Lazy Day with Loki [Part 2]

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Loki's POV

Jacklyn took me into the kitchen since we were both hungry and it was lunch time. She found bread, cheese, cans of soup, and other various ingredients.

"Wanna help me make lunch,Loki?" Jacklyn asked so innocently. I smiled and nodded and she was really happy.

"Alright! Find a frying pan and a sauce pan for me, please."

I went into some cupboards and tried looking for the pans she asked for. I eventually found the pans, which in return, she gave me a task of starting the soup while she started the sandwiches.

"So... how do I open this can?" I asked and Jacklyn just smiled, then she finally replied. "You use this pull tab here on the top of the can, gently tug it and then empty the soup concentrate into the sauce pan. Make sure to add water to it."

So I did as she said and when I was just about to add the water she stopped me.

"Pour the water into the can, swish it around to clean off the access tomato in the can, then pour the water from the can into the pan." She said, now about to place the sandwiches in the oven. I did as she said and then I looked at the soup.

"This doesn't look like soup..."

"You have to turn up the heat on the stove and stir it, Loki. You can't just put the ingredients into a pan and expect to get a finished product after just placing them in there." Jacklyn said with a kind laugh in her voice. I wondered if she was amused at my lack of skills in this world of her's. But every time I had a question, she would help me find the answer. I enjoy learning from her.

As our lunch was cooking, we talked a bit in the kitchen and enjoyed a bottle of soda, which she called pop. Then the Professor came in, wondering what were up to and so on.

"Hello Jacklyn and Loki. How are you on this fine Saturday?" The Professor said as he wheeled his chair closer to Jacklyn.

"It's been pretty awesome. Loki is participating in my Lazy Day today!"

"So that's why I smelled grilled cheese and tomato soup. That sounds like a good lunch."

"That's why I made sure to make enough for all of us. I know everyone else is out, including Logan, so, I thought you would enjoy lunch with us,professor." Jacklyn said as she pulled out the sheet pan that had three golden sandwiches on it.

"Sit down, Loki, I'll serve you two." Jacklyn said as she pulled out a chair for me next to the Professor and proceeded on serving us. She gave each of us a golden, grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of soup on the side with crackers.

"Professor, Loki, what would you two like to drink?" Jacklyn asks

"I'll have some ice tea please, Jacklyn." The Professor said.

"I will too, Jacklyn." I said, about to eat my sandwich. She came back with glasses for both of us. We both thanked her and she sat right next to me. She cut her sandwich into triangle shapes and started dipping her sandwich in her cup of soup. It was quite odd... I didn't really understand the purpose. Then Jacklyn caught me staring.

"What is it, Loki?"

"Why do you dip your sandwich into your soup?"

"To soak up some of the soup, because tomato and cheese is a good combination. Try it."

I cut my sandwich and dipped the one corner in the soup and took a bite. The bread was soggy, but I tasted the explosion of tomato and cheese. It was actually quite good. Jacklyn smiled as she saw me enjoy myself with this new concept. After a little bit, we finished and she took our dishes and placed them in the dish washer.

"Would you like to join us, Professor? I've got the perfect movie to watch!" Jacklyn warmly asked and the Professor thought about it.

"What do you think, Loki? Would like me to join you two?" The Professor asked me in my head.

"I don't see why not." I said in my head and he nodded.

"Sure, I'd like that. What movie are you thinking?"

"Well, it's a surprise. I bet you know what I want to show anyway, so it's not going to be a surprise for you." Jacklyn said as she scanned the shelf with her eyes. She took out a interesting looking case from the shelf. She put the disk into the player and then cuddled right next to me.

"What is the movie?"

"Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, and you might find it intreguing." Was all she said as beginning credits started rolling. A bunch of dolphins flew into the air and were saying "So Long and thanks for all the fish". What was I getting myself into...

After the movie was over, The Professor decided to head off to bed and he wished us a good night. Then I noticed Jacklyn was sleeping on my lap. I nudged her and she woke up.

"What? I missed the ending?"

"Yeah. Why is it so weird?"

"Because it is. It's a good kind of weird. You may get it if you actually read the book."

"There is a book?"

"Yeah, we can get it in the library." She said as she stood up. Jacklyn took me to a dark room, until she turned on a few lamps.

"We should be able to find it using the card file." She said as she went to the drawer full of many cards. As soon as she found the right card, we were able to locate the books. She took out a book that was titled the same title of the movie we just watched.

"Give this a read and that movie will make a lot more sense."

I read the back of the back of the book at the summary.

"What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?"

She popped up and said something really ubsard...


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