|| Chapter 26 ||

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Neither of you uttered a word.

The whole panting had ceased and there was no longer anything that made any sound; it was absolutely silent for a moment, until Gold was the first one to break it with a soft chuckle escaping his mouth.

"Oh man, that was really hot! I thought i was gonna faint!" Gold laughed it off - his face still red - and you were honestly surprised that he said that aloud, embarrassed as well, since you actually felt the same way, but he was bold enough to state it; "D-Don't say it!"

Despite the whole thing being a bit embarrassing while the two of you laughed a while longer, you were relieved. Gold was always capable of getting rid of the awkward atmosphere and always make you smile.

"Anyways angel, i'd like to say that i wan't to take you somewhere, but i think you'll have to be the one taking us both there~." Gold hummed once he got comfortable in his wheelchair again. You brushed a few strands of your own hair out of your face - since you hadn't tied your hair ever since you exited the hot springs - and stood up from the couch.

"The lighthouse, right?" You asked just to be sure once you had already started leading the male outside the rather luxurious hotel you were staying at. "You're still good at reading my mind~." The male said smiling to himself, you countering that it wasn't 'reading into peoples minds' but just paying attention.

The Glitter Lighthouse which Gold is so keen on visiting is in the more south-eastern part of Olivine city, but it shouldn't take you too long to get there even by foot.

The streets were pretty much empty, there were no cars or other vehicles to be seen either, not even seagulls or other animals disrupted this peaceful setting. The only things that were to be heard, were the sounds of the waves. A slightly salty smell was in the air, obviously it was coming from the sea - since you walked on the seafront.

"We're almost there, look." You said, pointing forward with your index finger after you had seen a ray of light - the one that was sent off at the Glitter Lighthouse. And just a few minutes after that, you soon stood in front of the high building.

"Do you think we can still get inside? It's pretty late." Gold asked, but you had already walked to the door and entered the building. The door was probably the only thing that hasn't been made more modernly - since it wasn't automatic. Throughout the years, the owners of the lighthouse had added an elevator, so that it would be easier for the elderly to get on the highest floor.

"Don't worry, no one's probably here, but Ms. Mikan usually never locks up the lighthouse unless there's a criminal wandering around freely in the city." You explained and proceeded to walk to the elevator, careful not to stumble anywhere since you were guiding Gold and since the room wasn't illuminated on this floor. Just like you had predicted, no one seemed to be around.

"Ms. Mikan?" Gold looked at you a bit curiously while you pressed the '5' and watched as the elevator doors closed themselves. Thankfully, there was a light in the elevator, that made things a lot more comfortable for you, not to mention that Gold took a grasp of your hand and intertwined fingers with yours, causing your cheeks to redden despite the little scenario earlier.

"Ms. Mikan is Jasmine's Mom, and also the owner of the Glitter lighthouse." You explained. Gold nodded and gave your hand a soft squeeze, somehow making you feel satisfied for some reason, or maybe it was a feeling of reassurance, that he was here alongside you.

The doors finally opened as soon as you had reached the fifth and highest floor and you soon stepped outside, leading Gold to the glass 'wall' which was the border keeping you away from the outside. After having put Gold - or rather the wheelchair - in a spot where the male could admire the night sky properly, you went and stood right next to him.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" you smiled turning your head to face the raven haired male for a moment. The sky was dark blue, and you hadn't noticed this when you were on your way here before, but there were no clouds covering the stars either.

"Well yeah, it's not as beautiful as you, but it's alright." Gold said and locked eyes with you, before giving you one of his closed-eye smiles. "Come on, that's the most cliché 'pick up line' in the entire history!" You chuckled and somewhat unconsciously leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on the males' forehead.

"S-Sorry." You stuttered after you realized that you might have gotten carried away a bit. But Gold was more than happy you had done that and smirked; "Hey, don't apologize~. Rather than that, give me another one, but on the lips~."

You couldn't tell if he was teasing you or actually meant what he said, but you did what he requested anyway - even if it was more a peck than a kiss. "I actually wanted to tell you something... and since we're already this far..." the male started and got all of your attention.

"You already know this, but i like you. Like, a whole lot. I was actually a bit depressed when i first realized that i wasn't going to walk again, but you were always there to brighten my mood." Gold spoke while avoiding your gaze, "I could tell you so many other great things about you - the fact that you're afraid of elevators and bees is really cute by the way - but the point is... well... i love you, i know this isn't as romantic as in a Shoujo-Manga, but i'm asking you to be my girlfriend."

At first, you didn't know how to express yourself - there were no words to tell how happy you were, so you instinctively wrapped your arms around Gold's neck and basically threw yourself at him. "Y-Yes! yes..."

"Gahh! Please don't cry!" Gold fake-panicked as soon as he heard something similar to a sob coming from you and pulled away by holding your shoulders and shaking you slightly. "I-I'm not crying, you idiot! I'm just so happy..."

And just like that, the golden eyed male placed his lips onto yours and initiated another tender kiss which lasted more than planned.

* * *

"Did you know that there's a legend regarding the Glitter lighthouse?" You asked, guiding Gold in his wheelchair. After the two of you were done admiring the scenery and doing other things at the lighthouse, you left the building and were currently on your way back to your hotel.

It was probably midnight or even later. Normally you would have been afraid of walking on the streets this late, but this wasn't Goldenrod city - the biggest city as well as the capital of Johto. Plus, Olivine city along with Violet city were known as the most peaceful cities in the region.

"No, what's it about?" Gold asked, always looking forward and being on guard. You then started telling the male about the story you meant. "It's said that the Glitter lighthouse is over 100 years old. Back when it was first built, and people didn't know how to use electricity, there was a yellow creature with three black stripes on its tail, neck and ears, and a red pearl on its forehead and on the tip of its tail which illuminated the whole city from the top chamber of the lighthouse."

"Is that one of those mythological creatures? Like that one story of that pink, floating creature living inside a massive tree in the Hoenn Region, and the Knight who sacrificed himself for his kingdom?" Gold asked after having heard you out.

"Yeah, more or less." You grinned. "I've never heard of this one before. Where did you hear it from?" The male once again questioned, you soon answering simply; "Ms. Mikan used to tell me and Jasmine a lot of stories back when i lived with them. This one is passed down in their family."

And before you knew it, you had already reached Hotel Dragon's Den. A sigh escaped your lips as you walked into the building, the automatic doors opening and closing again. Not surprisingly, the ground floor wasn't illuminated - the lights were off before you had left as well - and there was no one at the reception counter.

You walked into the elevator and pressed on the button '2' where your rooms were located. Gold holding your hand on your way to the top wasn't anything new either.

"Do you think it's safe to go inside... i'm kind of scared of what we'll find when we get into my room." Gold whispered while you guided him through the corridor and finally arrived in front of room 30. You grinned despite that Gold actually sounded worried of real.

"I don't hear anything... They might not be doing anything after all. I'll just bring you to bed - we won't look around or anything - and then get out and you'll go to sleep. That sounds safe, doesn't it?" You asked and waited for the male's approval.

After Gold had nodded, you slowly opened the door. You tried to be as silent as possible when you lead Gold in his wheelchair to the empty bed. You did say you wouldn't look, but you couldn't help but notice things laying on the ground next to the bed that Falkner and Morty shared. And those things were most probably clothes.

In any case; you had succeeded in getting Gold out of his wheelchair and onto the bed without waking the other two. You put his wheelchair out of the way and got next to the male who had already crawled under the sheets.

"Goodnight, Gold." you whispered and leaned down and forward, hesitated at first, but ended up planting a gentle kiss on the male's lips. This was still something you needed to get used to. "Goodnight to you too, Y/N~."

After having smiled at the male for a last time, you slowly and silently tippy-toed out of the boys' dim room and closed the door when you left. Room 31 - which you shared with Merlina - was just next to the boys'.

You slowly pulled down the handle, opened the door and stepped inside. You were surprised to find a small source of light, and that source of light came from the phone none other than Merlina was holding in her hands.

"M-Merlina, you're still up?" You whispered, getting the young woman's attention as she glanced over at you and watched as you closed the door and walked to the bed next to hers. "You're one to talk! Where were you?"

You walked to your pile of clothes and slipped out of your Yukata, changing into your pajamas before you replied to the blonde; "I was out with Gold. We went to the Glitter lighthouse we both wanted to visit."

"Oh~ I see." Merlina hummed silently and smirked as she turned her gaze back to the small screen. "What about you? What are you still doing?" You asked and crawled onto your bed and under your clean sheets, inhaling the fragrance of lavender before leaning your head back into your pillow.

"Nothing much, just reading a few Fanfictions online.~" The other whispered innocently, but you could imagine how innocent the content of what the young woman was reading was. "I'd love to stay up and talk a bit longer with you, but i'm really tired..."

"Don't worry, you're still young and need to sleep as much as you can." Merlina waved off and for a second you thought it was your mother who spoke. "Goodnight.~"

"Don't stay up too long yourself." You smiled and turned to the other side. Just thinking that you were now finally Gold's official girlfriend... you still couldn't fully believe it.


A/N: This story is WAY too long xD I don't know if you'll believe me, but i actually planned on making about 10 - 12 chapters for this book when i started writing it, but look where we are now xD

I went through the comment section in the last chapter and oh my gosh xD I didn't know there were so many innocent people reading this xD
Be proud you guys x3

I published the Prologue for Atlantis by the way! :3 Hope you'll like that story as well^^

Thanks 4 Reading!

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