EP.104|How Do I Know You're Not Lying?

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EP.104|How Do I Know You’re Not Lying?

“My parents are alive! My parents are alive!!” Freddie pecked Ben on the lips. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Freddie cheered.

“Zeref! It’s a freakin miracle!” Freddie kissed Zeref passionately. “Let’s go find my parents!” Freddie announced.

Seconds later, the VK’s, Alex, Peggy, Megan and Cindy sat at a round table in the empty bar. “So, here’s the plan. Before we do anything we need intel.” Alex began.

“Intel on what?” Ben asked. “Anything, Lucifer, Freddie’s Parents, anything that involves Lucifer’s plan for the island.” Cindy answered.

“Ben, CJ, Carlos. You three with head over to The Anti-Rebellion and see if they got anything on Freddie’s Parents. They hated them since the moment they arrived, so they might know something.”

“Freddie, Hunter, Jasper, me, and Peggy will stay here at the bar.” “Why the bar?” “There’s a man who works for Lucifer that’s stopping by today. I think we can get something out of him.”

“Zeref, Mal, Operetta, and Cindy will check Facilier’s store. Lucifer wanted them for something, maybe the shop might have some clues on what it is.”

“Megan and Evie will get more of the herbs to make the healing potion cause if we find Facilier and Acadia, they’re gonna need healing.”

“Our main objective is getting Facilier and Acadia back to this bar safety before those lights go out.” Alex had a look of determination in them.

“Operation; Retrieve Shadows is in full swing!”

Later on that day, Ben, CJ, and Carlos walked into the Anti-Rebellion to see multiple posters with slogans with hatred towards the VK Rebellion.

“Damn, I thought the Hero Isles hated us but damn this place takes the hate cake!” CJ noticed. “No kidding.” Carlos agreed. “One. Two. Three. Four. VK’s are really whores.” Ben read the sign.

“I show them who’s a whore!” CJ grumbled, rolling up her sleeves.

“Simmer down, Pirate Princess. We’re here to gather intel, not start a riot.” Ben reminded her.

“Fine.” CJ muttered. “Oh! New members!” A familiar voice called out, causing the VK’s the turn around to see none other than Theo.

“What brings you three to our little establishment?” Theo asked. “We would like to join your cause.” Ben smile wavered, Carlos looked at ben and sighed slightly.

“Can you not lie?” Carlos raised her eyebrow. “I’ve never been good at it, my parents raised me not to lie!” Ben said as Carlos rolled his eyes.

“Great! We’re always looking for more Rebellion haters.” Theo said as he lead the three around the Anti-Rebellion.

“Here at the Anti-Rebellion we find the fact that VK’s are uprising is revolting. VK’s know there place in history.”

“It will always have the hero's on top and the villains on the bottom. That’s how it should be.” Theo nodded satisfyingly. CJ then heard a muffled scream.

“What was that?” CJ asked. “Oh nothing, just the generator acting up. Let’s keep walking.” Theo shoved the VK’s along forward.

“So, this is our training room.” Theo said as the four looked thru the glass to see people about their age using multiple weapons to puncture the target that had the VK’s faces on them.

Okay then...not weird at all… Carlos shuddered a bit.

“Over here is our animal room.” Theo gestured to the next window reveal thousands of animals locked up in cages with muzzles on them.

“Animals room?” Carlos asked, Theo ignored his question and kept walking.

Carlos looked back at the animals, it broke his heart just looking at them like that. He then noticed one of the dogs that reminded him of Dude.

He looked at Carlos with sadness in his eyes. Carlos couldn't take it, these poor animals didn’t deserve to be treated like this.

Carlos slowly opened the door and turned on the lights to see tons of animals in cages as far as the eye could see.

“My god…” Carlos gasphed, he walked up to the cage with the dog in it and opened it.

“What the hell are they doing to you here?” Carlos asked himself, looking into the dog’s eyes to see they were a lavender color.

“Poor guy...” Carlos then noticed the scars on the dog’s body, he had three on his side and two on his legs.

He walked over to the other animals to see they all had the same scars and colored eyes as the dog.

Carlos walked over to the gorilla which was in the 2nd largest cage they had and opened the door.

The gorilla glared at him and growled lowly. “Shh, it’s okay...I won’t hurt ya.” Carlos assured it, he noticed the gorilla giving him a untrustworthy look.

“Well that’s a lie.” the gorilla scoffed. “I promise I’m not lying to you.” Carlos said as the gorilla opened one of his eyes slightly.

“You can understand me?” the gorilla questioned, Carlos nodded “how exactly?” “I’m an animalistic. It allows me to talk to animals.” Carlos shortly explained.

“Prove it.” the gorilla looked at Carlos with a smug look. Carlos transformed into a lion and licked his paw “believe me now?”

“Alright, you may be an animalistic but that doesn't mean you’re not gonna hurt me. You’re just like the other animalistic guy.” the gorilla turned away from him on his side.

“What other animalistic guy?” Carlos asked, turning back to a human. “Why do you wanna know?” the gorilla grunted.

“I’m trying to help.” Carlos replied, walking closer towards him. “Oh please, you think I haven’t heard that before” the gorilla growled, running his nails over the steel bars of the cage “i’m not an idiot.”

“The last person who said that to me got into this hell hole” the gorilla tensed up, remembering how he got here in the first place.

“Look, you have to learn sooner or later that the world is a tough place and just because people say their gonna “help you” doesn't mean they will.”

“It’s everyone for themselves in this world, the soon your figure that out the better.”

“Look, I used to think like that, but I found some friends who showed me I wasn’t alone.” Carlos inched a bit closer towards him.

“If you keep thinking like this you’ll end up in a dark hole you won't be able to get out of. There’s always light in the darkness.” Carlos warned as the gorilla rolled his eyes.

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” The gorilla scoffed, showing his disapproval. “If you don't mind me asking, why do you only have one eyes open?” Carlos asked.

The gorilla faced Carlos to reveal a large scar over his left eye. Carlos gasped in horror.

“This is what the last animatlic did to me.” the gorilla stood up to reveal more scars all over his body.

“Your kind may say they’re nice to animals but that’s a lie. You’re just a disgrace to the animal kingdom.” the gorilla scolded.

“Not all of us are like that. You just can't judge an entire race of people because of one mishap.” Carlos stated, getting close to the gorilla.

“Why would you care? You’re just a little dog boy.” the gorilla used only one of it’s nails to push Carlos, that was enough to send him flying into the wall of the cage.

“Damn! How much power does this Gorilla have?!” Carlos was shocked. “Gorillas have a lot of power because of their upper body strength, they have so much power that they can rip open a tree like a piece of paper.” Alvarez informed him.

“I may be a little dog boy” Carlos struggled to get up, dusting off his clothes “but that doesn't mean I’m weak!”

“Sure kid” the gorilla scoffed “and I’m King Kong.” the gorilla sarcastically said.

“You are?!” Carlos eyes widened. “No idiot! I’m not King Kong! My name is Tyrock!” Tyrock growled, shaking his head.

“Well Tyrock, I know you may not believe me but I’m trying to help you.” Carlos stated. “How do I know you’re not like the others?” Tyrock raised his eyebrow.

“I’ll prove it to you! Give me a couple of days and I’ll bust you guys out of here!” Carlos eyes were filled with determination.

Tyrock rolled his one good eye “goodbye Carlos.” he turned to his side, facing away from him.

Carlos then heard footsteps approaching, “I promise I’ll save you” he quickly took a picture of the scars and the eye of Tyrock and ran out of the room.

Tyrock looked at Carlos running off and smirked smugly. Maybe he isn't like the other animaltics...just maybe.

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