Visiting The Avengers [Part 4: Accepting]

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Loki's POV

After that party, all of us were quite tired, but we still were up enjoying a few more drinks and talking just amongst the little group that stayed here. The other random people left, which was weird that there was just so many people here. I guess it wouldn't be a party without a lot of people.

The man of iron, or Stark, as Jacklyn referred to him, was getting a little more... rowdy.

"Alright... so... how did everyone enjoy this little party?" He started saying, in between hiccups and slurred words.

"It was a good party, Stark. Are you okay? You know you have a limit." Jacklyn said, a little concerned about Stark.

"You don't have to call me Starky... call me Tony, Jacky!" Tony said and he put his arm around Jacklyn.

"Tony, please stop. You don't have to drink yourself like a fish."

"I'm not a fish, Jacky, I'm a person! I'm just your concerned friend that thinks Loki shouldn't be with you." Then Jacklyn spat out her drink and dumped the rest of her glass on him and walks away.

"Jacky! Come on, why did you just dump bourbon on me?" Tony said and he fell down, out cold.

I felt out of place here, any of them can try and exact their revenge on me at this very moment. Honestly, I could try to escape right now, but Jacklyn was here. I didn't want to leave her.

"Brother, sit back down until Jacklyn comes back. She won't be mad for too long."

"Then you don't know Jacklyn well enough, Thor, because she can hold a grudge for awhile." Cap, as almost everyone here referred to him, said as he kept drinking his beer.

"And she has held grudges against Tony for a long time before. She would come down here before you came along and she would visit us like she this, but when Tony gets drunk, she usually slaps him silly." Natasha said to me, drinking her hard liquor.

"Yeah, she doesn't always appreciate Drunk Stark as she calls him. There have been times where she wanted to punch him in the nose, but she would shatter his face in the process." Bruce said as he took a sip of his beer.

"So, by my gathering, this isn't uncommon."

"Exactly, Loki. But Drunk Stark does say the wrong things. Maybe it was what he was feeling all along. "

"So he thinks of me as that villian figure. That I don't deserve Jacklyn." I said and almost wanted to walk away myself.

"Loki, we all had our doubts about you dating Jacklyn. All of us." Bruce said. "But we saw how you danced with Jacklyn and how happy you made her. So we put aside our differences and saw beautiful love blossom right in front of us."

"Now, if you hurt her in anyway, you know we are coming after you, right?" Cap or Steve said. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"Yeah, I know, I have heard it from both you and Logan." I said and they smiled.

"Now, here's to new love, may your relationship last forever." Thor said, raising his beer up in the air. I raised my beer and we all clacked bottles and glasses together.

Then Jacklyn came back with a bottle of beer in her hand. She must wanted to quit the hard liquor the rest of the night.

"So, I guess we got to get Tony inside." Jacklyn said after she took a swig of her beer.

"I'll pick him up." Cap said and he did so, and we all followed him off the patio.

"Set him on the couch, I'll take care of him." Jacklyn said as she pointed to the couch.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Steve. You all need your sleep, including you, Loki. I'll be in bed in a bit." And we all nodded and we went to our respective rooms.

I was now dressed in my green silk pajamas and I walked out to where I saw Jacklyn sitting beside Tony, talking to his unconscious body.

"You know, you can be quite a piece of work. I bet even Jarvis agrees."

"I actually don't mind how Tony is. Yes, he can be quite a handful, but he is fine most of the time." Jarvis said to Jacklyn.

It was weird to see Jacklyn talking to a disembodied voice. It made her look like she was crazy.

"Ahem... Are you going to be going to bed soon?" I asked as I entered the living room.

"I'll be to bed soon, Loki. I am just waiting for Tony to wake up enough to walk him to his room."

"Why didn't you have Steve take him to bed?"

"Because, I just feel like it's always a thing with me and Tony. He gets drunk off his gord and I wait till he wakes up just to have him go to bed. I always have done this. I just want to make sure he is okay before sleep. You don't have to wait for me, Loki."

"I will, why not."

"Are you sure? It's pretty late."

"I'll stay up as long as you."

"Okay, if you insist." Jacklyn said as she finished her beer.

"Watch him, I'm going to get my night stuff on." She said as she got up and she went to her room.

I watched the sleeping Tony, him calmly breathing and drooling all over the leather couch. It was quite funny to see him like this, what if I just played a little prank. I saw his hand was on floor, a perfect prank. I got up and went to the refridgeorator and found whip cream in a can.

I sprayed some in his hand and waited for Jacklyn to come back. She came back with a emerald green nightgown and her green robe.

"Did you decide to turn all my luggage green?"


"And what are you doing with the whipped cream."

"Touch Tony's nose."

"Really? Are you three?"

"Come on, just humor me."

"Fine..." and she touched his nose and he moved the hand with the whipped cream and smeared it all over himself. He then woke up a little.

"What... is... going on here?" He said with a slur in his voice.

"You were in a pie eating contest with the rest of the Avengers." Jacklyn lied to cover up my little prank.

"Did I at least win?"

"You won. Don't you worry. Now we should clean up that cream off your face and have you go to bed."

"You're not my mother, Jacky."

Then Jacklyn cleared her throat and put on a convincing Jarvis voice.

"Fine, I'll get up Jarvis..." Tony said and he got up slowly, Jacklyn helping him get to bed. Once she was out, she came to me. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her warm embrace. I then surprised her with picking her up bridal style and took her to bed.

Tucking her in bed, we hugged within the sheets.

"No matter what, I'll be there with you, Loki."

"Me too, Jacklyn." I said as we kissed.

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