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“Freddie?” Zeref asked, reaching the cliff Freddie sat atop of. “Go...away Zeref.” Freddie sniffled, wiping her tears.

“I’m sorry about your parents.” Zeref placed Freddie in his lap. “I just can’t believe they’re gone” Freddie took a deep breathe in and out “i’m all alone.” Freddie started to cry again.

“Agh! Why am I crying!” Freddie groaned, fanning her eyes “i hate doing it!”

“Hey, look at me” Zeref lifted up her chin “you’re not alone anymore. You have me, the VK’s, and Shadow Freddie.”

Zeref kissed Freddie’s lips so softly. The two indulging in a soft, tender, loving kiss. Zeref ran his fingers thru her chocolate brown hair.

Freddie started to cry all over again. As much as she hoped Zeref’s kiss would help but she kept crying.

“Freddie” Zeref broke the kiss, looking into Freddie’s eyes. “First my grandfather dies. Now my mom and dad.” Freddie clenched her knees to her chest.

“I’m crying like a baby!” Freddie continued to sob. Zeref hugged Freddie once more, stroking her hair.

“Shh, shh...it’s alright. We’re gonna get through this.” Zeref assured him. “I’m all alone...I’m all alone…” Freddie muttered into Zeref’s chest.

“You’re not alone” Zeref kissed Freddie’s cheek “from the day we started dating, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't let you be alone” he kissed her forehead

“feel any sadness or pain” he stopped right in front of her lips “for as long as I live, I promise to give you the best life possible. And I’d like to live up to that promise.”

Zeref kissed her once more, and for the first time in a long time, Freddie didn’t feel alone.

She knew Zeref would stay true to his promise. Care for her, be there for here, be the Zeref she fell head over heels in love with.

Being with Zeref, she knew she wasn’t alone anymore. She had him and the VK’s, and that’s all the family she needed.

Later on that day, Freddie and Zeref came back to MacLaren’s Pub, in which CJ tackled her in a crushing hug.

“You had me worried sick!” CJ sighed in relief, she was worried about her best friend. “I’m fine CJ” Freddie chuckled “CJ! Can’t breathe!”

CJ quickly let go of Freddie and smiled, “sorry” “Are you sure you’re okay?” Ben questioned as Freddie nodded.

“Yeah, I know I’m not alone anymore” Freddie held Zeref’s hand, smiling “cause I got you guys.”

“There is something I do wanna know though. How did it happen?” Freddie asked, sitting on the couch.

“It all started when your parents came to visit 2 weeks ago.” Megan narrated.

“Facilier, wake up honey.” Acadia shook Facilier slightly, causing him to groan and shift in his train seat.

“Five more minutes.” he mumbled, clearly not fully awake. “Come on, you have to get up.” Acadia said, pulling Facilier up. “I’m too tired Acadia!” Facilier rubbed his eyes.

“I am too, but we need to get going. Remember we're meeting Alex at the pub.” Acadia reminded him as Facilier perked up, grabbing Acadia's hand as the two ran to the pub.

“Alex!” Facilier busted in. “Facilier!” Alex hugged Facilier tightly, Acadia chuckled a bit.

“I'm gonna go see if Cindy and the others are here.” Acadia walked towards the back to see Peggy, Cindy, and Megan watching Tv.

“Dammit Korra! Why won't you just be with Asami already!” Peggy yelled at the TV. “No way! She's gonna end up with Mako.” Cindy scoffed, eating another chip.

“You guys watching Legend of Korra again? Isn't this like the 4th time you watched it?” Acadia questioned.

“Well yeah, but it's so” Peggy then turned around to see Acadia “Acadia!!!” Peggy cheered, hugging her best friend.

“Hey Peggy.” Acadia smiled, hugging her back. “What are you doing here?” Megan asked. “Facilier trying to find some business here.” Acadia replied.

“Ooh! You can join us for the party tonight!” Cindy clapped excitedly. “Party? For what?” Acadia asked.

“It's to celebrate Swan. A princess of one of the four realms. Years ago, when the earth was created, this was the first island Swan built with her own hands and lived her for years.”

“Well, where is she now?” Acadia asked. “She left in X990. Nobody knows why, so that's why we put out lanterns at her shrine to lead her back here.” Megan explained.

“Wow, sounds like fun.” Acadia smiled, it was nice to feel some peace for once.

“So what, what does this have to do with Freddie's Parents missing?” Evie asked. “I'm getting to it.” Cindy said as she continued narrating.

As the night fell, the party begun. Both Facilier and Alex were behind the bar, watching as Acadia danced like she was a teenager again.

Alex looked at Facilier to see he was just as mesmerized by Acadia than when he first saw her.

“She's so beautiful.” Facilier smiled widely like a little kid. “Awe, ain't that cute. Facilier's a teen again.” Cindy chuckled, ruffling Facilier's hair.

“Shut up Cindy.” Facilier scoffed, still staring at Acadia dancing on stage as the drunkies cheered her on.

“Woo! Dance it honey!”

“Yeah! Work that thang!”

Acadia smirked as she leaped over to the bar counter, dancing on it. She then bent down towards Facilier and placed a small kiss on his lips.

Facilier, being the Shadow Man, pulled on Acadia's shadow, pulling her down for another kiss.

Acadia smiled as she broke the kiss and continued dancing.

As the party continued, Alex couldn't keep his eyes off a group of men in the back table.

“Something wrong babe?” Peggy asked. “Yeah, those guys in the back, something's off about their magic.” Alex said.

“We'll go check it out.” Megan and Peggy said as the two walked over to the table.

“Hi! I'm Megan and that's Peggy. We'll be your servers today, is there anything I can get you?” Megan said sweetly.

The man with black hair and red tips smirked at Peggy, who was staying oddly quiet.

Peggy scanned each member of the table to see each man's power level were thru the roof. Especially the man on the far left.

“Honey? Did you hear me?” the red tips man asked, snapping Peggy out of her thoughts.

“Uh...” “I asked if you were doing anything later on tonight?” He asked as Peggy looked back at Alex from the corner of her eye.

“What are you planning?” Alex asked telepathically. “It's all part if the plan honey, don't worry.” Peggy replied as she slid into the booth.

“Well I am busy after work, but we do have now.” Peggy smirked. “I like your style Peggy. The name's Darren.” Darren shook Peggy's hand.

Peggy could feel just how much power this man had just by shaking his hand, it sent shivers down her spine.

“I'll go get your drinks.” Peggy said as she quickly got up and went back to the bar.

“They're power levels are sky high. Especially the guy on the far left. It's insane!” Peggy shuddered.

Facilier took a closer look at the man to see it was none other than…

“Lucifer.” Facilier and Acadia growled “You mean the man who attacked Ben's wedding? That's him?!” Megan shirked.

“Well, well, well, looks like you found me out.” Lucifer chuckled, standing up from his booth.

“What are you doing here?” Facilier growl deepened. “A little birdy told me a certain grail is on this island. This bar to be specific.” Lucifer took a sip of his beer.

“You know you're not welcome here! Not after what you did to Swan!” Peggy scolded, Lucifer cracked his neck and walked towards Peggy.

“And you, a little weak girl who's only power is Flora Magi, dares to tell me where I'm not welcome?” Lucifer got closer to Peggy's face.

“Where's the grail kid? If you tell us, we'll leave you alone.” Lucifer wagered as Peggy looked away from him.

“So you do know where it is. Don't you?” Lucifer raised his eyebrow. Peggy just growled at him, spitting in his face.

“Search the entire bar. Burn it to the ground for all I care!!” Lucifer announced as bottle rockets began to go off.

“Peggy! Get to the grail!” Alex yelled as Peggy nodded, rushing to the back. She knocked three times on back of the wall to reveal the Holy Grail.

Swan, I hope you were right about this… Peggy clutched the grail to her chest as she quickly ran out of the bar, only to be grabbed by her leg by Lucifer’s leg.

“There you are!” Lucifer flashed a sadistic smile. “Give me the grail honey.” Lucifer reached his hands for the grail, his eyes filled with a power hungry look.

“No!” Peggy kicked Lucifer dead in the face, sending him back a few feet. Peggy kept running thru the flame filled town to see Alex getting ganged up on.

“GET YOU HANDS OFF MY MAN!!!” Peggy roared. “Flora Release: Petal Dance!” she chanted as creates a whirlwind of petals and pushes out her palm, the petals swarm around the gang, cutting and harming them.

Peggy quickly picked up Alex and ran to the closest car, which was a jeep, and drove off with Facilier, Acadia, Alex, Cindy, and Megan.

“How do we always end up getting into some form of trouble?!” Acadia groaned, shooting a ray of light at Lucifer’s goonies.

“I don't know, but for some reason” Facilier turned around for only a second but heard a piercing scream.

He quickly turned back around to see Acadia holding her stomach, “Acadia!!” Facilier yelled, “I’m fine Facilier.” Acadia assured him, coughing up blood.

“You got shot thru your stomach! You’re not fine!” Facilier said, trying to heal her wound but it wasn’t working.

“Dammit! Why the hell isn't this working?!” Facilier growled, Acadia placed her hand on his cheek.

She shook her head, kissing him softly as though it would be the last time she’d ever seen him. “Goodbye, my love…” Acadia whispered, closing her eyes.

“Acadia!!!” Facilier screamed to the heavens, tears streaming down his face. He already lost her once, losing her again just felt like torture.

Facilier’s eyes turned completely black, black flames forming in his hands. “You bastards...killed my wife...for that, you must pay!”

Facilier began throwing the flames like a mad man! Killing everything the flames touched.

Lucifer smirked, now that’s power… Lucifer raised his eyebrow. “Shoot it down!” Lucifer yelled as the goonies nodded.

Facilier didn’t care about anything, he was too mad at the moment, his wife was dead. One of the most important people in his life was dead. Died right in front of him.

During his anger rant, Facilier failed to notice the gun pointing right at him. For this would lead to his demise. Facilier felt the bullet go thru his chest. Bringing extreme pain with it.

“Facilier!!”Alex yelled, looking at his best friend holding his chest.

“I’m fine Alex!” Facilier groaned, the bullet seemed to be spreading some black liquid thru Facilier’s body.

“What kind of...bullet was that?!” Facilier clenched his heart. Megan looked at Facilier and gasped. “It’s a Venom Bullet.” Megan eyes widened. “A what?” Cindy asked.

“A venom bullet is, as the name implies, filled with venom. When the bullet enters someone's body it starts releasing the venom until it fills the entire body, killing them.” Megan explained.

“Shit! Alright, Megan do you know how to heal?” Alex asked as Megan nodded. “But I need some herbs that the bar only has.” Megan said as Alex bit his lip.

“Me and Megan will head back to the bar and heal Facilier and Acadia. Cindy and Peggy, get the grail to the portal.” Alex directed.

“You can’t go back out there, it’s chaos!” Peggy warned. “I’ll be fine. We’ll meet back at the bar” Alex assured her, resting his hand on her cheek “stay safe.” he kissed her softly as Peggy nodded.

Alex and Megan both held Facilier and Acadia on their backs, quickly running thru the town. “Come on Facilier, don't you dare die on me.” Alex muttered.

“Alex…” Facilier coughed “i’m sorry…” “For what?” Alex questioned. “I couldn't...protect Acadia…” Facilier managed to get out.

“It’s alright, she’s gonna be okay.” Alex and Megan quickly rushed into the back of the bar and locked the doors.

Alex laid Facilier and Acadia on the floor as Megan scrambled to get the herbs. She crushed the herbs in her hands and spread the out on Facilier’s wound.

She ran her hand over the wound, allowing the herbs to seep inside. And with a little bit of her own magic, the wound began healing.

Alex then started to hear a small faint beeping noise. “Do you hear that?” Alex asked as Megan nodded. Alex began to follow the noise, leading him to the bookshelf.

He opened one of the books to see a bomb inside.

“Oh shit-” once the bomb went off, everything was destroyed.

After the massive blast, Alex moved the rubble off of him and ran towards Megan, moving the wood beam off of her.

“Alex…?” Megan groaned. “Yeah it’s me, where’s Facilier and Acadia?” Alex questioned.

Alex looked behind him to see Facilier’s hat, but it was burnt to a crisp. “Oh no…” Alex covered his mouth in shock.

“Dammit Facilier! You promised me you wouldn't leave!” Alex slammed his fist on the hat.

“You can’t be gone...you just can’t be…”

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