Lazy Day with Loki

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Jacklyn's POV

I woke up a fine morning, a Saturday morning. No Loki to be found in my bed... He must have gotten up already. The weekend was our only break from school at Charles Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters. The Professor always left weekends free of school lessons.

Today was my lazy day, the day where I wear sweatpants, converse, a hoodie, and binge watch a few shows or movies.

I got out of bed and went to go find my mischievous boyfriend. He had to be somewhere in this school, which I hoped he was just in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and saw Loki and Logan reading different sections of the paper over cups of coffee and probably tea for Loki.

"Morning, boys." They looked from their paper and saw me in the doorway.

"Morning, Jacklyn, how are you this morning?" Loki asked as he placed his paper down, giving me his full attention.

"I'm great, how are you two?"

"I'm fine." Logan said.

"Me too." Loki said then he looked at me with a puzzled look. "Why are you dressed in those baggy clothes, love?"

"It's my lazy day, I wear this kind of outfit every Saturday."

"What do you do on a Lazy Day?"

"Jacklyn binge watches stuff on the TV while snacking all day on the couch." Logan bluntly put it.

"What is binge watching?" Loki asked, waiting for Logan to answer his question again.

"She watches the same series of show or movie one right after the other. One Satuday, she watched all the James Bond movies."

"Hey, that movie series is awesome. It's so worth it!" I said, trying to defend my love for a good movie series.

"I didn't say it wasn't. It's just a good example." Logan said as he took drink of his coffee.

"Do you participate, Logan?" Loki asked, really curious about this.

"Depends on what she is watching or if I have plans."

"Oh, well, if you don't participate today, could I take your place?"

"Go right ahead, Loki. You might learn a little more about my sister." He said as he stood up and walked out of the room.

I was kinda excited about this, having a Lazy Day with Loki. I think I had the perfect programs we should watch.

"You should wear something a little more comfortable, kinda like me." I said to Loki and he grinned. In the flash, he was in a emerald green hoodie with matching sweatpants.

"Does this suffice?"

"Now that's how you rock Lazy Day." I said as I started popping popcorn in the microwave.

After popping a big bowl of popcorn, we flopped onto the couch. I turned on the TV to one of my favorite channel, Food Network. This was home of shows like Cutthroat Kitchen, Iron Chef America, and even Good Eats.

"You wanna watch one of my favorite shows, Loki?"

"Sure, I don't see why not, darling." He said as he held me close. We were all snuggled up together. I went into my DVR folder and selected one of my favorites, Good Eats.

We started watching the many episodes of this wonderful TV show that combined science and cooking all into one show. Loki would ask the occasional question about who the guy was in the show and why he was doing all these wierd things.

"Alton Brown is the sciencey chef on this network. He is really interesting, he currently hosts the show we are going to watch after all of these." I said as the Apple pie episode started.

After the pie episode was done, my folder was cleared of all of the episodes we watched. I then went into my other favorite, Cutthroat Kitchen.

This was a show I thought Loki would enjoy as well. This show had culinary competition, sabotages, and Alton Brown.

We started watching this show and Loki seemed to enjoy himself. He would even start predicting which chefs would get eliminated, which ones would get stuck with the sabotages, and he even would pick a favorite chef to root for.

"These shows are quite fascinating, Jacklyn. I didn't know just sitting around and watching these for hours would be so...enjoyable." He softly smiled as he gave me a gentle squeeze.

"I am so glad you enjoy this! Hey! Let's do some other fun, how about video games!" I said as I jumped out of my comfy spot and went to go get some video game disks. I returned with some of my favorites I enjoyed when playing video games with Tony Stark, as well as other kids in this school.

"You can pick one, Loki." I said as I fanned them out. He looked at each of them, inspecting the cover art. He pointed to Luigi's Mansion for the Game Cube. I smiled at his choice, loaded the disk into the console, and handed the remote to Loki.

"You should start from the beginning, it's a story driven game. I think you may enjoy this." I said as the game loaded up, a creepy mansion appearing on the screen.

Loki didn't really understand who was Luigi or why he was just exploring this haunted mansion in the first place. That was until I further explained the plot.

After a few curse words and several retrys later, he finally made it to the first boss, Chauncy. After he lost a few times he was getting extremely mad. I heard the angry clicking of the buttons and I noticed his knuckles were white. He had an incredible grip on the controller, if he added more pressure, he might break it.

"Let me take the controller,my dear." I said as I took the controller from the somewhat enraged Loki.

"Why do you enjoy these rage inducing games?"

"I like challenging games. How about we do something else. Let's play some cards." I said as I found the deck of cards and started shuffling.

We started playing Rummy, a game I taught Loki not too long ago. He actually enjoyed that game. After a few rounds, Loki beat me with 518 points while I only got to 499. Then we noticed we basically wasted most of the day away playing games and watching TV.

It was now lunch time and I knew the perfect lunch to make for my lazy day with Loki.

To be continued...

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