|| Chapter 25 ||

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"This was really what i needed after a whole week with Morty.~" Merlina hummed, probably just to tease her younger cousin, while all five of you were on your way back to your rooms. "The food was great too."

You and Gold nodded agreeing completely and were soon in front of rooms 31 and 30. "What are you guys gonna do? It's only 9pm, i doubt you'll go to bed?" Falkner asked before anyone had the chance to leave.

"I would have liked to go take a bath in the hot springs..." You said a bit uncertain, glancing over at Merlina who gave you an apologetic look before shaking her head: "I'm sorry Y/N, but you'll have to go on your own. I'm pretty tired because of this one." She said and rubbed her hand against her stomach softly.

You nodded, understanding and decided you would go by yourself once you'd take a fresh towel and other clothes. The guys nodded at each other and entered they own room while you followed the blonde into yours.

"You and Gold sure seemed to get along well earlier." Merlina said as soon as you closed the door. You couldn't help but blush a bit embarrassed; "You saw?"

"Of course i did.~" She hummed and seemed to be looking for something she had packed in her bag, since she was pulling clothes out of it. "Anyways, you said you wanted to go to the hot spring, right? Take this with you."

The young woman then approached you while holding something that seemed like salmon colored cloth, pressing it into your hands. "What's this?" You asked, taking it obviously. Now that you took a closer look at it, there was some sort of flower pattern which was a slightly darker shade of salmon. There were also parts of the clothing which were white and golden.

"It's a Yukata. It's a bit too small for me, but i brought it just in case. You can have it in my place, and wear it too." Merlina said with a smile as you looked up at her in surprise. "A-Are you sure it's aright for me to wear it?"

"Don't be silly! Think of it as a parting gift from me." She reassured you while giving you a pat on the shoulder. Your lips curled into a smile and you thanked the young woman again before watching as she turned on the TV and made herself comfortable on her bed. You walked out of the room and to the lower floors.

You would have asked Clair - the young woman who was the receptionist at this hotel - where the entrance to the hot springs was, but she wasn't behind the counter like you'd expected her to be. Well, it was past 9pm after all, and you were positive you would be able to find it yourself.

And just like you thought, you did find the place that lead to the 'changing room' which connected the corridor to the woman's hot spring outside - which by the way also offered massages during specific working hours - so you walked inside.

Not so surprisingly, there didn't seem to be anyone else there, so you left the now your Yukata on a shelf and took a rather fluffy towel to cover yourself once you had taken off your clothes - one that the hotel offered to guests.

You soon stepped outside, the cold breeze making you shiver at first, and spotted another woman in the hot spring. Coincidentally, it was none other than the light blue haired receptionist you hadn't seen earlier.

"G-Good evening." You said after closing the door behind you, feeling that the atmosphere could get awkward if you stayed silent. The sky was dark blue - a typical night sky - and filled with bright stars, no clouds covering them.

"Good evening to you too, wait-... Y/N, right?" Clair said as soon as she noticed you near the door. "R-Right." You nodded and proceeded to carefully take the towel that was covering you off and let it drop on the wooden 'floor' just next to the water before getting inside yourself.

The water was very hot, but dipping into it like that gave off a very relaxing and satisfying feeling that you couldn't help but lean against one edge of the hot spring - well, basically pool - and sink deeper into the water until it almost reached your chin.

"So, are you enjoying your stay? Like the hotel so far?" Clair asked and honestly, you weren't expecting her to scoot over closer to you, but that didn't make you uncomfortable at all. "Yes, it's very nice, the food is great and the staff are kind."

And just as easy as that, the two of you soon got into a rather cozy conversation - ranting, gossiping and talking as if you had known each other for a while, which sort of reminded you of Janine, Erika and Jasmine suddenly.

* * *

After a rather long bath in the hot spring with Clair, you had decided it was time you headed back to your room. It was probably something around 10pm when you got out of the water.

Clair helped you put on the Yukata Merlina gave you - since you usually didn't wear traditional clothes, and so didn't know how to put it on yourself.

"I need to go look for Lance, it's his shift soon, so i'll go ahead. Thanks for the talk!" Clair said after she had put on her own clothes and exited the room you simply called 'SPA-room'. Funny fact was that Clair and Lance were actually cousins as well, just like Morty and Merlina.

It didn't take you long to leave that room either, and you soon walked through the dark corridor which lead to the reception and entrance of the hotel - which was also quite dim. But despite the lack of illumination, you noticed a figure sitting near the couches - the ones which were very close to the entrance doors of the building and where guests could go and drink a coffee at.

After taking a few more steps, you could clearly recognize that the person wasn't sitting on one of the fancy white couches, but in a rather familiar wheelchair - there was no mistaking who that person was.

"Gold, what are you doing here? By yourself." You said once just a small distance was between the two of you. The raven haired male turned his head to you and his gaze met yours, then travelled up and down your body.

"Y/N.~ You look stunning." The male said. Your face felt a bit hotter all of a sudden, so you looked away for a second before thanking him for the compliment - you didn't know if he was saying that to tease you, flirt or just simply because he thought so and since his eyes had adapted to the dark.

The male then got back to your previous question; "Well, it's sorta complicated..." He started and looked at you with that childish expression on his face when you took a seat on the couch across him, "I started to get suspicious the moment Falkner asked Merlina if his dog was allowed to sleep there instead of in the room with us."

"And you know, our room also has two beds, so someone has to share - and you can already guess who. So, i really don't want to fall asleep before they do, and get woken up by sounds of a real-life BLCD." Gold said with a straight face which made you stare at him with wide eyes at first, until you couldn't hold back anymore and laughed - because, even you knew what a BLCD is. "There's no way they would do that! Most certainly not here and with us around."

"You never know." Gold hummed and looked at the side, but only for a mere second before his eyes were fixated on you again. "What about you? Were you in the hot springs until now?"

"Yeah, i was." You replied simply and dared to look Gold straight in the eyes, getting lost in them even though they reflected not much of their golden color. "Weren't you lonely by yourself~? You could have asked me to join you."

"No thanks, and i wasn't lonely." You said, smirking while trying to remain composed despite Gold suddenly starting to lean forward closer to you. After another small chuckle left Gold's mouth - which was probably also the last one for a longer while - silence filled the air. No one was around to make any noises either; it was just him and you.

Without saying any words, Gold placed his hands on yours, which you had leaned against your own thighs. You wanted to ask him if something was the matter, but you were frozen in place once you looked him straight in the eyes; He seemed to be closing his eyes the more his face got closer to yours.

Yours, on the other hand, were wide open, your face was as red as the roses displayed in the porcelain vases on the coffee tables, and your heart was beating awfully fast, or that's how it seemed to you at least.

Words still couldn't leave your mouth, even when Gold's nose was touching yours. That would have been your last chance saying something, since you would have gotten silenced by none other than the male's lips anyway.

Gold's lips felt very soft while they brushed against yours, way too tender than you had imagined a boys' lips to be. While his lips moved against yours and he intertwined his fingers with yours, all hell broke out in your mind;

'Is this really happening?... Am i dreaming or something?!' You mentally shouted but hadn't moved since Gold and you made contact. 'B-But he's going to stop if i don't do something... i... don't want that... so i'll just-...'

And so, after having given yourself a mental pep talk, you were finally able to respond to the kiss, in which Gold was now smiling. At first your lips moved sloppily and clumsily against his, but they both soon got in synchronization.

Just when you thought you had gotten the hang of it and you had finally calmed down a bit, Gold held you by the back of your head with his one hand, and you clearly felt something wet brushing against your bottom lip.

'H-He's going to use his tongue?! I-Isn't this going pretty fast?!' You thought to yourself while squeezing your eye limbs together. 'Should i really give in this easily?'

As if your body was starting to act by its own, you parted your lips just a little, but that 'little' was quite enough for the male to intrude your mouth with his wet muscle. You instinctively wrapped your arms around Gold's neck and felt like you could melt at the spot.

Gold let his tongue rummage inside your mouth, to you it seemed like the first time you had seen- no, rather felt this aggressive side of his, but to your surprise, you didn't find it unpleasant. Eventually, his wet muscle collided with yours, and the well-known 'fight over dominance' you had only experienced about when reading Fanfiction, started; It was quite obvious who came out victorious.

But all great things come to an end; all things including this rather heated kissing session. It was the male who pulled away, both of you panting as soon as your lips separated from each other and the last thin string of saliva which connected them snapped.

While catching your breaths, you both locked eyes and both your faces were a dark shade of red, they even gave the impression of 'feverish'.

'That really happened...' You thought to yourself, still not believing what you two had just done. But thanks to this, your feelings towards Gold finally became clear to you, you had no doubts left. 'But what will happen now..?' you asked yourself, fearing that things might get awkward, and your whole relationship would go down to ruins.

Neither of you uttered a word.


A/N: Okay, i honestly didn't plan for this... ... ... but whatever, i think it should be fine too ^-^

Anyways, here's Y/N's Yukata~:

Thanks 4 Reading!

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