|| Chapter 28 ||

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"My feet-... I felt them! I stood!"

After having heard those words from Gold, you froze for a moment. He felt his legs and even managed to stand? It sounded impossible, but then again, how else would he have been able to jump out of his wheelchair and tackle you down to the ground.

Despite having just escaped death, you were unbelievably happy for Gold - finally, it didn't seem hopeless to him either. "You did it Gold! I knew you could!" and with that, you wrapped your arms around the male you had the honor of calling your boyfriend and pulled him close to you, letting him cry on your shoulder. Because, come on, no one could blame him despite the situation.

"Guys, oh my god!" Falkner called out and finally reached the two of you who were basically laying on the floor. "Y/N, can you hear me? Can you tell who i am, do you remember me?!" He bombarded you with questions once he kneeled down to you, not really focused on Gold who was crying on top of you.

"Yeah, i know who you are, i don't think i'm hurt." You tried ensuring him, but he wasn't going to stop any time soon, apparently; "Oh yeah? Then what's my name? Where are we right now- no, what's your name?"

"Falkner, please, thanks for worrying, but I'm really fine." You repeated and proceeded to sit up, Gold's face still hidden between your shoulder and your neck as you pat his back. "You scared the crap out of me... Please don't do that, like, never again." Falkner sighed and seemed to finally have started breathing normally. "I'm sorry-..."

"Y/N, you alright?" Morty suddenly joined you as well, putting his phone back into his pocket. "An ambulance will be here soon, so try hanging in, okay?" His sudden act of kindness really proved that Morty was sweet and caring as well when it mattered most, but that was probably the last thing you should be concerned with right now;

"Like, what the hell were you thinking?! You risked your life for a dog?!" The blond then suddenly started yelling, scolding you right on the spot, and continued ranting all the way through until you heard the ambulance-sirenes. "I knew you didn't have many braincells left in that hollow head of yours, but i never thought you could go this far!"

"I get it, i get it - i was wrong. But guys i'm perfectly fine." You said and ignored the fact that doctors and nurses were hurrying out of the ambulance. "Actually Gold, did you see how everything happened?"

Before you were able to get an answer to that, the doctor leading the three-man squad approached you and separated you from Gold, soon getting both of you into the ambulance. Falkner was obliged to take Ren with himself.

* * *

You and Gold were brought to the hospital in Olivine city as quickly as possible, and both of you were given one room to stay in for the time being while the doctors and superiors had things to discuss. Apparently - and not so surprisingly - neither you or Gold were badly injured, you just had some scratches here and there.

"Are you okay?" You asked Gold while sitting in the same bed next to him. You knew that he had recovered from the shock, but you felt like it would reassure you if you confirmed it one more time. You were still overflowing with joy, after all, he had managed to move his legs on his own - the timing probably even saved your life.

The raven haired male nodded and took your hand in his, placing a soft kiss on it. Just after he had done that, a nurse walked into the room, carrying a medical kit. "I was told to patch you two up a bit-..." She started with a smile on her face, but flushed red as soon as she took a closer look at Gold.

The nurse seemed pretty young - maybe a little older than you -, she had long blonde hair, brown eyes and wore a white nurses dress. The color was different, unlike the ones you had at Goldenrod city's central hospital which was salmon.

You couldn't help but notice that the dress was somewhat short... could that be on purpose? You dismissed the idea, but after seeing how the young woman must have adjusted her uniform to expose her cleavage, well, it was obvious that she did that on purpose.

"Let's see." She hummed, probably to herself, as she walked and now stood next to you, taking a closer look at you to find the minor scratches she was supposed to patch up. "I don't see any on you... Well, lucky for you that you didn't get hurt!" The female said, with a face... it seemed a normal one, but to you it was as if she was trying to hide something.

And what's with the no scratches? You could clearly feel some areas on your left arm stinging, so as a fellow nurse, you got pretty pissed at this woman's behavior; "Are you blind or-..."

"I think you should take a closer look, Miss." Gold cut you off, knowing that you wouldn't exactly say the nicest things when you'd get mad, and pointed on the area you felt pain in, causing the woman to put up a surprised face - which was clearly fake, not that it mattered much.

"Oh, silly me~!" The blonde whined and pressed cotton with the necessary amount of disinfection-ointment rather harshly against your grazed skin, causing you to whimper. "Be gentler, you-..." You were about to scold the woman again, but you could feel your hand getting a light squeeze.

You looked over to Gold who just grimaced, as if to tell you to let the poor woman work. Your brow twitched in irritation and the blonde was finally done with you. "Now to the young man~." She hummed and you couldn't believe she actually went and crawled over the bed to get closer to Gold, attempting to shove the sight of her cleavage into the golden eyed male's view.

Gold gulped and simply looked away, he didn't want to be disrespectful to the nurse, so he dealt with it silently. You did too, but your face gave you away. "May i ask for your name?~" The woman purred and was about to trace her index finer on Gold's skin.

That, of course, if it weren't for you suddenly grabbing her wrist, getting up from the bed and pulling her along with you. "Okay, miss, thank you for treating me half-assedly, but i can take it from here, you may leave." You said and glared at her in a deadly manner.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" The other remarked disgustedly and glared down at you as well. She was right though, basically. "It's irrelevant to you, but i doubt your superiors would be happy about hearing that you go around sexually harassing male patients and not treating the female ones properly." You countered, and judging by her face, you had won the argument.

The woman left the room with a 'Tch', slamming the door after getting outside. A loud sigh escaped your mouth as soon as she was gone and you went to pick the necessary tools from the medical kit the other had left here.

"Wow, i didn't know you could get jealous that easily.~" Gold hummed somewhat teasingly and watched as you sat next to him and properly treated his wounds. "So what? you're not supposed to flirt with other girls. Unless they're me." You pouted and sticked a plaster on the male's right cheek.

"I wasn't flirting-..." Gold countered and just realized what you had said after that. He found this jealous side of you pretty amusing, and cute. "What?" You asked, given the weird, rather suspicious, face he was making. "Nothing-..."

"Pardon the intrusion, youngsters." Suddenly, a man in a white suit waltzed into the room and approached you two. "My name is Chuck, i am one of the three head-doctors at this hospital." He introduced himself. The man had his hair styled weirdly and was a bit chubby. If you had to guess his age, then it had to be something around your own parent's ages.

"It's nice to meet you, young Miss' L/N." The man added with a bright smile and held his hand out. You, of course shook it without hesitation. "You know who i am?"

"Of course! Your dad helped us a lot of times, how could i forget." The brunet man laughed and you just sheepishly laughed along. "But never mind that; I've heard that you are a capable nurse at Goldenrod's central hospital, so i got in contact with your superiors there."

"I was told to not do anything to the both of you - especially the young man - and that i should just make sure you could leave this hospital safely. Also, you were asked to head back there as soon as possible." The man explained, and you also understood why the doctors at Goldenrod city were in such a rush.

"Yes, of course." You nodded, putting away the things you used to patch up Gold, causing the superior at this hospital to notice that a patient was doing the work of one of his employee's, on which he apologized rather dramatically.

* * *

After a rather long chat with Dr. Chuck - which was mostly him ranting about your father - you received permission to leave the hospital. Chuck also provided you a new wheelchair for Gold, since his old one got crushed.

You never heard anything of the driver that almost ran over Ren and you - well, not that an apology would forgive them or change anything.

"Guys!" You heard a rather familiar voice call out to you as soon as you stepped outside the automatic doors of the hospital, and were soon attacked by Falkner. By attacked, i mean with a hug, one that literally almost left you breathless.

"I'm so glad you two are alive~!" He squealed and tightened his grip one last time before releasing you from his embrace. "Who's the one flirting now?" Gold pouted, but grinned as soon as you did.

"We weren't allowed to come to your room immediately, so we went to the hotel and grabbed your things." Morty explained and soon led the way to where he had parked the car. "Are you sure we should be driving back now? It's pretty late." You said after noticing the reddish color of the sky.

"I'm fine with driving at night, so this is nothing." The blond said confidently and you soon reached Morty's silver Hyundai Accent. You turned your attention to Falkner while Morty helped Gold get inside the car; "Is Ren doing okay?"

"He's in the car, probably traumatized... I still can't thank you enough for what you did..." The dark blue haired male said somewhat guiltily and you simply placed your hand on his shoulder. "Please don't feel bad about it, it's not your fault."

"Get inside." Morty called out once he had put the wheelchair away as well and gotten into the car, ready to start driving. Falkner sat on the passengers seat in the front - where he took Ren in his arms - and you sat in the back next to Gold.

Morty started the car and groaned at the fact that Merlina forgot the USB-stick with her music here and you were forced to listen to it right now. Technically you weren't forced to, but the blond was both too busy and lazy to change it to something else.

Despite his favorite music playing, Gold seemed more occupied with having you close to him and teasing you. "So.~ Care to explain why you here all huggy with Falkner?" he said a bit more silently, so that the mentioned male in the front seat wouldn't hear.

"Come on, Gold." You whined, but Gold didn't seem to be wanting to let you off the hook. "I'll forgive you if you kiss me.~" He hummed and pursed his lips in a fish-like manner. You rolled your eyes playfully and gave the male a peck.

"Nuh-uh, that's not enough. That can't even be considered a kiss!" The golden eyed male whined smirkingly. "You're so cringy." You chuckled, almost snorting as you let yourself fall into the male's arms and this time passionately kissed him.

That's right; Now you two had become one of the 'cringy' couples you'd usually make fun of together, and you couldn't be happier about it.

* * *

After two long hours, you had finally reached the central hospital at Goldenrod city. Morty dropped you and Gold off, and left with Falkner, probably to either his or Falkner's place.

The hospital seemed pretty lively despite it being past 10pm. "Welcome back, Miss Y/N! Gold!" Proton was the first one to greet the both of you, and you both greeted him back with a radiant smile - what a precious employee. "Please wait a moment, Nurse Joy and Mr. Pryce will be here soon."

It wasn't even five minutes after he had said that and the mentioned two already showed up at the reception as well, greeting you relieved. "Hello you two, i'm glad you're both okay. Now please follow me." Nurse Joy said and lead you to the elevator.

You didn't know for what reason, but you were going to have all discussions in one of the therapy halls on the fifth floor. "I heard what happened. You were lucky to get away with only scratches." The nurse sighed and lead the rest of you out of the elevator once it arrived on floor five, soon getting to hall 1 - in which you had never been.

Hall 1 was similar to the one You, Gold and Sabrina used when you did your patients therapy together with him, even if you remembered it just vaguely. There was a table and four chairs which were probably set purposely for you four to discuss.

"Please take a seat." Nurse Joy instructed and you all did how she said; You put one chair away since Gold once again preferred sitting in his wheelchair. Your two superiors sat down as well and another sigh escaped the young woman's lips; "I don't even know where to start... How about you explain me what exactly happened?"

And so, you ended up telling the Nurse about the trip you took to Olivine City together with Gold, Falkner, Morty and Merlina. You said that there weren't any particular symptoms of Gold regaining his ability to feel his lower body on the first day, but that he was suddenly capable to move at the scene of that 'small' incident.

"I see... It's rather odd, of course, i'm not saying it's bad." Nurse Joy stated and you could finally feel more at ease; The atmosphere was quite heavy and made you feel on edge at first, but you're always capable of recognizing when something's either bad or good depending on the way or tone Nurse Joy uses when she talks.

"Can you move- or at least try to move your legs tight now?" She asked, her eyes fixated on Gold who simply shrugged. "I can try." He said uncertain and glared down at his legs. You watched as he tried doing like the nurse asked him to, but failed at doing so.

"Yeah, i was expecting something like that..." The woman said to herself and thought for a moment, exchanging glances with the elderly doctor sitting next to her before nodding. "Y/N, i think you should go home and rest. We'll need to ask Gold some more questions, so it'll get really late. We'll keep him at the hospital."

"N-No!" You called out before your mind had the time to come up with something else to say, causing all three to look at you with confused looks. "I-I mean, with all your respect; I can wait and take Gold home with me, there's no need for him to stay here after what he's been through today."

Nurse Joy was about to open her mout to say something, but she was interrupted by none other than the doctor sitting next to her; "If you're gonna wait, wait outside. We need to talk with him alone." That was pretty harsh, for it being the first thing he said to you today, but you nodded and got up.

"I'll be waiting either outside the hall here or at the reception." You said, aiming it at Gold and soon exited the room. You closed the door and simply leaned against the wall next to it, not noticing the person standing next to you at all.

"Now, now, look who we got here; Miss' male harem owner." You heard a rather irritating voice say which almost caused you to jump, but you were able to stay composed and only turned around to face the pinkette; "Whitney."

"Do you have any business here?" You spat out, rolling your eyes as you removed your gaze from her and just simply looked in front of yourself. Whitney seemed to smirk, but you couldn't see from how you had changed your position.

"Nothing in particular." The other replied and you simply rolled your eyes again. 'Should i go downstairs? No, she'll probably leave if i just ignore her...' you thought to yourself and mentally nodded while actually crossing your arms in front of your chest.

"But damn, i gotta say, you're such a slut." Whitney laughed and almost caused you to turn around and fight her if you hadn't decided that you would ignore her no matter what she was going to say. So you only bit your bottom lip, repeating 'Just ignore her' in your mind.

Whitney noticed that you were lacking reactions she wanted to see from you, so she continued; "First you go and steal Lyra's boyfriend, kidnap him to your house, and even go on a trip with him and two more guys? Who were they again... ah yeah, Morty and that Falkner-guy."

'Just ignore her - she's talking to herself.' you mentally slapped yourself for being so impatient, but the pinkette just wouldn't stop. "I've got to hand it to you though, all three are pretty hot." She said, that smirk never leaving her face. "So tell me at least; Are they good in bed~?"

'Okay that's freaking it! If i don't leave, someone's gonna end up having some broken bones, and the someone won't be me.' You thought to yourself, your eyebrow twitching as you started walking towards the stairs, but stopped as soon as Whitney said the next thing:

"Don't you know in what mess you've gotten yourself into?~" She hummed and you turned around, glaring at the slightly shorter female. "You're one of Nurse Joy's favorites around here, but what will she think of you once she finds out that you've been violating the laws?~"


A/N: Looks like someone showed up to ruin things~

I think it's time for me to lead this to an end... although there're still a few scenarios i really want to have in this book, so you'll have to wait a bit longer

Thanks 4 Reading!

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