I could fit on one tray, which I started taking it into my room. Loki was fast asleep with the book on his chest that moved up and down as he breathed.

I quickly got the other tray full of tea stuff on and came right back, closed the door and woke up Loki gently.

"Who is waking me up this time..." Loki groaned as he opened his eyes slowly, his eyes a blueish green.

"I made some lunch for the both of us. Some tea and ramen!"


"Yes, ramen. It's really long noodles in chicken broth, it would be good for you. We didn't have any other chicken noodle soup and I hate canned chicken noodle soup." I said, cringing about canned chicken noodle soup.

"And you decied to have lunch with me, your sick prince?"

"Of course! Like I said, I love you and I will help you get over this little cold. I am your nurse, nurse Jacklyn, at your service."

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