|| Chapter 29 ||

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"Don't you know in what mess you've gotten yourself into?~" She hummed and you turned around, glaring at the slightly shorter female. "You're one of Nurse Joy's favorites around here, but what will she think of you once she finds out that you've been violating the laws?~"

"What laws?" You glared, not even wanting to reply to her, but the words left your mouth before you were able to consider what was smarter. That's when Whitney started getting what she wanted; "Oh, you know perfectly what i'm talking about."

"You are practically abusing- or no, sexually harassing one of your patients and skipping work." She smirked and watched as you were trying to keep your rage and frustration for yourself. If it were someone else, you would have probably said that it wasn't sexual harassment if the feeling was mutual, but of course you couldn't say that to her. But it seemed like Whitney was good at predicting answers;

"It's not harassment if the feelings are mutual, right? Forgive me." She snickered, "Then how about i put it like this: You know quite well that it's against our policies to go out with our patients - it's practically illegal."

'Just leave already, for gods sake!' You cried out in your mind. "So? What are you getting at?" You replied, trying to sound as unaffected as possible as you crossed your arms in front of your chest.

"I'm just warning you, since we're such good friends. I wouldn't want you to get in any trouble.~" The female said with that fake-innocent face before she broke out laughing. It made you want to punch the nearest thing, despite the fact that you knew everything she said right now was sarcastic - well, the last part at least was.

"You should see your face!" She snickered and got away from the wall. "Anyways.~ You'll better not go off thinking that i'm letting you off the hook here. Have a nice evening.~"

And finally, the pinkette went downstairs and out of your sight. As soon as you weren't able to see nor hear her humming stupidly, you slammed your fist against the wall you had nearest to yourself, huffing frustratedly.

"Who the hell does she think she is..." You muttered. Unluckily for your hand, the wall you slammed your fist against wasn't completely 'flat', so you ended up cutting your hand pretty badly, blood dripping from your wound.

"Great, this is just what i needed to complete this crappy day." You mumbled and headed down the stairs as well, stomping almost all of the way. You finally reached the reception and slammed your hands against the desk, startling the poor turquoise haired male. "M-Miss Y/N?"

"Can you tell Gold that i we won't be going home after all once he gets here? And that i'll be waiting for him in his room - room 46?" You said angrily at first, but managed to cool off a little bit once you finished your sentence.

"S-Sure." The male said nodding before he noticed blood dripping onto the reception desk. "M-Miss Y/N, you're bleeding! Please let me bandage that." Proton stuttered nervously and rummaged through some of the draws until he finally found what he was looking for.

* * *

You were currently laying in Gold's bed in room 46. The room was dark and silent, which made it harder for you not to think about what things Whitney said earlier. Your hand was patched up now as well - it would have been a bit unpractical if blood had gotten on the clean bedsheets - and Proton was sweet enough to treat it.

You thought it was taking Gold forever to get here, but you finally heard the door open and someone get inside. "Y/N, you in here?" The golden eyed male asked and actually spotted you under the sheets, so he didn't really need a reply.

He closed the door behind himself and didn't bother turning on the lights. He got over to the bed and climbed out of his wheelchair, soon getting under the covers as well and crawling next to you. "I'm back, did you miss me~?"

"I did." You said, turned around, flipped Gold over so that you were having him pinned down against the bed - you being on top - and looked him straight in the eyes. Your sudden act almost startled the male; "W-What's wrong? Did something happen-..."

You took the moment Gold had his mouth open, in order to finish his sentence, to slip your tongue directly into his mouth, proceeding with kissing him deeply. Gold's face flushed red - he was surprised at how suddenly and aggressively you were kissing him.

"W-Wait!" He exclaimed almost out of breath already after he managed to pull away by holding you back by your shoulders. He took one or two seconds to breathe before he continued; "I-It's not like you to suddenly behave like this... did something happen while you were waiting? Proton seemed pretty worried too."

'What am i even doing...' you mentally scolded yourself before leaning your forehead against Gold's chest. "I'm sorry to have taken it out on you like this... you're right, it's not like me." You said softly and felt Gold's hand patting the back of your head.

He sighed and placed you down next to himself, soon wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a gentle embrace. "Don't sweat it, okay? We can talk about it tomorrow if you're not feeling up to it now."

"Thanks..." You mumbled and received a tender peck on the lips before you closed your eyes and inhaled the soothing smell coming from Gold.

* * *

The next morning started rather pleasantly - after the small drama last night; Gold was showering you with tender kisses, which sort of already lightened up your mood. "Good morning, princess.~"

"Good morning..." You mumbled and sat up, rubbing your eyes a bit. You had fallen asleep in the clothes the Olivine city hospital offered you after you had been taken in by them - since your own got dirty due to the accident. Your hair was probably a mess as well.

"No kiss?~" Gold pouted and made you look down at the raven haired male who was still in his previous laying position. Despite technically being an official couple with Gold, you still had to get used to this sort of affection. You stared to the side - cheeks tinted light pink - before nearing your face down to the males' and placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"No need to be so shy.~" Gold hummed probably just to tease or try to make fun of you again as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you on top of him before attacking you with several more kisses, you desperately trying to get away, but at the same time, you wanted to stay like that as long as possible.

But apparently that wasn't going to happen; You heard a rather loud knock at the door and instinctively shot your head up, pushing Gold down; "S-Stop!" After having freed yourself from the male's grip, you stood up and fixed your clothes a bit, doing the same to your hair; "C-Coming, just a moment!"

You quickly rushed to the door and opened it in a movement that maybe was a bit too quick and could lead to possible suspicions. "O-Oh, Erika, it's you."

"Mh.~ Did i interrupt something, or what?" The raven haired girl asked with a sly smirk on her face - on which you tried not to get flustered about, not quite succeeding that well. "N-No, why would you think that?"

"Never mind that now - you'll tell me all the juicy details of your trip later." Erika grinned and bumped her elbow lightly against your shoulder. "I brought a visitor - he seems to be wanting to see Gold.

'He? Is it Falkner?' You thought slightly surprised and stepped a bit to the side, Erika letting the male visitor pass her before she left and returned to her usual work. You were even more surprised when the male you thought was going to be Falkner turned out to be a rather familiar friend of a certain someone.

"Gold, you've got visitors." You said, unconsciously smiling as you led the mentioned male to the bed in which Gold was comfortably sitting. His golden eyes flew wide once he met the gaze of his childhood friend;

"S-Silver?! What the heck are you doing here?" He spat out, still not believing who had just come to visit him. "I-I mean, i wasn't expecting to see you here of all places."

"Why didn't you tell me you got hurt?" The red haired male said somewhat coldly on which the other simply sighed and shrugged; "Why should i have? You're so pissed at me lately, why would you even care at this point?"

"I didn't mean that." The other interrupted, glaring at Gold who seemed surprised for some reason. "I meant before that. The accident you got into." The raven haired male then stared at his red haired childhood friend - no words leaving his mouth for quite some time.

You didn't know if you were supposed to leave the two alone and just go outside, but as soon as you took a step behind - towards the door - Gold glanced over at you, breaking the intense eye contact he had with Silver as if to tell you not to leave. You nodded and watched as the male replied;

"I would have told you, but you didn't even let me talk. You blocked my number for, like, two weeks or something, and didn't even bother listening to what i had to say." Gold defended himself on which the red-head seemed to blush in embarrassment - since what Gold said was probably true.

"I just-... I was told something else, okay?" Silver muttered, but it was loud enough for both you and Gold to understand. You were a bit curious of what he had to say, your boyfriend seemed to be as well, so you took a seat on a chair near Gold's bed. "And what exactly were you told?"

"Well..." The blue eyed male started but didn't know if he should continue. After all, it's probably been a month since he and Gold got into this 'argument', and he felt awkward talking to him right now.

"They told me you abandoned us, both me and Lyra. They said that you found yourself a new girl and dumped Lyra, leaving both of us behind while you two went somewhere far away... Hoenn or something."

After saying that, the red haired male gave you a suspicious look before moving his gaze back to Gold who seemed to have gotten rather irritated. "I did what?! Oh please, and you actually believed this load of bullcrap?" He groaned, not believing how much Silver seemed to trust him. "Who told you that?"



The room went silent after the mention of that name. Lyra came up with all that? Wasn't she Gold's girlfriend at that time? Why would she want to do something like that...

"Unbelievable." Gold sighed deeply and supported his forehead with the palm of his hand. You couldn't quite believe it yourself, actually. Gold seemed to be groaning a while longer before he asked: "How did you even find out i was here then?"

"Well, i first became suspicious when i met her." Silver said and pointed his head in your direction. He must have forgotten your name. "She kept on saying that some 'Gold' got into an accident a month or so ago."

"And coincidentally, i happened to be with Lyra yesterday. She got a message from one of her friends who work here, saying that you got hospitalized again and i happened to read it." The red haired male finished explaining and sighed after the last words had left his mouth.

"So yeah... i guess i should be apologizing for having jumped to conclusions. That doesn't change the fact that you're a jerk though." He added and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Gold smirked at the male and signaled him to come closer - which he had also exercised on you - and pulled Silver in a very tight embrace, probably almost strangling him until he was barely able to breathe.

"Aww my Ginger is still as cute as ever~!" Gold squealed, occasionally ruffling the other males' slightly longer hair while he tried to escape Gold's grip. You chuckled as you watched the two get along again; You wouldn't know what to do if you and Jasmine were to be fighting that long over practically nothing, so you were relieved.

"L-Let me go!" Silver protested and finally managed to slip away from Gold, adjusting both his clothes and hair before glancing at you again, Gold humming; "Ah.~ Right, you didn't get the chance to introduce yourselves properly, did you? Let me do it for you-..."

"We actually met each other before, like i mentioned earlier. I remember who she is." Silver cut his childhood friend off before glancing over at you. "I doubt you've forgotten me either, Y/N."


A/N: Ayeeee Golden Time is almost done~ Man, this felt like it went on forever xD

Quick question concerning my other book (Atlantis): I've seen some of you already read the first two parts, mind giving me some feedback? :3 Like, i dunno, what i should improve or something xD

Thanks 4 Reading!

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