EP.100|Welcome To Zuo Island!

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EP.100|Welcome To Zuo Island!

"Courtly my dear" Courtly rubbed her eyes, even though she was a captive of Lucifer's, he treated her like a princess.

From the room she slept in to the food she ate. The only think she couldn't do was leave the castle.

Courtly walked the the halls of the castle that were lined with painting of a swan. Damn, he's really obsessed with Swan Courtly shivered a bit.

"No wonder Swan never liked her nickname. Her real name is better." Courtly chuckled, remembering the good times.

"Swan? Really Lucifer, gods, could have picked a better name than that." Courtly scoffed. She looked out the window and sighed.

"You always said you watched over this world like a guardian, a third eye that knows what's gonna happen in this story called life."

Just come back to us already.

"Here we are. Zuo Island." the train conductor announced, you would think our heros were on the train.

They were. Just not the on you're thinking of.

Or VK's, and Ben, jumped off the top of the train they were on.

"Kianna wasn't kidding. This place is a tourist spot and filled with Lucifer's subordinates." Ben observed.

The ten entered the town to see it was a busy metropolitan island with a volcano at the peek of the island.

"Is that why were in disguises? I mean this dress is itchy." CJ complained. "It's only till we find Maclaren's Pub." Carlos told her.

Freddie then noticed a large crowd by the fountain in the middle of the town, which was carved into a statue of Lucifer.

"Hear ye! Hear ye!" A man on the fountain ridge called out, grabbing Freddie's attention.


(Freddie: Normal text (Theo: Parentheses or italics))

"My name is Theo Slabury! And I present "Free Thoughts on the VK's Rebellion!" " Theo announced.

"Heed not the rabble who scream revolution"

"They have not your interest at heart!"

Freddie stopped and raised her eyebrow. We do have their interest at heart! We're saving them for the gods sakes!

"Oh my gods. Babe, rip this guy apart." Zeref nodded as Freddie got to the front of the crowd.

"Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution"

"Don't let them lead you astray"

"This "Rebellion" does not speak for me"

Ben put his hand on Freddie's shoulder "let him be." Freddie shook her head and brushed off Ben's shoulder.

"They're playing a dangerous game"

"I pray the king shows you his mercy"

"For shame, for shame..."

Freddie climbed up to the fountain and took the parchment Theo had and ripped it to shreds.


"He'd have you all unravel at the (Heed not the rabble)"

"Sound of screams but the (Who scream)"

"Revolution is comin' (Revolution, they)"

"The have-nots are gonna (Have not your)"

"Win this (Interest)"

Freddie couldn't believe the words coming out of this fools mouth. He was an idiot to go up against Freddie.

The VK's knew that if they ever were to go up against Freddie in a verbal fight, they would surely lose. Nobody could beat Freddie

"It's hard to listen to you with a straight face (At heart)"

"Chaos and bloodshed already haunt us (Chaos and bloodshed are not a)"

"Honestly, you shouldn't even talk (Solution)"

Freddie didn't know why these people were hanging on Theo's every word. The man was hypnotizing them.

Did they not know what Lucifer's people were doing to innocent islands like Misty Archipelago?

"And what about Misty? Look at the cost, n' all that we've lost n' you talk (Don't let them lead you astray)"

"About how VK's are useless?! (This Rebellion does not speak for me)"

"Carlos's dog speaks more eloquently than thee!"

Theo glared at Freddie. How dare she get up here and argue against me!

"(They're playing a dangerous game)"

"But, Lucifer is the same"

"(I pray Lucifer shows you his mercy)"

"Isn't he possessed demonically?"

Freddie smirked at how the crowd gasped when Freddie insulted Lucifer, Freddie laughed and continued her argument.

"(For shame)"

"For the revolution!"

"(For shame!)"

"For the Rebellion!" the VK's shouted


"If you repeat yourself again I'm gonna"


"Honestly, look at me, please don't read!"

Freddie took the paper from his hands and cupped his face, staring into his eyes.

"Not your interests"

"Don't modulate the key then not debate with me!"

"Why should a tiny island like Misty pay for the not having a piece of gold! Look at all the casualties !"

"Freddie, please!" Ben said, pulling Freddie down from the fountain.

"Ben, I'd rather be divisive than indecisive, drop the niceties"

"Let's go, Lucifer's men are getting suspicious." Ben warned her as Freddie noticed Lucifer's men surrounding the town square.

"Well shit."

The guards began to surround them. "Come on!" the ten were then pushed into a small pub that wasn't very busy, granted it was only 11:00 am. But it it looked like the bar was raided.

"What the hell?" Freddie looked around to see this bar was familiar to her. "Is this...McLarens?" Ben questioned.

"Yeah!" Freddie face lit up, this was where her father and mother met. Freddie walked up to the bar to see the bartender. "Uncle Alex!" Freddie tackled Alex into a hug.

"Freddie?! What are you doing here?" Alex questioned, he was surprised.

"It's a long story. What happened to the bar" Freddie noticed the bandages on Alex's arm "and you too?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just got a little wild that's all" Freddie could tell he was lying "so, what brings you to our little bar?" Alex quickly changed subject.

"We're looking for a girl named Cindy. Our friend Kianna said she would know the Holy Grail." Carlos shortly explained. When Carlos said that, Alex tensed up.

It's not safe for her here. She needs to leave! Alex plastered on a fake smile to mask his worries.

"Why the Holy Grail?" Alex raised his eyebrow.

"So we can find this girl named Swan that can help us defeat Ben's older brother, Lucifer, and get Courtly back." CJ continued to explained.

Alex froze when he heard Lucifer's name. His hands started to shake, his eyes went dull.

He never wanted to relive what happened to him because of Lucifer.

Nor could he tell Freddie what happened. She already lost so much in her family, telling her this will break her heart.

"Alex? You okay?" Freddie rested her hand on his shoulder. "Y-Yes!" Alex nearly shouted "I'm fine...just spaced out for a sec that's all..." his voice went down.

He cleared his throat and said "anyways, Cindy is right in the back." Alex lead the VK's, and Ben, to the back of the bar.

"Give me a sec." Alex entered the room and closed the door quickly, the VK's looked thru the window to see Alex looking over a girl.

They couldn't see her body but they saw her legs, which doned red heels, and her hand which draped over the side of the cott.

"How she doing?" Alex asked, crouching beside the cot.

"Better, her magic returning, her physical wounds however will take longer." A girl said, shaking her head.

She was a beautiful girl with light pink hair that ombres into hot pink and is tied into pigtails.

She tied her hair using two tubes, and had a small red clip on the left side of her face.

She had red eyes, she was about 5'5 tall with small glossed lips.

"Dammit! Why didn't I just listen to her and take the grail with me!" Alex slammed his hand against the wall.

"She got the grail far away from here, that's all that matters." The pink haired girl placed her hand on her shoulder.

"I know, Megan, but she got hurt, she got hurt because of my stupid decision!" Alex raked his hair back. "How's our girl" A girl with black haired asked.

She has thigh length black hair and purple eyes. She wears a teal and turquoise sleeveless button-up dress, and a pair of navy blue knee-high boots.

"Getting better, Cindy. There some people asking for you though." Alex said as Cindy raised her eyebrow.

"Send them in." Cindy said, putting on a slight tint to blush. Alex opened the door, causing the VK's the fall in, piling on top of each other.

"Idiots..." Ben muttered, shaking his head. Cindy looked at the ragtag gang of misfits smiled.

"So, which on one of you was asking for me?" Cindy questioned, sitting up from her chair and walked over to the pile of VK's.

"That would be me!" Freddie raised her hand. "Will you guys get off of me!" Evie complained. "You get off of me!" Operetta scolded.

"I'm done with this!" Freddie eyes glowed lavender as a ball formed around the VK's blowing them off of her.

"Now that wasn't so hard?" Freddie wiped off the dust off her clothes. Did she... just use a Tamakiki move? Cindy eyes widened slightly.

"My name is Freddie" Freddie extended her hand. "Nice to meet you Freddie." Cindy shook her hand.

"Now, why are you here?" Megan asked, closing the curtain the girl on the cott was behind of.

"Our friend Kianna said you might know something about the grail." Freddie began, Alex, Megan, and Cindy grew quiet.

"Did I saw something to offend you?" Freddie questioned "if I did, I truly am sorry..." Freddie apologized. Cindy gazed into Freddie lavender orbs.

Could it be...could she be?...I have to know. "Freddie, what did you say your last name was?" Cindy asked again.

"Facilier. Freddie Facilier." Freddie replied, smiling.

That's why she looks so familiar, she's his daughter. Cindy sighed slightly, shaking her head.

She locked eyes with Alex and Megan, her eyes turned a slight pink, allowing her to speak to Alex and Megan telepathically.

"This island isn't safe. Especially for Freddie. Not after what happened to the others." Cindy warned. "Should we tell her? She had a right to know." Megan asked.

"Yes, but, tell her gently." Alex nodded slightly.

"Freddie, sit down" Alex lead Freddie to the velvet couch, "there's something you should know." Megan crouched down beside her.

"Freddie" Cindy rested her hand on Freddie's shoulder "your parents" Cindy took a deep breath in, she knew this next part would break Freddie's heart.

"What about my parents?" Freddie grew worried, her body tensed up.

"They're dead."


WOOOO!!! We finally made it to the 100th Episode! YAA!!! So, how do you think Freddie will react to her parents being dead? Why is Lucifer treating Courtly like a princess even though she's his prisoner? What did Courtly mean by Swan being a "third eye, that new what would happen in the story"?

And as always! The Mega Ball question! WHO IS SWAN?!

Seen you soon!
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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