Visiting the Avengers [Part 1: The Plus One]

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Jacklyn's POV

Loki and I had plane tickets to go to New York City and visit Tony Stark and the other Avengers. Tony actually got me plane tickets because he was having a huge party for unknown reasons and wanted me to take a guest with me. This was going to be a surprise to Tony that I was dating Loki.

He probably thought I was bringing Logan, but my brother was not the real party guy...

So as soon as Loki and I arrive, we might be thrown out because of Loki's previous actions. I mean, they wouldn't throw me out, but they probably throw Loki out and I would just go with him.

Tony also told me over the phone that he wanted my guest and I stay for awhile at Avengers tower, just because they all haven't seen me in forever.

Shortly after leaving the mansion, we were already on a plane to New York City. Loki sat right next to me, holding my hand as we took off. I was not always too thrilled with going on a plane, but sometimes I was fine. With Loki beside me, I was just fine.

I reached into my purse for some bubble gum, taking it out of the wrapper and placing it in my mouth. Loki was curious.

"Why did you just do that?"

"When chewing gum, your ears don't pop."


"Yeah, because we are going in a different altitude, your ears pop." He nodded, accepting my explanation and then started looking outside the window.

The gentle,cotton candy-like clouds passed by, my head was on Loki's shoulder.

It was basically like this the whole plane ride, both of us together and relaxing. Once we got off the plane we were met by a limo driver with a sign that held up Jacklyn and guest.

We were then escorded to a limo, curtousy of Tony Stark, burbon instead of champagne included.

"He must know you like a stiff drink, my dear." Loki said as he examined the bottle of strong liquor.

"Tony and I have been friends for awhile, so he knows how I am." I explained as I poured a little bit of burbon in my glass.

"I don't drink a lot, mostly because I'm a teacher. But before I met the Professor, I would go everywhere with Logan. This included every bar in Canada." I said, then took a shot, then gave Loki the glass and poured more in. He looked at me a little funny at first, but he then took a shot.

"You have some good taste, darling." He smiled as he handed me back the glass. I smiled back and thanked him.

Soon we were at Stark Tower, or the Avengers Tower as they called after Loki demolished it and left only a "A" out of the word "Stark". It was nice and built back, unlike how Loki remembered leaving it. I only saw pictures on the TV when Stark Towers was totaled.

"Oh, I remember this place. A little... this I think is when that man of iron offered me a drink."

"Really? Well, that's Tony for you." I chuckled as we went in. We got up in the elevator and heard a familiar voice.

"Miss Jacklyn! It's wonderful to see you again!" The British robotic voice said as we went up.

"It's nice to be here again,Jarvis. How have you been?"

"Taking care of Mr. Stark as usual. I've genuinely missed our conversations, Miss Jacklyn." Jarvis said as we kept going up.

"Me too, you are quite a conversationalist."

"Thank you, Miss Jacklyn. I see you brought a guest!" Then I realized I didn't introduce Jarvis to Loki.

"Oh! This is my boyfriend, Loki! Loki, meet Jarvis. He is the computer system for this tower." Loki was hesitant at first, but eventually greeted the disembodied voice.

"You mean the same Loki that is the God of Mischief?"

"Yes, but I've tamed him a bit. Don't tell Stark or the others. I want it to be a surprise."

"Of course, Miss Jacklyn. And might I say you two look lovely together. Two wild souls brought together, so wonderful! I'm happy for you two!" Jarvis said as we got closer and closer to the top floor.

We thanked Jarvis, now on the top floor right before the doors opened.

"Ready, Loki?"

"I'm thinking so, love."

The doors opened, no one really waiting for us. We got out of the elevator and was greeted by Tony Stark.

"Jacklyn! It's wonderful to see you!" He said as he went and gave me a hug, ignoring Loki all together. Once Tony stopped hugging me he realized I had my guest here this whole time.

"Who is this? He kinda looks like Reindeer Games?"

"That's because this is Loki, Tony. Loki is my boyfriend." I said and his jaw basically hit the floor.

"You are dating the God of Mischief that almost tried to enslave the Earth?!" Tony asked, thinking I was crazy.

"Yes, I am. Loki is not really an extremely bad guy. I fell in love with him when I was in Asgard. He has been fine, heck he has been in the mansion with me for a few weeks or so." I said, now holding Loki's hand as I told Tony about Loki.

"Well, listen to me Reindeer Games, if you do anything to hurt Jacklyn, all the Avengers and myself included are going to go after you with everything we got."

"That wasn't my first threat on Earth. Logan, Jacklyn's brother, already threatened me with his huge claws." Loki said, still holding my hand as to say we had a unbreakable bond.

"Speaking of Logan... Jacklyn, I thought he would be your guest since none of us have met him around here except Reindeer Games."

"Logan is not much a party person. He likes being that lone wolf type of guy. Both Logan and I are inseparable, we have a true bond that will always last. So I know he would not be a party guy."

"Well, welcome you two to the Avengers Tower. I'll show you to your room Jacklyn. Loki just stand right there, Thor is here somewhere." Tony said as he separated myself and Loki and showed me to my room.

Tony then opened the door, got us inside, and shut it. He wanted to talk.

"I don't understand how you can love someone that has basically killed and injured so many from that invasion so far back."

"People are misunderstood sometimes, Tony. Look at Magneto, he was extremely bad, but he still helped the X-Men to save the world from utter oblidiration. He was considered a bad guy."

Tony then huffed and looked at me, wondering what I was even thinking.

"Tony, just try to get use to Loki. Learn what Loki is really like, not what he is known for. Please? You know how much you guys mean to me. Please just give him a chance, for me?" I said, which Tony rolled his eyes, then smirked.

"Alright, but it's just because it's you. Now let's get back out there. You have the rest of the Avengers to see."

To be continued...

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